Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


vs Logan

2013-04-29 20:05:44 | Soccer/football

 Hi, boys.

 GOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL!! I made my first goal of the season and my first goal in BPL ever as well. I was simply delighted in marking the goal, but it didn't result in a win. The full time score was 1-1.

 I think we had taken the initiative of the first half, and created many chances to score, but unfortunately we conceded a goal in the middle of the first half from their conor-kick which was only one chance they created in the first 45 mins. We had a solid defisive organization, and everyone looked like concentrating on every part of defending. And we got some big opportunities like one-on-one situation with their goal-keeper from time to time, but we spoiled all of them. 

 In my view, The second half was pretty square. Luckily, I got a great cross-ball from the right side where was just outside box, and I drove into the 5 yard box to hit the ball first time to the back of the net. I guess the process of the goal with some good one-touch passes through some team-mates were awesome. I was relieved rather than delighted honestly. 

 Anyway, This weekend's game is going to be another tough match as well as last one, but it will be played as a our home-game which is winnable!!! And I will try my best to find some more goals in it!!!





 けどしっかり課題は見つかったし、前回からの課題も一つずつ今回の試合に生かすことができたようには感じてます。あとは自分の大きな課題でもある、前半から良い状態でプレーすること。なぜか自分は体が温まるのが遅いのか、前半のはじめの方は全く走れない。すぐに息がきれて死にそうになります。笑 試合が進むと心拍数も落ち着いてきて、アップダウンの動きも連続で繰り返せるように肺が落ち着いてくれます。なんでやろ?試合前の過ごし方が原因なのか、試合前のアップの量が足りないのか・・・。皆さん経験ある方是非アドバイスを。

 そして、今週からこちらの学校で専属のサッカーコーチをすることになりました。お仕事の話をもらったときは即答で「やります!」。教えるのは日本では中3にあたる年。一番厄介かもしれませんね。笑 そして、自らも動いていて、NZで以前やったような自らが主催するこちらで育っている日本人の子ども達を集めてサッカースクールを始めます。まだまだその存在を知ってもらうための活動をはじめて間もないので人数は少ないですが、NZのように色んな子ども達を出会えれば最高ですね。何事もチャレンジ。行動あるのみです。



About my team

2013-04-27 02:10:50 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys. 

 Today's theme is about my team who I've been playing this season here. Apparently, the team had belonged to one division below the top division here. To be honest, I'm not sure why they got promoted and play in the first division, but the association side made a decision to innovate on some clubs who had been struggling with their financial issue and reshuffle those with the teams in the lower division who were invariably clean. 

 However, we didn't have enough game time to get to know each other on the pitch despite our squad was totally new compared to last season... I don't know why.., but we had our first training session just a month before the season begins. It's overtly insufficient. 

 That's why we've been in the bottom of the table!! But we've got some new signing players who are probably available from this weekend which is a very positive news for us to console. 

 Incidentally, there are so many black players in my team and some asians including me that is like a small melting pot of some different races. Interestingly, blacks do not associate very much with whites especially when we make some groups at training or just kick a ball around just before the training starts. I have't said that they don't get along each other, just saying that they prefer to do something together with the people who has the same race. How come?? I absolutely have no idea about it. 

 In addition, every time we do training more than 2 hours which is the longest time I've ever played with in Australia. and plus we do have a fun time (irony) that makes us just run between cones and poles which is very hard. But the team looks like getting fit and more competitive to get a position for every player now. We will definitely secure 3 points this weekend!!! 




 チーム自体は去年からの昇格組で、去年は下のリーグで中位だったみたい。なのに、去年色々リーグの編成について改革があったらしく、なんと今年昇格しちゃったみたい。笑 今年は監督も変わって、選手もほとんど新しく今年からばかり。さらには、チームの始動が他のチームよりも1か月以上遅く、プレシーズンに多いところでは10試合以上こなすチームもあるのに、このチームはたった数試合だけ。(ちなみに自分は開幕ギリギリに入ったので出場してません)






2013-04-24 03:13:07 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.

 We had a training match last night for the weekend. As a matter of fact, I really needed some game time to enhance my fitness level, so it was good for me, and I marked a hat-trick fortunately in the first 20mins of the game!!

 I think I will be in top-form by this weekend for sure. Anyway, I wil try my best to secure 3 points and score as many goals as I can.

 But in the second half was a lot worse than in the first half I played. I just played shit by showing off my skills too much cuz maybe my tension against the game just sagged after made a hat-trick.

 I should've aimed to score the forth goal, adn had to keep calling the shots!!

 well, I will make the most of every minute until this weekend!!   





 まぁ結果としてはよかったけど、3本目は自分でもありえないミスが目立った。簡単なポストプレーのミス、連携ミス、普段ならシュートの選択なのに、3点入れて気持ちが甘くなって余計なプレーをしたり。 試合後は得点のことなんか忘れて、自分が犯したしょーもないミスのことで頭がいっぱい。やっぱ前半が良くて後半悪いと、そればっかり思い出す。





vs Wolves

2013-04-20 23:48:45 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.

 My international clearance has finally been granted!! And we took on one of the strongest club in the league, and they also claimed the league title last year. We all expected it would be a very tough game for us to scoop points from them because our losing run has still been ongoing since the league was launched in early May.

 To be honest, I was still doubting whether to play tonight as I hadn't been heard that my transfer issue solved. So I started from the bench, and went on in the early second half. The coach put me on the left wing to score, but I couldn't get any!!!

 I don't really care who I played against tonight. What I wanted was just a goal. I could say that I didn't really have any chances to score, but I had to creat it by myself even if it was true. Only scoring goals make me feel great after a game, and that's what I really need to lift me up to the next level otherwise I will retire straight after this season. This is what I made up my ind before the season began.

