Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


workout at gym

2013-09-18 12:26:03 | Diary

 Recently, I'm being like a gym-aholic!! I've continued to hit a gym practically every day. I feel like I've been looked like a queer Asian one by those who often use the gym as I'm always there at about the same time. haha

 To be honest, I didn't believe workouts with gym machines were effective for footballers. It's because I believed that just buffing up your body didn't count towards your perfomances on the pitch, in fact, it could backfire on you because too much muscles on your body would make you slow with losing a agility and quickness. 

 So, I would do sit-ups with a medicine ball and a balance ball when I went to gym before, or I would do it at home everyday during this season.

 However, one of my mates, who used to play basketball at very high level in Japan once urged me to do workout with gym machines before as he knew it's what it takes for any athletes. I didn't listen to him at that time, and I kept doing what I was believing then. 

 But now, building up my body at gym is only one thing I haven't tried yet before season. And I think I need to resort to a drastic measure to break through the wall that I've been struggling to get rid of.

 It's a totally new method for me, and also I want to maintain my quickness which is my strongest point to compete with physical players. I've got to set myself a high bar to accomplish until the preseason starts. Just do what I can do as hard as possible. 









Olympic in 2020

2013-09-09 16:03:13 | Diary

 Olympic in Japan has been set in 2020!!

 Do you know this tremendous news just announced yesterday morning. I can't even imagine the biggest sport event is going to be held in my country as I'm living oversea now, and I didn't know about the news at all until it was locked in. 

 I just woke up yesterday morning as normal, and booted my laptop to check some news on a Japanese website. And the news came up on the image as a top line. I couldn't help but checking it out well. 

 It's coming to Tokyo in 7 years from now on. I will be around middle of 30's, and probably I will settle back into the familiar surroundings then. Actually, 7 years sounds like a very long time, but it will go by so fast. I really hope we get together and get down to the tourist industry to dissminate what Japan is like to the world.

 I can't keep down my emotion all come from too much excitement at the moment. I'm very happy to be a part of the event during my lifetime.

 I think it would be a perfect chance to introduce my country to all my friends in the world who have been connected on Facebook!!





 7年後は34才。恐らく、その時には日本に帰って何かしら仕事をしてるでしょう。笑 オーバーエイジで本気でオリンピック目指してるなんてことは・・・。




off season!!

2013-09-04 13:36:41 | Soccer/football

 Hi, mates.

 The footy season has just finished off, and a long long off season has just begun!! I feel like it was so quick for last 7 months. Of course I'm not totally satisfied with the season's result as neither a team nor individual. However, it was a meaningful and rewarding season for me. 

 I've found myself that I'm still improving all aspects of playing, and seeing what I have to do for the following season.

 But I need a short break off the training. Perhaps, I will be keen for a training again after a while. That's the perfect time to prepare for the next season. See you soon!!





