Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


The Holiday 1

2011-09-28 01:41:48 | Diary
Hi, everyone!!

I've really enjoyed everyday in Brisbane!!! I've found out again how much I like here and how important here is for me, especially I have to appreciate all involved who I've still kept in touch with here cuz I've already owed everything to them. For example, I'm now staying at my friend's house who got to know through football. He has really been welcoming and generous to me, and my boss in Australia who helped me a lot at work is still my dad in Australia. He just came to pick me up at airport as soon as I arrived at Brisbane 5 days ago in spite of he still had some works to do and took me a nice restaurant for lunch straight away from airport.

From the next day, I was called up to help by some football teams that my friends has played and I played for couple teams about 5 games in 3 days... I was about to be dead just after the last game finished but I was happy and feeling fantastic rather than feeling tired as I could reunion with my football mates who are really important and precious for me and kick the ball around again.

I've got to know a lot of people oversea on football. If I didn't continue football until now, I wouldn't be able to befriend those who I've be in touch with so far for sure.
I'm really sure that my decision to jump out of Japan was definitely right,

I have still several days in Brisbane, so I will try to be relaxed as much as I can to save all my power for the upcoming challenge at the end of this year!!  






I`m leaving to Australia tmrw for a couple weeks

2011-09-21 21:50:39 | Diary
Hi, at very short notice, I'm going to get back to an adopted hometown which is Brisbane!! The purpose of this travel is for holiday and playing football. And it's also to reunite with my friends live in Brisbane.

I'm not quite sure that I could keep updating on this blog about what would happen
to me there. It may just get u wait until I will get back to Auckland on 8th of Octorber.

but I really feel weird that I will just fly around overseas to overseas without dropping by Japan despite I'm Japanese.

Anyway, see u around.




I'm troubled with a Japanese own accent.

2011-09-19 00:59:06 | Diary

Do you ever feel your English accent is all right?? To be honest, I didn't care about it cuz I might have had a fixed confident in my English accent.
I have actually been oversea for about 3 years since I graduated university in Japan. I don't wanna talk about how much English I can speak or something like that, but I'm now focuing on letting my accent improve a lot more by asking my friends who born or grew up here how to pronounce some words properly that most of Japanese(I'm) are not good at or reserching it on a english website which can find it out.

The reason why I began it is that I realized that I have so many words and phrases which I can't pronounce. For example, last month when I was talking with my coach about... I forgot the details but I tried to tell his "on Thursday". I guess I wanted to tell him I wouldn't be able to join a training session on Thursday or something, but sadly, he didn't understand what I told him. That wan only exactly the word of 'Thursday'!! Then, a week ago, I went to gym and I asked a receptinist to borrow a volleball as anyone can use any kind of balls: volleyball, basketball and Rugbyball so on cuz there is much space to play as a individual or team exercise.

However, she can't also understand my 'V' accent that is unconfident. Japanese are usually bad at pronouncing those letters such as 'V' and 'Th' accent as Japanese doesn't have a similar accent to these letters. In particular, we are really bad at having two tougues for 'R' and 'L'.

Honestly, I had had really bad scores of every single English test until at the end of high school. I actually hated the subject. That's the reason even now I sometimes discover an embarrassing rule of its grammer... I'm still really good enough for English, actually.
But fortunately I can enjoy studying English now in spite of English was my most allergic subject in the world. 

Life is mistery!!







Gum bleeding

2011-09-16 00:14:12 | Diary
Hey, can u tell me how can I stop bleeding out of gums.

Why does it happen every time I brush my teeth?? I have no idea about it...

Have u ever experienced such a thing that if you suck teeth where are prone to a gum bleeding, just let u taste the blood shortly?? I've been suffered from this phenomenon for last couple years. Actually, I went to a dentist to find the reason out and tried to stop bleeding once before. And then I could make it as soon as I got a treatment, but I found out that it still started again after a while or I wondered if the problem was even gone at that time.

I'm privately afraid that the tooth where tastes the blood much is becoming loose or rotten gradually...

oh.. I should look after my teeth carefully and get a insurance for it just in case cuz I don't have it.

Sorry for a non-story this time. I should have twittered on the website, but I have to know how to use it and get my account first!!









