Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


The global football association!! サッカー海外組選手会

2018-05-21 02:06:01 | Soccer/football

【海外組選手会イベント第一弾】(Scroll down for the ENG sub)




To be surprised, there are more than 300 Japanese players playing at professional levels across the globe. And not many of them have never been featured in the media.

So this time, A player stood up and set up a football association for those who play under the shadow to get them picked up in the media. I was luckily invited to the first ever event held by the player's association yesterday as a guest player.

6 players got together including a former J-leaguer and socialize with local enterprises and about 75 kids by playing with in the match.

We got to end it with no troubles at all throughout the event and with lots of smiles on the kid's faces at the end of it. No doubt that it was successful with the kids getting autographs from the players after the match.

We would like to do something similar in Kansai region in the near future as well. If you feel sympathy with us working on it, please get in touch on



☆Brissy Soccer school代表兼指導者(幼稚園児・小学生対象の英語が身につくサッカースクール ‐ 大阪(北花田)・神戸(六甲アイランド)

☆サッカー留学サポート(対象国→アイルランド、オーストラリア、NZ、カナダ ‐ すべて英語圏) 

☆ワーキングホリデー留学サポート(対象国→アイルランド、オーストラリア、NZ、カナダ ‐ すべて経験済)

☆サッカーコーチ留学サポート(対象国→アイルランド) UEFAコーチングライセンスと英語圏でのコーチングに興味がある方が対象。



Hyogo international Junior Soccer 2018 at しあわせの村

2018-04-01 17:26:44 | Soccer/football


Today, I went to take a look at the annual international Junior(U12,U13) competition in Kobe, Japan where 4 international teams have taken part in to play over the weekend - 2 Korean teams, 1 Australian team and 1 German team(Hoffenheim in Bundesliga). In addition, Inter from Italy was suppose to join it, but visa issues came up in the last minutes and got fizzled out in the end...



The photo above is with Kazuya Ito, who met at Olympic when he was there in the first year with the club as a player. I think it was 6 years ago from now. Amazingly, he's still been playing for the club(2nd tier of AUS football league) as a visa player that is very competitive to get the spot in the league. It was fruitful to meet him and chat about few things where we could work on together to bridge in football between Japan and other countries by using our connections and experiences overseas.   

  写真はオーストラリア時代からの知人で、今回の大会に参加しているOlympic FCの指導者として来日していたので話をする事ができました。選手としても豪2部のOlympic FCトップチームで外国人として6年目のシーズン。素晴らしいですね。色々これからの事、何か一緒にやれたらなど話ができて有意義な時間でした。

Not sure at the moment, but it would be a very interesting idea if I could bring few teams in to an international comp in Japan from for example, Ireland or Canada to stir young players through international exchange. As a coach, I will be able to learn so many things from others through the event by exchanging thoughs and ideas not only as a coach, but also as a human being.




☆Brissy FC代表兼指導者(幼稚園児・小学生対象の英語学習×サッカースクール ‐ 関西)

☆サッカー留学サポート(対象国→アイルランド、オーストラリア、NZ、カナダ ‐ すべて英語圏) 

☆ワーキングホリデー留学サポート(対象国→アイルランド、オーストラリア、NZ、カナダ ‐ すべて経験済)

☆サッカーコーチ留学サポート(対象国→アイルランド) UEFAコーチングライセンスと英語圏でのコーチングに興味がある方が対象。





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Joyous Soccer Academy in Vancouver, Canada

2018-03-30 20:50:08 | Soccer/football

(Scroll down for the English sub)


いつも活力に満ち溢れ数少ない尊敬できる方。バンクーバーでもJoyous FCというサッカーアカデミーを立ち上げ、留学事業なども含め教育に関わる全面的な活動をカナダでされています。


It was a good to catch up with the guy in the photo who helped me a lot while in Vancouver in 2015 - 2016.

He is the principal of the JEC(Japanese school) in Vancouver, and have set up his own soccer academy since many years ago where there're many prospective kids playing. He is also working on some other projects in education to give the kids more options for the future.

We have discussed exchanging programs through soccer or any other ways between Japan and Canada in the future. To make our imaginations happen for real, I must make my academy in Japan take shape in reality little by little!