 Transition, game fitness and goals!! These are my propositions to remedy by the next game. 











Input and Output

2013-04-13 10:58:58 | Diary

 Hi, mates!!

 I watched a video on Youtube the other day made by a Japanese girl who grew up in USA which is totally a bilingual in Japanese and English. The point of the movie was that why people are getting harder and harder to master English as they get old.

 This girl is perfectly a bilingual. Why could she become a bilingual?? Because her parents are actual Japanese who moved up to USA as soon as they got a baby. That's why the parents try to speak to their daughter in Japanese as much as they could at home as she would speak only in English once she goes out. They wanted her to acquire a decent Japanese too. However, Why does learning English become harder as time goes on?? Is your brain getting stiffer?? 

 In the words of hers, you have to overwrite each word that you memorise in your brain as the words you try to pick up have already been written by Japanese in your brain since you've already leart it in your childhood in Japanese. But as for her, she doesn't have to do the double work because she learnt most of the words in the both language almost in the same time when she was still small.

 So she concludes that the double work(overwriting in your brain) makes it much more difficult.

 Do you agree with her thought?? She also says " one brain scientist says that human brains are not really good at overwriting in the brain."

 yea, I really think so cuz I've now still studied English so hard, but I sometime run into a very difficult word to engrave it on my memory!! I have to write it down on a paper over and over and over again to momerize. Is it that my brain is just inefficient or what?? I hope not...










Get engaged

2013-04-12 00:20:27 | Diary

 Hey, guys. 

 Get engaged!! haha It's not about me, about one of my best friends since when we were high school students in Japan. I don't even have a girlfriend now..... F%$#k!! 

 We've known each other for about 12 years. Just feel like the time flew by so quickly. He lives in Tokyo at the moment, and play American Football for FUJITSU that is one of the best company's team in Japan. He moved up to Tokyo to work and play at FUJITSU as soon as he graduated from Uni at 22. He was actually scouted by the company as he constantly accomplished some good results and great achivement at high school and Uni. The team he plays now made it to the semi-final in the biggest Ameriacan football tournament in Japan. Unfortunately, his team couldn't advance to the final, but he's been playing for top 4 teams at least in Japan. 

 He's an amazing man!! His tremendous effort has been paid off on the pitch.  I should learn from what he does. I have one amazing story about him. His weight was only 60kg when we first met at high school. I still remember what he looks like, very skinny, spineless and vulnerable but tall. His appearance was clearly opposite to an athlete. But from then, he start eating beyond his range that he normally takes to get a bigger and stronger body. And now his weight has become twice as much!!

 Anyway, I wasn't going to write that much about him originary... 

 I got a call from him last night to let me know that he's getting married next month. I was just happy to hear that by ringing me direct from Japan, not by just messaging me. I'm very happy for you!! Congrats!!!!! 










Football skills clinic at BBC

2013-04-09 16:15:12 | Soccer/football


 Hi, guys.

 the school holidays has already been since last week, and we held the football skills clinic at Brisbane Boys College over 4 days of last week. This is not my idea. I was offered this coaching job by Greg Brown who hails from England and he is also a former professional footballer in Australia and NZ. 

 He was actually looking for a experienced coach to help, so I decided to help him out during the clinic. We had a short meeting to discuss how we coach kids before heading to the event. he just handed a paper with the details of the program to me, and explained it roughly. 

 On the first day of the clinic, we had about 40 kids with 4 coaches, and it started. I thought the first day would be the most difficult day for me to control kids, but I had a bit confidences so that I used to have my own soccer school in NZ like this. However, the reality proved different!!

 We divided the kids into 3 age groups like year 7-9, year 10-11, year 12-13. I handled the oldest group of the kids on the first day. The most hardest thing to coach them was that there are kids with so much different level of skills. I mean, some kids have pretty good touches with the ball, but some don't, but I had to let all of them play in the same group because they were the same age!! Some kids wanted to learn as difficult skills as possible, but If   I did it, some other kids who can't even dribble in straight line would never catch up with them.

 But that was a great experience for me. As the days went on, we were getting to know each other and call the name each other. On the last day of the clinic, I missed them so much. I felt like that I just wanted to continue it for good. haha

 Thanks boys!!










Oh... let me play..plz...

2013-04-07 22:51:51 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.  

 Anything can happen. That's what I really want to say now. The other day, we had the 4th game of the season. As I've told you since last week, I thought I could play on the day and was perfectly preparing for it mentally and phycally. However, it ended up the worst senario that I couldn't get a chance to play as I wasn't cleared by Brisbane football by the game day.

 I got a call from an unknow number in the morning on the game day. It was actually the coach of my team. And he said "your clearance hasn't been done yet, so I can't let you play for the game today, sorry. I was thinking that I would like to put you as a striker in the starting of the game, but it's very but news for us."

 To be honest, I couldn't find any answer afterwards. I was being so irritated. I was about to go insane!!I couldn't still believe what I wasn't able to play on the day, so I called the secretary of the team to double-check, but a miracle didn't happen.

 We haven't had any points this season yet. it looks like we are getting closer to our first win, yea we are obvoulsly getting better now. And I've felt so much expectations of the lads, and I just want to live up to it as soon as I can.

 Let me play, GOD!!! 






自分「だれ?」 A「俺だ。監督のジョンだ」 自分「え、どうしたの?」 監督「今最終確認してもらったが、まだお前は登録完了していないみたいなんだ。インドからの移籍手続きがまだ終わってないんだよ。」 自分「・・・。」