The first day of the RWC

2011-09-10 21:11:08 | New zealand
Hi, catching World cup fever in the whole of NZ!!!!!!

Now the Rugby world cup hosted by NZ is catching people all of the world of Rugby fan including Japanese rugby freaks.
I'm now feeling like being in Japan and Korea world cup in 2002. I have still remember about that time that made us crazy and so high. What I feel now is pretty similar to that moment.

Therefore, I tried going to city to see what was happening. As expected, there were full of people everywhere in city and even in bars. I was originally thinking that I wanted to watch the opening game which is NZ agaist Tonga in a bar, but I sensed it would be impossible the moment I got there. So, I went to the Casino as it has a big screen to watch it inside, so I could barely get in it and watch the game with full of supporters of NZ and a few of Tonga.

When it comes to tha game result, NZ beated Tonga by 41-10 as were predicted, but to my astonishment, when I poped out of bunch of supporters in casino, everybody all around the city was shouting something barnyard words like F-words... The win of the night obviously kept them insane, but I don't hate the atmosphere honestly.

In fact, they had already been a bit funnier than usual before game cuz I went to the gym on the day morning and I saw some unique scenes on the way back home. I saw most of people on streets wore a black staff to symbolize All-BLACKS known as a representative of NZ. Moreover, on a street near home, there is a Tonga community with a small church, and of course about 20 tonga supporters were messing around with the street with their flags and their own music with wearing the costume and dancing, and some people saw what those supporters do yelled something funny things to them and hit a run hooting out of their cars to make a quick reaction to them.

It was so funny at the interactional sequences.

Anyway, One of my friends told me he got a ticket for the final of the Cup by 750 NZ dollars... What do you think??? who knows if NZ could make the final... I can't believe him.

By the way, Japan unbeaten France by about 20 points behind. I forgot the exact scores, sorry.

Hopefully Japan will get a convicing result during the comp. Their final goal of this World cup is to seize at least two wins before go home, apprently. Well, see what will happen to them.



 街に出るまでの道のりでも、トンガサポーターがトンガの国旗を振り回して車に乗っている姿、路上でも。それを見たNZ人が車のクラクションで威嚇。笑 といっても皆笑顔やし、警察もかなりパトロールしてたけど、全然止めてなかったし笑顔で素通り。
 それを見て、やっぱり今日は特別な日なんやなぁと実感。街中歩く人たちはほとんど私服が「黒」!!なんせNZ代表の愛称が「ALL BLACKS」やからね。笑 おれも外出る時は黒で固めて行きました。笑







Kids first friendly match

2011-09-07 20:12:37 | New zealand
Hi, boys and girls.

Well, there are still two days left for Rugby World cup opening ceremony. I myself don't care that much, but I can't help but overhear it as NZ is the host country.

By the way, I made arrangement for a new event in my soccer school last week. In fact, I have three different classes in the soccer school divided by age, potential and where they live. This time, I let those two teams which train in different place play together on a same ground as a friendly game for them. Most of those kids are around 8 to 10 years old and it was the first match for some kids.

That's why I could read their complicated minds on their faces that are nervous, excited and keen to play. But all kids looked really excited to play as soon as the game was kicked off and their parents was also pretty excited to support the team who their kids were playing.
I think the result of the game doesn't really matter for the kids at this stage. Personally, I want them to know how fun football is and make as many friends as they can in the world. I think we should let them play more competitively at the next stage which is over 12.

Anyway, there will be a game like this every month and a next event is coming the week after!!!




 試合の方も無事怪我無く終わり、子ども達も一様に気持ちよさそうに汗を拭っていました。あと、やっぱり保護者の皆さん。熱かったですね。笑 試合になると、お母さん達からの声援(罵声?笑)がかなり響いていました。



Last game of the season.

2011-09-06 01:26:20 | Soccer/football
Hi, boys!!

How have u been??

We had the last game of the season on last Saturday with a no-sweat game 6-1 over Forrest Hill who is the second bottom of the table. And our top scorer Colin Gardyne finished the 2011 season in fine style with four goals in the win clinching the Men’s Premier League Golden Boot award.

Though, I wanted to get the title seriously...

But we've just finished the season on the top of the table!! And also I had been playing in a seamless season since I landed NZ last November including last Christmas, year-end, New year and Obon - Around mid-August, but there isn't Obon here anyway..

