Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Got a job

2008-07-10 12:29:22 | Diary
finally I got a job. it's kind of car washing.
It's not difficult and not tough to work here. so I've decided to work here. One kind Brazilian introduced me this job. He has already been here for a long time of course as a worker.

I sometimes play soccer with him on the beach. It's really fun!!
But he is always hangover even be in school. Anyway he is so crazy and has strange personality. whereas he is loved by everyone. I like too.


 ただ暇になるとすぐ帰らされるからあんま稼げないのがネックやけど、、、この前なんか行って1時間くらいで客途絶えて、帰らされかけたからねー あせったワイな!! みんな覗いたら連絡くれよ!もちろんパソコンの方でもいいので!!