☆Brissy FC代表兼指導者(幼稚園児・小学生対象の英語学習×サッカースクール ‐ 関西)

☆サッカー留学サポート(対象国→アイルランド、オーストラリア、NZ、カナダ ‐ すべて英語圏) 

☆ワーキングホリデー留学サポート(対象国→アイルランド、オーストラリア、NZ、カナダ ‐ すべて経験済)

☆サッカーコーチ留学サポート(対象国→アイルランド) UEFAコーチングライセンスと英語圏でのコーチングに興味がある方が対象。





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2018-03-27 10:45:24 | Soccer/football

Hi, guys.

A fun session at Ruis soccer academy in Australia led by a good mate of mine, Ruis from Costa Rica. We have discussed exchanging programs between my academy in Japan and his and international tournaments inviting each other in the near future. 

Thanks to the days as a coach and player in the last 10 years overseas, Ive made heaps of fantastic mates involved in soccer/football all over the world. And a lots of ideas have come up and it becomes bigger and bigger to make it come true.

AAMO, it would put the cart before the horse if I mess up the beginning phase of my own soccer academy here. There's no need to hurry at this stage. I know the first step is always the hardest where everyone struggles to get out. This is a time to stay patient and keep failing to learn from them. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going!!

If you think you are looking at the same direction in soccer business, feel free to get hold of me through


まずは、オーストラリアにあるRuis Academyの様子(動画は私のインスタグラムに載せています→。彼らとはパートナー提携して将来的な選手交流、合宿や国際大会を考えています。私も日本に数日前に帰国し、これから関西で幼児、小学生対象のサッカースクール(Brissy FC)立ち上げの為始動します。

有難い事に沢山の友人が世界各地にいて、今回のRuis Academyの様に選手達の国際交流の話を頂いています。ただ、まず私が日本でチーム立ち上げに失敗したら始まらないので、何としてでも世界に発信できるサッカーチームを作っていきたいと思います。



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2014-12-06 02:16:20 | Soccer/football

Hi, guys.

I've just started training in a team for 2015, which could be my last year in my football career.

I declare here that I'm not gonna challenge for a fullback next year Lol

I'm still not sure why I tried to play as a fullback last year, and I ended up finding myself in a wrong position at the halfway of the season, and shifted back to the mid-field where I think it's the best for me. But it's all positive as the time when I was in a fullback made me realize where I really wanted to play.

As a result, no matter what consequence I face in the end, I won't regret the decision I made.

I might also change the way I play in 2015.  I will attempt it during the preseason now and see if it works out. 







Team E-FRESH!!

2014-11-13 20:50:51 | Soccer/football

Hi, guys.

Team E-fresh, it's my first indoor soccer team in Brisbane, had a debut match yesterday and claimed the first win. I thought it'd be hard to scrape up members of the team from my friend's list in Brisbane, but I found it so easy in the end, and there were 5 subs on the bench on the game day. Lol

It was obviously a good surprise, but I myself couldn't have enough game time though.. Anyway, we defeated by a large margin, 8-3 that made me relieved.

The members are unique across all age groups like teens to 50's. But no doubt about their abilities cuz they all made through a severe screening set by me to get into the team. haha

yeah, but of course I want to play too, so there still needs to be fine-tuning about the number of the players for the next game. 




 チーム内は日本人2人意外はすべてオーストラリア人。年齢も様々で、53才のおっちゃんも立派にプレーしています。笑 交代は自由なので、うまく使いながら、出場時間を平等にしてみなをハッピーにしないといけない。気を使いすぎず、だけど色々と考えながら。これも勉強。




A workout at gym

2014-10-04 01:19:40 | Soccer/football

 It's been a couple of weeks since the season ended. I've been mainly training at gym to rebuild my body twice or three times a week. Definitely take a protein shake before and after a workout. Let me use this as a note to remind me of what I do at gym in order.

