Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Round 1・2 (第1・2節) vs Taringa/Wolves

2010-02-27 19:59:41 | Soccer/football
How are you, everyone?

sorry I'll just report on our team result so far because I couldn't play outstandingly, it was poor performance I reckon, so I don't feel like telling you the first two games deteils.

Anyway, we got a quality start this season because we triumphed over at the first round and we got a draw at the second round.
As you know, I've never won any games in this league because we had never won a game last season thanks to the worst team in the world I belonged to last season, but I was able to beat a good team easily at he opening match, so to be hosnest, I didn't expect we could beat them easily.
As a matter of cource, I thought we wanted to win the game before the game started, so we got so happy the moment we got a win.

But we've just done only first two games, as many as 24 games still left We just try to keep the performance and its quality on the pitch.

And I must score as soon as possible!!

I have to take a shot to score at least 5 times in a game. If I get a score, I'll let you know shortly.









The opening game preview(リーグ戦ついに開幕)

2010-02-19 17:37:54 | Soccer/football
 G'day mates!!

Finally the day of an opening game is coming!! I'm so excited!!
The league I has belonged this season is the highest quality competition in Queensland.
It must be tough and hard for me, and I must have lots of difficulties during the season, but I am always ready to get them over. Even if it's like a mighty wall that towers in air and it seems to be so hard for me to get rid of it, I' don't mind, I don't care!! I just try to struggle and step forward.

And this year, this season is very important for me because it might be last season for me, if I can't make it. I mean I'm on the verge of retirement at the moment. It's not a kidding, I'm serious.

I've already been for nearly 2 years and I've played 2 seasons since I came to Australia. This is the third season.
I think it's about time to make a decision for myself because I'll become 25
years old at the end of this year. I don't think I'm still young as a player, so I'll make up my mind whether I'll continue playing, achieve great success as a player in the near future.

That's why I've set a high goal, just aim it. I'dont have to think any risk and failure in order to pursue the goal. Just do it!!

And maybe I can go back to Japan for the first time in two and a half years.

I'm really look forward to it.

Anyway, If u visit my blog every time you need to leave me a message, please. It makes me happy for sure.











New literary genre(新しい文学・書籍ジャンル)

2010-02-16 22:44:58 | Diary

Nowadays, I sometimes read a newspaper to pick up some academic words and sentenses that it's hard to understand.
And I found a Japanese current trend for teenager. It's new literary genre which they create a novel by themself on the website. So now mobile phones aren't just merely for talking, they're for writing. They are in Japan, at least.

The novels especially tended to attract teenage girls looking for a romantic plot. One of the most famous 'Keitai' authers is a 15-years-old schoolgirl who goes by the nom de plume of Bunny. Bunny has penned a three volume novel, which was so popular that it was printed and has sold more than 110,000 copies and grossed $611,000. The novel is basically a high school love story between a pretty girl and handsome boy.

But most Keitai authers aren't writing for fame. Bunny's classmate don't know about her literary success and she does't plan on tell them.
She says, 'It's embarrassing'.

Anyway, Times are changing rapidly without me. I'm still in about 2 years ago which I left Japan. I've been out of date for sure...






 日本は暗いイメージを持たれていないだろうか‥ と。笑




Sweltering night

2010-02-14 23:54:02 | Diary
 Toooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooootttt!!!!

It's too hot these days. It makes me crazy every night and morning. I'm really sick and tired of the weather in Brisbane. I also experienced it last year, but I can't get used to the crazy summer because every summer season last as much as 4 or 5 months a year at least.

Can u believe it?

When I wake up everymorning, I'm always sweltering. Do you think how often do I have to wash my bed sheets?
I can't be bothered to do it many times.

 I'm really missing winter season... Unhappily, I've never experienced winter season such as Japan.

I need to be more patience!!! Hang on and be patience.








My celebrity

2010-02-10 14:13:59 | Diary
Hi, doing mate?

I'll introduce some respectable athletes in my mind. Sometime I get depressed and disapointed myself after game or training because all things on me doesn't always go well.
Sometimes we get an unhappy thing and hear a bad news in our life, at that time I watch their documentary story on Youtube to try to keep positive.

The persons are Kenji Fukuda, Keisuke Honda, Hozumi Hasegawa, Tabuse Yuta.

All of them are really famous and popular with Japanese because they always try something, try to do their best.
In Japan, I think it's not easy for us to do our best for our dream until be nearly 30 years old because we have to keep motivetion and believe ourself all the time. Especially in Japan, it's more difficult to kepp doing that than other countries because we have to break through many social problems and sort them out.
What are they?

I guess what it's most biggest thing is in japanese character. it's hard to explain it, but most of Japanese males try to walk same track in Japanese social system. For example, As you get 18 years old, go to Uni and then after graduate it, you start job-hunting.
I think I feel like being set all up like that, we get just little options im Japan. If you trace a different way and then you fail to success it, you will be spoiled out of Japanese society because the career is very important thing on the society, so we can't be accepted any excuses.

It's a small world... unfortunately

But the four brave athletes seem to have no fear. That's why they can encourage someone to do something, i think.













Pre-season match

2010-02-04 21:20:20 | Soccer/football

We are in pre-season now, the new season will begin in two weeks, so we got a lots of game to adjust the first game.
I'm not too bad so far, but I've got much fatigue and pull a bit a muscle in my legs.
I have to control the fatigue condition somehow and make my best condition for the day.

Anyway,I have something on my mind about this season. it's what we've never played against a team in same league(Brisbane premier league). Actually I don't know why.. I guess our coach might not want to put our cards on the table untill curtain-up.
Other teams in the league has got a lot of games with the other teams as a friendly to improve each other, but most games we got were agaist teams is lower division or other league.

That's why I'm not sure how strong team we are at the moment, so I haven't had much confident for the season, I'm not sure we can go well.
But this team is much stronger and better than the previous team I played.

I'm mixing of expection and anxiety.






