Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


It's been halfway through the season!!

2014-05-28 00:10:45 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys. 

 At this point, the season has been halfway finished. 

 Played 11 games, no goals, 5 assists, they are all my stats so far... in the first 4 games, I played in defence(right-back), but I have been given more an attacking role after then, so having scored no goals in the first half of the season makes myself so disappointed, to be honest..

 In a bizarre twist, I'm now so wondering why I thought my best position could be a full-back early this pre-season. I've enjoyed creating chances to score in the middle of the park now, and this reminded me of where I really wanted to play!!

 However.. I need to get fitter and fitter to be an unstoppable player in the league that results in evolution as a player. 









Bald Bar in Tokyo

2014-05-22 23:10:25 | Australia

 Hi, guys.

 Baldness is a man's badge of honour!! This is the sigh outside of a unique bar in Tokyo called ''Otasuke'' where provides special bald discounts to lure them in. 

 I read an interesting article on the Japanese pub on today's mX, introducing it with full of ridicules. As you might not know, Baldness is a very delicate issue in Japan. On the other hand, not that much in Western countries. Look at Hollywood stars. There are bunch of stars who completely ignore their hairless state and proudly carry out their work. Brilliant!!

 Okay, let's get the subject back on track. According to the article, Bald customers each get about $5 trimmed from their buffet bil, with the discount increasing according to the number of baldies in the bar. For every group of five bald men, one drink free, and there's top secret perk for groups of six!! Unfortunately, the detail of the top secret perk wasn't written in it... you better go and check it in person. Lol

 And about 26% of Japanese men go bald, apparently.. I hope I won't!!










vs Ipswich Knights

2014-05-18 21:14:49 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.

 We could extend our winning streak today!! The both grade(reserves and first team) won the game. It was a fantactic day for my team.

 The opponent was sitting on 6th in ladder with the same points as ours.(We were just below them because of an inferior goal defferences). So we definitely needed a win to climb up on the table and push into top 4 which is our target of the season.

 Personally, I think I did what I was asking for. I got my done and led the team to a victory. But the only thing I should take a hard look at is a lack of hunger for goals. I was too focused on distributing a ball to produce a goal. As a result, I didn't take a shot in where I could. 

 Anyway, i had a great weekend with football which I like most!! Thanks God!!





vs North Star

2014-05-10 22:23:40 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.

 8-0, it's the scoreline of the game we played in today. It was an outstanding game for us, and we could have a superior goal difference which will mean a lot at the end of the season as In this season, from top to middle of the table is so tight in points.  

 personally, it was a bit disappointing because I couldn't put a ball into the net in the end despite having so many chances... most of my shots went off the target.. crap!!

 I definitely need a shooting practice!! This is why I can't break out of shell as a player. Obviously, I lack the ability to goals!!

 Another bad new is that my back has been fucked since this Monday. I just fell off the top of 6 pallets stacked up at work, and hit it on the ground!! It's been bad since then, so I took two pills of a pain killer but it gradually hurted...hopefully it will completely heal by the next weekend.    




 今日は試合でした。結果は8-0で勝ち。これだけ差がつくと、勝ってる方も微妙なテンションになってきます。笑 なにはともあれ、勝ち。ただ、自身は点が取れない。サイドバックから中盤の前目に変わって結構経つのに全く点取れてない。上に行けないのは間違いなく点が取れないからです。シュートが下手すぎる。今日は恐らく一人で7,8本打ったと思います。1本ポストに当たったのがマシで、あとは全然。アシストしても点とれんと意味ないわ。



An epoch-making law in France

2014-05-03 22:36:21 | Diary

The French Senate

It's worth knowing!!
France’s parliament has passed a law allowing workers to give some of their days off to a colleague with a seriously ill child. The idea came from the case of a man whose colleagues donated 170 days while his son was battling cancer.
It was passed in the National Assembly in 2012 and has now made it through a final reading in the Senate.

It allows workers to donate days off anonymously to a colleague who needs to look after a seriously ill child.

The boss agreed that his colleagues could give him their days off when his 11-year-old son, Mathys, was confined to their home with cancer.

Mathys died in December 2011.

Some Socialists abstained on the vote, claiming that the law could run into legal problems, while the Communists and their allies voted against on the grounds that it lets employers off the hook of their responsibilities to employees in such a situation.