 Training time: About two hours and half

 1. 6kilo run on a treadmill (Ramdomly changing the pace)

 2. Crunches with a 9kilo medicine ball 100×3, back extension 100×1

 3. Lunges with 20kg barbell×10

 4. Barbell squats with 60kilo weights 10×3

 5. Lat pull-down(55kg)10回×3

 6. Arm press(75kg) 7回×3

 7. Crunches for the oblique muscles with a 9kilo dumb-bell 50×1on each side.

 8. Arm pull-down(27.5kg):20回×3

 9. Leg press(70kg)for only left leg 10回×3

10. Leg curls(60kg)10回×3

11. Leg extension(60kg)10回×3

12. Bench press(40kg)15回×3







 4.Lat pull-down(55kg):10回×3

 5.Arm press(75kg):7回×3


 7.Arm pull-down(27.5kg):20回×3

 8.Leg press(70kg)左足のみで10回×3

 9.Leg curls(60kg)10回×3

10.Leg extension(60kg)10回×3

11.Bench press(バーベルの重さを抜いて30kg)15回×3




Grand finals for U13 girls.

2014-09-24 23:27:32 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.

 I've been training with a girl as a private coach. She's only 13, half Jap and Aus, grew up in Brisbane. Her attiture and motivation towards soccer are impressive. I'm overwhelmed. She's been playing for a very good team in Brisbane, and Her team made through a tough season to the regional finals the other day. I went to watch her play for the first time. 

 She was being so nervous on the way to the park in the morning. But when she came on the field, it seemed like being completely blown away and played in a relaxed state. The result came to 3-1 win in the end. And she seized two shiny gold medals at the presentation right after the game. I was so jealous of her draping them around her neck as I got a silver one after failing a penalty shot.

 Anyway, it was a fantastic moment to see her work really hard on the pitch and it was paid off. And I will be able to refer to her performance when I coach her from next. 

 I really proud of you, Mia!! And I was so pleased that I've got involved in super-fast growth as a footballer.  Congrat!!




 周りの親御さんも熱気に溢れた応援で素晴らしい雰囲気。アンダー13というカテゴリーにも関わらず、フィールドは大人と同じ、そして見事な天然芝での30分ハーフ。日本でこんな環境ありえません。彼女も、スタメンではなかったものの、交代は何度でもありのようで、前半の内に出場し、試合終了までピッチでプレーしてくれました。リーグ制覇とプレーオフ制覇の2冠で2つの立派な金メダルを首にかけて記念撮影。(上の写真の上段向かって左から2番目) 僕は先日PKを外し銀メダルだったのでうらやましかった・・。 



Grand finals!!

2014-09-20 22:42:46 | Soccer/football

Hi, guys.

 As I mentioned before, there was the grand finals of the competition this Friday. To be honest, I don't want to write about it seriously cuz one of the worst things in my life happened to me at the end of the game.

 First of all, let me trace a quick path through till the shocking incident happened. I came back all the way from Japan on 12th of this month, and there was our semi-final on the next day, so I went to support the team. We went through to the finals with a dramatic victory on the day, and we shared the joy of the moment one another. 

 the following week, we had the last training session of the season on 17th as a preparation for the finals on 19th. However, I wasn't sure whether I would get a chance to play in the finals at this stage as I just came back and also missed almost the second season of the season and semi-final. Generally speaking, you are not allowed to be in the squads unless you played sensational when you were in the team. Honestly, I didn't think I had played so well to help the team.

 But I brought my boots on the game day with bit of hope cuz I was told so by the coach, just in case. I didn't know he'd need to put a fitness test on two players in the squads to test if they were ready for the game. The result was one passed and one failed. For good or bad, I could get in at the last minute!!

 The game was so tense until last minute. We were down 1-0 in the first half, and came back in the early second half. As time went on, they controlled the game, and created some chances to score the winner. Then, I was called up and get substituted on. The game was much more intense than it looked. I had two big chances to became a hero, but missed the both!! The game went to on pens, and I was named on 6th. I did never think it'd come around to me, but...... it happened with the worst scenario...

 You better check out the video attached on the top, then you will see how it ended up.....  can't still get it off my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FU%#$K!!












2014-09-15 18:52:51 | Soccer/football


 What a game with a dramatic scenario!! I was so happy to see them win and advance to the finals. 

 Yesterday, I went to watch the semis of my team here. We were down 2-0 until the last 15mins of the game, but came back from behind and somehow leveled the game at the last minute. We made it through the tough extra time to penalties and cut it with an unbelieveable result.

 I might be able to have a chance to play in the finals, but not sure wheather everybody allows me to take a big bite. Lol

 I will do my best as I get the chance. This is a great opportunity to hold up my first trophy in Australia. dont wanna miss it!!






