Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


The first trial at Cherry Orchard FC

2017-07-18 23:07:17 | Ireland

Hi, guys. 

I went for the first practice with the senior squad of Cherry Orchard FC today. They belong to the first division of Leinster League that is the third tier of the Irish football pyramid.

Some of you might know that I retired from playing football at a high level, but this Holy land of football drives me up playing at a competitive level. I am already 31 years old, but it could be at my peak as an athlete. 

In fact, I have already walked in training sessions at various clubs throughout Dublin. The first club I went was Crumlin United that plays in the same league of Cherry Orchard does. And then I hopped around few clubs later during last season. I also practiced with Yellowstone Celtic last week... 

I think they are very generous to walk-in players for trials. Maybe if it is a club in the League of Ireland, you might not have a chance to join their practice without an appointment..

But basically, it would be fine, if you have a decent level of English and know where and when they usually train. 

This time, I work for Cherry Orchard as a coach at the moment, so it was very easy to put myself in contact with managers for the senior squads.

The content of the training was very clear due to the preseason. They obviously are still in a phase of building a team and putting stress on pushing up the fitness level of players. It was so hard for me as I wasn't fit enough at all!!! But I knew the practice would be intense like this, so I did ease up on it, and gave my 100% in a scrimmage at the end of the session. Because I knew I had to stand out in the match to impress the coaching staffs!! 

My plan went well in the end. I got to leave a good impression on them as I was asked if I would be coming to the next practice. I love those kind of moments where people take a 180 turn and start praising and accepting me after they know I am a good player. I think this is the best shot for me to establish myself in a new environment. If you could do something special that others can't, you would be embraced into the group for sure.

But I need to keep my guard up and work hard!!


 今日は前回ブログと同じくCherry Orchardから。ですが今回はこのクラブのトップチームであり、アイルランド3部リーグに所属するチームの練習参加へ行ってきました。私自身2年前に本格的にサッカーを辞めたつもりが、去年はカナダで遊び程度にしたくなり、今年はアイルランドでまたガチレベルでやりたいなと。31歳ですが体がまだ動くからどうしてもしたくなる。

 これまでアイルランドで練習参加したのは、今年の2月頃に参加したCrunmlin Unitedが3部、その後4部のDublin Bus、7部のLarkview boys、先週1週間参加したのも7部のYellowstone Celticというチーム。そして今日のCherry Orchardですでに5チーム目。アポなし飛び込み参加だったり、紹介だったり参加方法は様々ですが、基本的には練習場所と時間さえわかっていれば飛び込みでも入れてくれると思います。英語が話せないと相手にされない可能性もありますが・・。しかもアイリッシュ英語はクセが強い。





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The Summer holiday soccer camp by FAI

2017-07-15 22:55:31 | Ireland

Hi guys.

Glad to be involved in the soccer camp hosted by FAI at Cherry Orchard FC this week. A lot of intakes and outputs during the session and inspirations through conversations with veteran coaches at the club!

Producing hundreds of footballers in EPL from a country with a population of 4 million tells you that Ireland is definitely in the front line of methodology in coaching!!


This is the club house of Cherry Orchard FC, which is one of the most famed club in Ireland and is also well-known for player's development.

開催場所はCherry Orchard FCというアイルランドでは特に育成の面で有名なクラブで、トップチームは3部リーグに所属。個人的にも先週からU7クラスを指導させてもらっています。

This is an astro field where the club owns and it was used for the camp as well. The number of Astro fields(artificial fields) surely increases lately. More chances to play on those fields in here too..

Cherry orchard自前の人工芝グラウンドが開催場所でした。アイルランドは天気が悪いため、人工芝がかなり増えてきていて、リーグでもプレーする機会が多いです。

An update on recent life.  近況!

2017-07-12 21:27:20 | Ireland


It's been a long time since the last time I blogged here. Will try to update more often..

At the moment. I do coaching at a Japanese school in Dublin on Saturday fortnightly and also do for my own academy every Sunday morning. 
Plus, I was more than happy to be involved in the academy of Terenure Rangers and got to meet and work with Tony.

Right now, I've got an opportunity to be in touch with Cherry Orchard FC and been involved in their academy too.

And still haven't given up as a player either. Can't remember when I pushed myself in an intense training session last time, but always good to get to know new young players and befriend through soccer. Hopefully, I'm still capable of hanging on to a decent level of soccer.

Another challenge is to look after Japanese players and put them in touch with local clubs in Dublin. Ever since I landed here, All I think is that there's full of opportunities to be a pro. In addition, there're loads of English language schools which are way cheaper than other English countries such as AUS, NZ and CAN from my past experiences.

It's not easy task to pave the way and make it successful, but nothing happens unless you take action. No doubt to take the hard road rather than easy one.


 現在は、隔週で土曜日にダブリンの日本人学校でサッカースクール、毎週日曜日は、自分で立ち上げたサッカースクールの活動をベースに、アイルランドでは大きなクラブであるCherry Orchard FCでは7歳以下を、地元クラブのTerenure Rangersでは8歳、先日はNDSL(ノースダブリンスクールボーイズリーグ)というリーグの選抜チーム(14歳)も指導する機会がありました。
