Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


The earth is full

2012-09-27 15:48:59 | Diary

 The earth is full (地球はもう限界)


 Lately, I found a live streaming site named TED. Maybe you have already known or heard what they have done on internet. Basically, they are a global set of conference that evolves the annual presentation conference with a wide range of topics. You can go on its wiki for further details.  

 Anyway, recently I have spent my spare time to watch some videoes on TED. It's also possible to add subtitles on it if you need, so it might be useful  to use when you would study English with those videoes.

 This time I'd like to introduce one of those videoes to you, that the earth is full. As we already known, the earth has a lots of problems, and it tells us that we are stealing most of the resources on this planet from our future which is very unsustainable. And it also tells us that we need 50% more earth     than we've got if we would keep operating at our living level that we've lived on.  

 This is about a kinda dramatic and a bit negative story that we've faced on. but you can see various presentations on various fields by unrenowned to renowned name. 

 Have time to check it out.










 The earth is full の動画


My everlasting hobby

2012-09-26 15:18:16 | Diary

 Hi, guys. Do you know how many countries in this planet it is?? It's about 200 hundreds. Wow!! - Japan officially admits 195 countries so far now.

 As for me, have ever been to only 9 countries in my life so far. Is it a small number or big one for you? When it comes to Japanese people, I think it's a big number because they are never active in traveling outside Japan statistically in comparison with people in other advanced countries. Maybe the reason is that most of the japanese people who have never been to outside Japan are unbearable to stay in a uncomfortable circumstances that cannot communicate in Japanese as they are unbelievably bad at English!!

 Anyway, I'm thinking that I want to travel around the world some day, and want to visit at least more than half of the countries on this planet. I think this is like a bonus gift I got from last 4 years overseas experience. you know, traveling to a new country is like my everlasting hobby till I die. Maybe I wouldn't have got it, if I hadn't played soccer oversea after the graduation of University in Japan.


 I will take good care of it. 











Sometimes, things don't go the way you want, but it's all right

2012-09-16 22:07:16 | Diary

Sometimes, things don't go the way you want. but it's all right.  


Hi, how's goin??

I'm not depressed at all, don't worry.

By the way, maybe some of you guys has already realized that I haven't kept you updated about myself on this blog recently. Of course there are some reasons, but the biggest one is that things don't go the way I want as the title above. As you know, we have some tools called social network especially on internet to let us feel smug in ourselves. For example, I have used my own blog and facebook at the moment, but I think its al about self- satisfaction. 

 So when things around me don't go well at all, I don't really feel like writing something on my page even if something small good things happen in the meantime. If you are the person who can keep updating about yourself in any cases, you must be a person who have a strong mind and a will that never get upset over anything. That's who I'm going to be some day.

 Anyway, I've been looking for a team who I can play next. in this end of the May, my last contract with a team in India was terminated, and I started a team hunting in the end of August again. Despite it has been nearly two months, I haven't found it yet. It's not that easy as I expected. I think almost professional soccer players forced to end their carrers because of their physical or mental problems which can hardly recover, some of them have different reasons, I think, that couldn't find a new team playing for the next season. In this case, they who couldn't overcome themselves are going to choose retirements after all.

 That's why I think I'm now standing on a huge tuning point in my life. I feel like being tested on the edge. I really want to get over it. I must make it!!








 なんとか今年中には次の所属先を決めたい。恐らく、こうやって所属先がずっと決まらず、最後は自分の根気が負けてしまって引退・・・ ってのが大半だと思う。今、結構自分の人生の中でも大きな分岐点に立ってる気がする。


Philippine 2

2012-09-10 20:03:59 | Asian Football Life


 Let me talk about what I did about football in Philippine during the short stay. Simply speaking, I didn't kick a ball around with anyone for any team even touch a ball at all. As a matter of course, I wanted to pull off a trial and play in Philippine, but I couldn't actually even get an opportunity for that, unfortunately..

 When I flied over there, most of the trials that I was looking to had just finished or they had just signed with other players already. But of course I didn't give it up, so I asked a mate to introduce me another team who needs a foreign player for the season, and I made a promise for that.

 However, the training didn't start on course at all, and just kept me wait for another week, but you know... it seemed never to start on the day they said.  I expected that it would be a matter of time, but I asked one of a mate who playing for the team when it would get started, but he didn't even know when...

 Constitutionally, I really hate to await something or someone without doing anything. so I just decided to fly over another country on a day, and then packed all my stuffs up, looked into the football of the country and basic information to enter and stay for a while, and a flight ticket as well. I did all of  them as quick as I could, and I already landed the new country at the end of the day.

 I believe a quick decision could make a big opportunity to change your life.

 Just awaition something is too boring man!!

 Don't you think so?? 









Philippine 1

2012-09-08 13:55:41 | Asian Football Life

 Hi, guys. How have you been?? 


 I had been in Manila, Philippine for two weeks. Actually I've already been in another country now, but of course I just went to see what's Philippine football like cuz I heard the new league which is the professional league has been set up in the country nationwide, so I got interested in it.

 By the way, let me talk about the Philippine life which I had been in before going into the main issue. 

 As I told you before, I was in Philippine for twe weeks, and I stayed in three different hotels in the meantime. All of them were budget cheap hotels which have very untidy and disgusting rooms like only TV and bed in a small room...    

 In addition, it was so humid like a tropical island with a continual squall. Maybe you can feel it so easily with full of sweat once you land there. The last hotel I stayed in was the worst hotel ever!! The room was a bit gloomy, and I couldn't sleep very well with full of mozzies. And there is a toilet and shower conbined in a small room for all visitors which is unpalatble to me.. It was so stink and dirty to use, and what I got was only a cold water for shower.

 Moreover, I spent most of the days in Philippine at ERMITA where was a  so dangerous area.. I didn't know what's it like before... I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't have gone there if I had known it...  ERMITA where I stayed about 10 days from the first day of Philippine was like a red-light area..

 In particular, you would know what's the town like when you stick around on weekend. You can see so many glaring neon signs and boards on shops where bait you all around... What I was surprised at most there was that a prostitute who were standing on a street to tempt someone privately approached me when I was in taxi at that time... Once the taxi pulled over on red light, the prostitute came straight to the taxi, and she said to me over the window 'Com'on Com'on, Massage, Massage on your bed, ok??' ... 

 The moment I glanced at her face, I said 'Sod off!!'.. lol But her impact was enough to frighten me.. I was actuall about to shit my pants, man.

 Anyway, it was so dangerous. I heard the people there even kids have guns to rip you off on streets. But What I have seen in Philippine this time was an only tiny part of it. It's not necessarily appropriate to suggest that all parts of Manila is dangerous of course.. You better see it for yourself  haha









 安い宿を選んだの自分やし、それは仕方ないというのはわかっているけれど、さすがにそう思わずにはいられなかった。笑 そして、自分がこの滞在中の大部分をすごしたのがERMITAという日本でいう夜の繁華街のど真ん中にあった安宿。フィリピン女性が日本に出稼ぎで風俗系の店で働いているというのは知ってたけど、ネットの情報だけで安宿が集まってる地域にいったら、こんなところにきてしまった。(始めからわかってたら絶対にきていない・・・。)



