Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


vs Eastern Suburbs

2013-07-21 01:09:05 | Soccer/football

 Hi, boys and girls.

 We took on Eastern Suburbs last weekend who hammered us by 4 goals last time we strived at our home. So we went on with fine-tuning on the formation, and replaced some players from the previous match. That's why I was actually put in the defense line as a right full-back where I had never played since when I was a kid!!

 It didn't really matter to me at the time, I mean, I couldn't afford to think about something else but focusing on the game. As a result, we had a much better result than the last time with a meaningful loss 1-2 in compaison with a hopeless and miserable one 1-5 of the previous result. However, loss is loss, nothing else. Our performance edged up to the better sides, but can't get points from them. 

 On another note, it was a kind of memorable game for me as I could finally stand on the same field with Yoshi-san who is my big brother in Australia. To stretch the point a bit, one of my dreams in my entire life came true on that time. haha  Anyway, he is one of the respectable person from my heart for me. But unfortunately... he got sent off in the early second half with two yellow cards given!! At that moment, I thought we could win this game cuz we were still 1-0 up, but the referee messed up our hope with two silly and inexplicable judgements in the late second half. That was soooo rediculous!! He should be disqualified right now as a ref!!

 Oh.. man.. I can't sleep... 









All set for NZ!!

2013-07-18 02:56:14 | Diary

 Hi, everyone.

 There are still a couple of weeks to unfold this trip plan for NZ, but I can't help but telling it right now. I've just booked a ticket and reach there on 31th, and flying back to Gold Coast on 3rd. It's a very short stay, but I just want to make the most of the 4 days to catch up with friends there. 

 And the first thing on my check-list during the visit is to reunite with the kids who had been coaching when I was there last year. I can't literally wait to see them again!! It's gonna be a wonderful moment beyond description for me.

 By the way, I have something to tell you guys who live in Auckland at the moment. It's a kind of a favor to ask.. Let me stay your house during the 4 days if anyone has a spare room. I'm not asking you to let me freeload off you. I would pay for the rent that you request. 

 If you keen for that or know somebody to provide me a cheap room, hit me up on my email here.












2013-07-15 01:34:33 | Diary

 Hi, guys.

 Recently, I've had some opportunities to talk with some Japanese girls in English who have just come to Australia to study English. Most of them have already graduated from Uni in Japan, and some of them had already been to an English country to improve their English skills for several months or a year during their undergraduate days by making use of an exchange program organised by their own university with the affiliated university oversea.

 In spite of that, this is actually in my opinion, they are not good at speaking English. Some of them doen't even try to use English here because they are afraid to embarass themselves by making a mistake in a conversation. I understand what you think now. However, this is the way a typical Japanese thinks. They might be extremely self-conscious, and being aware of our surroundings. Thus Japanese students are really good at exams on the desk like reading and vocabulary tests despite being really bad with a presentation class and when people discuss about something topic in English. Basically, they rarely had opportunities to put them in practice with English only studying a English grammer or increasing their vocabulary on the desk. As a result, they finally realize that they don't have a communication skill in English after going oversea.

 Well.. why does that happens??

 I think there is the biggest reason in how we take English exams in Japan. In fact, reading tests and grammer tests are mainstream for English. To be honest, I've never had a speaking test or a writing test when I was a student in Japan. Kids in Japan are suppose to start getting involved in English at school when they usually enter a elementary school(Year1 to 6 in Japan). But they obviously have very little oppotunities to be exposed more practical situations.

 Basically, Speaking and writing have a more active factor than reading and listening which are more passive. Japanese students stick to the basics, but having a little bit of trouble with putting it to practical use.

 And also the pronunciation unique to Japanese may underlie the lack of confidence with English. As you know, we do use completely a different type of letters from Alphabet, and what is worse is that they try to apply the English pronunciation to the Japanese one in one way or another. It doen't really work though...

 But I think we could change everything if we realize that this education system goes wrong direction. We need completely a different approach that strength more the communication skills!! By doing this, each kid who is keen on English would start trying to have a right pronunciation and use the words which memorized now in a conversation. 

 you know.. All I want to say is now that they have already studied enough English grammer and learnt hundred or thousands of English words, but they hesitate to get them all out of the mouse. It's alway stuck in their throat. That's a waste!! 

 Sorry for this random writing... but I couldn't help but mention it. just letting it go into one ear and out of the other. Lol











 難しい漢字や熟語を読むことはできるけど、書けと言われれば困りませんか?私は困ります。笑 なぜなら、難しい漢字や熟語はテストで答えるためというのが一番の目的で覚えるからだと思います。それがもし、自分から日常的に会話の中で使いたいとか、作家の様に文章中で使いたいと思えば、その言葉に対する覚え方のアプローチは変わってくるはずです。




Cup game vs AC Carina

2013-07-12 13:40:35 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.

 I hate a weekday's game honestly cuz I usually have work on the next day or school... But in this week, we had a cup game on Wednesday night!! Luckily, it was our home game which is close and easy to access for me who don't have a car. If it was an away game which is so so far, I would have felt down in the dumps. lol 

 Anyway, we smashed them by 6-1 which was the biggest numbers of the score and goal differences for us in this season. 

 Personally, I directly set up some goals, and committed in most of goals we scored. But the opponent has belonged to a lower division, so it was actually a must win game that people has taken the result for granted.

 We has come into the Quarter final in the Cup. I know we struggle in the league, but I think we have a chance to win the Cup as we are having a lucky draw in the Cup. lol  








Highlight vs Ipswich Knights

2013-07-10 13:43:59 | Soccer/football



 This is a highlight of the game last weekend. Give me your feedback of the game honestly. 

 And I give you one more great phrase beamed by Keisuke Honda. 

 " Believe yourself "

 Believing in myself is a kind of my hope for me. Once you give up believing yourself, the light of your hope and dream start dying away. I know you feel so anxious about what you have done so far when the things don't go well. But the thing is, though, that's when you have to get a grip on yourself and believe in yourself again. This is not the time to walk away from your dream. So, I think keep believing in yourself is a kinda pure and simple hope that never vanishs as long as you do so.







vs Ipswich Knights

2013-07-07 23:31:21 | Soccer/football

 Hi, boys!! 

 We finally triumphed in a cross-game today against the decent team who are  currently sitting on the middle of the table. We are in the second last of it actually, but it was a massive 3 points for us today to get back on the right track. We are pretty confident, and obviously getting better game by game. Our hard work and strong passion for a victory have finally got paid off!! We were looking like the one who call the shots in the game.

 We tried to put as much intensity as we could into the game to win the ball, and I tried to be more assertive and more relaxed than usual to ease up my tension which is usually uncontrollable by myself. The field was terrible like very lumpy and slippery as well, but we could handle it better than them.

 On another note, The game had been filmed by Paul TV where selected games every week have been posted on the official website of the league and on Youtube as well. Today, our game was picked apparently, and it will be posted on Youtube in few days. I will post it here as soon as it comes out. 

 Recently, I've been used as a mid-fielder. To be honest, I'd like to play a closer position to the goal, but have to consider of the situation that the team has had and what the team are looking for from me. I never feel satisfied with myself no matter how many games we keep winning. 