Goose's foot inflammation (鵞足炎)

2014-08-23 08:18:37 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.

 Another troublesome injury has been on my knee called goose's foot inflammation. You know exactly where it causes pain? It's located on the inner of knees, so I first thought it might have been Torn MCL or worse as the pain has gradually been worse and worse as time went on. And I also thought I might have to take a surgery for it.

 I've already decided that I quit football immediately as soon as I get a serious injury or disease that results in taking a surgery because it means that you need a certain recovery time before starting its rehab process. As a result, it dramatically makes your fitness level lower, and you need a lot of time to bounce it back. 

 Fortunately, this injury I've been with doesn't cause that kind of concern which is a relievable news for me, so I went to see my reliable physio to clarify its recovery process. What he is good to me as a physio is that he never suggests me not to train during his recovery program. That's exactly how I want to face my injury.

 Now, I feel I've been well on the right track to recovery. It's matter of time before it heals








It's been halfway through the season!!

2014-05-28 00:10:45 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys. 

 At this point, the season has been halfway finished. 

 Played 11 games, no goals, 5 assists, they are all my stats so far... in the first 4 games, I played in defence(right-back), but I have been given more an attacking role after then, so having scored no goals in the first half of the season makes myself so disappointed, to be honest..

 In a bizarre twist, I'm now so wondering why I thought my best position could be a full-back early this pre-season. I've enjoyed creating chances to score in the middle of the park now, and this reminded me of where I really wanted to play!!

 However.. I need to get fitter and fitter to be an unstoppable player in the league that results in evolution as a player. 









vs Ipswich Knights

2014-05-18 21:14:49 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.

 We could extend our winning streak today!! The both grade(reserves and first team) won the game. It was a fantactic day for my team.

 The opponent was sitting on 6th in ladder with the same points as ours.(We were just below them because of an inferior goal defferences). So we definitely needed a win to climb up on the table and push into top 4 which is our target of the season.

 Personally, I think I did what I was asking for. I got my done and led the team to a victory. But the only thing I should take a hard look at is a lack of hunger for goals. I was too focused on distributing a ball to produce a goal. As a result, I didn't take a shot in where I could. 

 Anyway, i had a great weekend with football which I like most!! Thanks God!!





vs North Star

2014-05-10 22:23:40 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.

 8-0, it's the scoreline of the game we played in today. It was an outstanding game for us, and we could have a superior goal difference which will mean a lot at the end of the season as In this season, from top to middle of the table is so tight in points.  

 personally, it was a bit disappointing because I couldn't put a ball into the net in the end despite having so many chances... most of my shots went off the target.. crap!!

 I definitely need a shooting practice!! This is why I can't break out of shell as a player. Obviously, I lack the ability to goals!!

 Another bad new is that my back has been fucked since this Monday. I just fell off the top of 6 pallets stacked up at work, and hit it on the ground!! It's been bad since then, so I took two pills of a pain killer but it gradually hurted...hopefully it will completely heal by the next weekend.    




 今日は試合でした。結果は8-0で勝ち。これだけ差がつくと、勝ってる方も微妙なテンションになってきます。笑 なにはともあれ、勝ち。ただ、自身は点が取れない。サイドバックから中盤の前目に変わって結構経つのに全く点取れてない。上に行けないのは間違いなく点が取れないからです。シュートが下手すぎる。今日は恐らく一人で7,8本打ったと思います。1本ポストに当たったのがマシで、あとは全然。アシストしても点とれんと意味ないわ。



vs Peninsula Power

2014-04-08 17:15:11 | Soccer/football

 Hi, everyone.

 We had a big clash with one of the title favorites the other day. The result was surprisingly a draw 2-2. They had been in five consecutive wins before dropped points against us which was a huge point for us. 

 But so far, We have already taken on all the title contenders in the league in the first round, and claimed only one point out of them which is not enough to break into the popular belief. So what we definitely need to do is now that we will try not to drop any points from now on till we will play against the contenders in the next round which starts from June.

 Personally, I've been considering of a lot of things other than football that sometimes become a bit concerns and distractions to football. Vice versa, I'm in good form with a certain consistency and quality in football. And I have no doubt that I might lose the ball when I get a ball. I've been playing with full of confidences that I've never felt like that before. 

 However, it makes me think more.. It's like a vague lassitute.. 






