Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


JEC soccer camp in Summer!!

2016-07-31 21:35:43 | Canada


Hi, guys.

I’ve done the JEC soccer camp over last 5 days. I had commited to it as a field manager and also a coach since the one in charge has gone back to Japan for a little while. So I had been appointed to it to make everything g along smoothly during the camp. 

I myself think that I could end it without any major issues such as heavy injuries, absentees and dropouts. That's what I got relieved most, but I have heaps of things to make them better for the next camp. In particular, an attitude and a behaviour from some players who attend regularly were absolutely unconvinced to me. I couldn't stand their negligences that affect their performances on the field big time!!

I can't set this aside forever as long as they turn up to my training sessions!! But I also reassured that it was very difficult to straighten out their tangled mind(laziness). Probably I should take some different approaches to make them right next time!!haha

Anyway, I felt full of accomplishment at the end of the last day of the camp, even though I got a sunburn all over my body. 

Next camp is in late August!! It could be my last camp for JEC as I will be back home by the time the winter camp will be held.

I will cherish every minute of it for sure!!









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the soccer camp at Wesburn.

2016-07-24 20:52:59 | Canada

Hi, guys.

I am done with the soccer camp at Wesburn soccer club few weeks ago. It continued for about 2 months and I commited myself to some sessions of them. I really appreciate Paolo, a technical director of the club who gave me this opportunity. I definitely loved all the sessions I got involved in.

I also had some new discoveries out of surroundings at the camp It was precious!!

Thank you so much for letting me be a part of the camp.



少し前ですが、ここカナダの地元クラブWESBURN SCのサッカーキャンプが終了しました。



Soccer man's vision for the future.

2016-07-21 22:06:53 | Words 言葉の力

Hi, guys.

I'd like to share a post of my friend who has recently started his own soccer academy for juniors since his vision of it was very impressive to me.

"Recently some people have asked me about the vision of Soccerman Sports. Because of that, I want to explain a little about where I come from and the reason why our classes are different.

I grew up in a very poor neighbourhood in Costa Rica with my three younger siblings and a single mother. It was a very difficult time. Sometimes we had nothing to eat. We lived in a very dangerous neighbourhood. Two houses away they were selling drugs. Many of the parents of my childhood friends were criminals or drug addicts.

From childhood I always liked playing soccer. I have been playing since I can remember. Today, even though I have played internationally at a very high level (where many have dreamed of playing) I cannot say I was a “superstar” of world football.

But for me, that is not important. When I sit down and look back on my life I realize that football saved my life. It saved me from being on the streets, from being on drugs, from being a bad son or a bad brother. Soccer saved me from accepting mediocrity. It saved me from being a person who gives up when things are difficult. It saved me from being a person who complains about life or the things that don’t work out right.

So when a parent pays for a class of football with Soccerman Sports, they are not only paying for their child to learn to play soccer, they are also paying for their child to learn what Soccer can teach: to strive to be a good son or daughter, to be a good friend, and to believe in themselves. The children learn to value life."








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At Barca camp Day 4

2016-07-16 20:15:35 | Canada

Hi, guys.

Today, there was a photo session at the camp. I love the all who are involved in the camp!!

And we worked on how you deal with a 1v1 situation especially from a perspective of the attacking side. I had a different age group to coach for, even though I had been with an older group for last few days. The group I was with today was between 6 to 8 years old. What I was concerned about most was how I could maintain their attention and concentration on each session or what coaches said. That's what it takes to be a good coach, in other words, a good motivator for any player.

And there was another point I realized from the Barca coaches. They always makes kids think to lead an answer to the questions that they asked to. They just helped them come up with an right answer, never tell them prior to letting them think about an answer. That's a part of the methodology within the club from Spain.

Although some of the Spanish coaches don't have a perfect English, they never hesitate to enlighten kids with some passionate words. Every coach has to be brave enough to block off the session for making time to explain until every one of kids understand what they are now doing for. 







At Barca camp Day 1

2016-07-12 22:30:15 | Canada

 Hi, guys.

Finally, The camp run by Barca has begun since yesterday. WOOHOO!!!