So... A vacation is what I want at most now!! Anyway I just want to get some rest for my mental and physical damages from various things. Then, I'm going to head for a new challenge that is going to be in this December. Before then, I'll face to my injury(groin) and find out how will I look after it to fully recover.

Guys!! I'm looking forward seeing u here and hanging out some crazy worlds!!










2011-09-03 00:52:54 | Australia
Iraqi warfare survivor on X Factor Australia - Emmanuel Kelly

Please share PLUCKY Melbourne singer Emmanuel Kelly is dreaming of a recording career after moving tough judges to tears on the stage of 'The X Factor' on Australian TV show.

Emmanuel, the adopted son of Children First Foundation boss Moira Kelly, wowed Ronan Keating, Spice Girl Mel Brown, Natalie Bassingthwaighte and Guy Sebastian with his heartfelt performance of the John Lennon classic Imagine on last night's audition show.

Emmanuel and his brother Ahmed were adopted from Iraq, both suffering limb deficiencies as a result of chemical warfare.

They were abandoned at an orphanage and rescued by Ms Kelly, who is also the guardian of the once-conjoined Bangladeshi twins, Krishna and Trishna.

Emmanuel said it was "more than magic" to be on X Factor".

"Words could not describe what I was feeling on that stage," he said.

"When I got up and started singing, there was nothing else. Adrenalin just took over. It was just a blur."

Emmanuel said he believes he had a gift.

"Singing is what I love doing and singing is the only thing I want to do," he said.

"I know plenty of singers that are 50 times better than I am, it is just they chose not to follow that path. Singing is the path I want to follow and some doors have opened up now and I just want to push even more.

"I just want to sing and I want to make people happy."

Kelly said his damaged limbs had not held him back and that he was not looking for sympathy.

"I have actually been through nothing compared to some of the other kids I have met and mum has brought out," he said.

"I don't want people to look at it (his performance) and go: 'Wow that is brave.' I want people to look at me and go, 'Wow, he has got a really good voice' or 'Wow, he is going to go far in life,' not, 'Wow, that is brave for him to do that'."

Emmanuel's rendition of Imagine earned a standing ovation from the judges and packed audience.

Ronan Keating was full of praise for Emmanuel who has now moved into the next round of competition.



 この番組自体はオーストラリアでやっているオーディション番組。American Idolのオーストラリア版かな?で、今回登場のエマニュエル君。





Rugby World Cup

2011-09-02 01:03:06 | New zealand
Hi, there!!

I've struggled to find out a new blog entry from my daily life in NZ... I've just been in same cycle.. But I conceived of it, which is the most biggest event of a sport world!! Can you guess what?? Maybe, not cuz most of you guys live in Japan that not really interested in this big event.
The answer is...Rugby world cup 2011!!!

Have you known of that??

I don't think Japan has not drawn that much attention about it cuz I sometimes check some Japanese daily news on internet, but I rarely see news for it.
Do you know that NZ is the country in the world that loves Rugby the most. It's not Europian countries, not America, not even Australia, either cuz they have another domestic popular sport, which is football(soccer), American-football and Aussie-football. I know South Africa is a big fan of Rugby cuz they are one of the strongest country for Rugby. However, thay have heaps of fans of Cricket and Soccer as many fans as Rugby in the country.

Of course, Japan will appear the opening ceremony as a contender.. no I should have said like as a outsider in the comp... Anyway
I'd really like to go and support them as a Japanese who has lived in Auckland. In addition, Japan is in the same group as NZ named legendary All-Blacks in the qualifying round. But I tried asking to one of my friends about the price of a ticket, then I gave it up as soon as heard his answer.. From 200 is the minimum of the price... Omg... I'll be in front of TV to support!!
And we can see like special somethings in the city, especially which are arts tied up with the event, temporary buildings, fare-raised accomodation over Auckland and supporters of over the world!!!

Now Auckland has been one of the most exciting and energetic town in the world!! Welcome to the Heaven!!!!!!!






 とりあえずNZは盛り上がってます。この経済効果に肖ろうと、街中のホテルが値上げしまくってるらしい。笑 まぁそら世界中から人がわんさか来ますけど・・・。NZドルも今上がってるらしいんで、今のうちに換金しとこかな・・。