I was a bit nervous, but also excited on the first day. I actually hadn't been noticed that much on what to do at the beginning of the session, but I had a group assigned by 14 players, U13 grade, then was told that I was in charge of it for the whole day. WOW!! 

There were another 2 groups on the same field as well, and one field manager dispatched from Barca. 

The theme of the day was a passing, so we focused on it with unique and fun training menus provided by Barca!! At the same time, I was a little upset as I had to arrrange my group to demonstrate the next session to the remainder of group every time. I could somehow did it well...

And we had been given some keywords of the day too - Firm pass, eyecontact and body orientation. Every time we switched a session to the next, The coach from Barca was insistently telling them to keep those words in mind.

each content of the training is also fun and creative. We started with a fundamental passing exercise in a triangle and a keep-away, then possession games in various patterns to measure the player's cognition.

It's been a amazing experience for sure. Keep it up!! 





 この日のテーマはパス。スペイン人コーチのデモですべて練習が始まっていきますが、意外に英語もうまくてスムーズに。なぜか自分のグループがすべてデモの対象だったので、ちょっと焦りましたがなんとか円滑に運べました。バルサ側のコーチ陣からも「great job」と練習中に何度か声を掛けられたのも自信になりますね。そしていくつかのキーワードも。「強いパス」「体の向き」「アイコンタクト」これは練習内容が変わる度に言ってましたね。あとはスペースの使い方。






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FC Barcelona soccer camp in Summer in Burnaby

2016-07-10 23:08:11 | Canada

Hi, guys.

I will be able to earn a lot of fruitful experiences through a new challenge. I will be taking part in the soccer camp run by FC Barcelona, Spain. It's called the FCBEscola Vancouver. 

Their aim is to teach Canadian players the basic concepts of football in line with the FC Barcelona methodology. I think they have some academies in Japan too. There could be it in my hometown. 

I'm really excited to be a member of coaching staffs for the camp. Even though it is a Canada branch, all they have comes from the original method in FC barcelona, Spain. I joined a meeting for all the coaching members yesterday, and got instilled their real philosophy and the training menus for the day 1. It would be also challenging and thrilling for me that I need to go through it in the English environment.

Tolerance, respect, solidarity, friendship, fair play, integration, effort and positivity are the keywords through the camp. I will set myself at a learning attitude at all times during the camp.

And I must try to this opportunity into something positive in the future.





My assistant coach

2016-07-07 13:06:29 | Canada


Hi, guys.

Today, I'd like to introduce an assistant coach of my soccer academy in the blog for the first time. His name is Ryusei Kojima, 21 years old. 

He's been in Canada only for a half year so far, so that he still seems to struggle with English. Even though he's a bit internally reserved, I guarantee you that he's a good bloke!! He actually contacted me via this blog to find a local soccer team who he can play for during his stay in Vancouver. So I introduced him to the coach of my team right away, and he showed us his decent skills on the ball at the first practice with us, sighed with the team straight after. 

He is also very cooperative at my soccer academy, and alway try to commit himself to it as often and hard as he can, which is a huge help for me. So I always tell myself that I should't take his massive contribution towards the academy for granted.

We will be in the busiest time of the year in July and August, I guess. But I'm pretty sure that we could go through it with a burning passion and drive for coaching to every single of the kids I coach for!!







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BOG fiji tournament - U9 and U10

2016-07-02 17:10:48 | Canada

Hi, just a quick announcement on a competition in Surrey.

We have enrolled in a soccer competition of U9 and U10 grades in Surrey as a representative of Japanese community in Vancouver. The date of the comp is on 9th, July.

It's a bit burning, but if you are interested, please drop me an email or call me. The details are as follow.






 日程 : 7月9日(土)のみ  Date: 9th of July.

 場所 : Hjorth park(Surrey)  Place: Hjorth park 
 カテゴリー : U9/U10  Category: U9 and U10
  試合開始 : 8:30am  The first game to be kicked off at 8:30am
  最終試合 : 6:00pm ※ファイナルに行った場合  Only if we are advancing to the final, the game is scheduled at 6pm.
Phone: 778-710-1481