Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Signed with Dublin Bus FC today

2017-02-23 17:36:45 | Ireland


Let me announce an awesome news today.  

I've signed with Dublin Bus FC in Leinster senior league. They currently play in the 4th tier of the Irish football and now battling in the promotion zone to the 3rd tier. 
As I've done that in AUS, NZ, CAD and some others before, I took action to find a football team who I can play for by myself with no friends here. But now I've had a team and made friends through the most popular sports in the world.

Now I perceive that I'm not only playing for myself but also playing for others who I would like to play for, for instance, the coaches and team staffs who are kind and nice to me. At the same time, I feel so blessed with good encounters and luck. It's not only on the field, but also off the field as well.

Playing football might be the only way for me to get things easier in a new country. It has helped me a lot establish myself in my whole life.

And After the Thursday's training, I had some intriguing stories from the coach. He told me that the players who playing in the Leinster league has been checked up by the national league of Ireland and can be scouted and called up for your appearance at their trainings as a trial. There's a massive opportuty all around in the leagues as long as you play there.

I'll give you a good example. The Irish champion last year, Dundalk FC got qualified for the play-offs for the Champions league and made it to the play-off finals against the Polish champions, Legia Warszawa. Unfortunately, they got defeated by Legia, but made it through to the Europe league and fought in the group with the Dutch and Russian giant, AZ and Zenit respectively.

Even in the third tier of the Irish league, some players get paid unofficially and play as a semi-professional. those stories were kind of an eye-opener for me. I to be honest wanted to know about it when I was younger!!

So I just wanted prospective young name-less players in Japan to know about the possibity this country has. As a matter of course, it all depends on how good you are, but it is definitely worth a go if you are confident of your ability to make it though. 


  今日、Dublin Bus FCというアイルランドリーグ4部のチームと契約しました。練習参加して2回目の今日、練習後にサインしたいと伝えられ、すごく歓迎して必要としてくれたので決めました。正直、そこまで本気でサッカー選手としては準備していなかったので、まだまだ体力面で不安はありますが、ヨーロッパという地、そしてチームメート、コーチ陣、スタッフの温かさに、「このチームでプレーして貢献したい」と駆り立てられました。やるからには全力で選手としても再スタートです。順調にいけば、クリアランスが下りて、今週から試合で出られるかもしれません。



 さらに、1部の優勝チームはCL予備予選から出場できます。今年はDandalk FCが優勝し、予備予選2,3回戦を突破して最後のプレーオフでポーランドのレギア・ワルシャワに敗れて本選出場を逃しました。その後ヨーロッパリーグに回り、オランダのAZやロシアのゼニトと対戦しています。

 そして先週私が練習参加したCrumlin Unitedが所属する3部リーグはセミプロのカテゴリーで、週に数百ユーロもらいながらプレーしている選手が多いようです。プロを目指すならまずはこの3部か4部の上位クラブでキャリアをスタートしたいところ。



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It's been a month in Ireland.

2017-02-17 18:05:34 | Ireland

Hi, guys.

Things are starting to settle down as it's been already a month since I landed in Ireland.

First of all, I got to open a bank account, finally. Yay!! I have no idea why it took me a month to open cuz I did the exact same thing in Vancouver, Canada on my third day!! It was such a hassle this time, to be honest. However, I still have one more last thing to do in early March - you must register with immigration if you are a non-EU national that costs you 300 Euro, which is outrageous!!

And there is one announcement about myself. I've been introduced by Mr Nishijo who is a host of an event called Football English Session at Ritsumeikan University in Osaka. It gives us an opportunity to touch a practical English experience by playing football coached by a former A-leaguer Hiro Moriyasu. 

If you live nearby or in Kansai area and it draws your interest to join, just give me an email and connect you with Mr, Nishijo right away.

The event will be starting in April. I will be able to pass on the further details to you.





  そして、関西の立命館大学で「英語×運動」をコンセプトにイベントを定期的に開いている西条さんのFACEBOOKページFootball English Sessionで、私自身の事を紹介して頂きました。ありがとうございます。















The third week in Ireland

2017-02-10 22:57:12 | Ireland

Hi, guys.

Three weeks have passed!! But I could say it's been only 3 weeks, though. That's because I've been overseas for many years. For me, but don't get me wrong, I feel like all the western countries I've ever stayed for months or years have kind of similar vibe - city, buildings, society and infrastructure so on. I've got enough of those experiences..Lol

But this week, I took a good step forward that I got to play football with locals for the first time in Dublin. It had only 60mins in the game, but had a head start with one assist. The first half was not what I had expected from myself cuz I wanted to show what I could do on the field, but I kind of kept spinning the wheel and didn't know how to get it on the right track. But gradually I got used to the game tempo with better touches on the ball as time rolled over.

But another tragedy happened after the game! I realized that there was a pair of trousers stolen during the game on, and it was mine... Shoot!! I lost my phone(it's not a smart phone) and house keys!!! My Samsung tablet got stolen the other week as well, man... Life in Dublin is tough for Asians.

And yesterday, I went to a bank to open an account, but found out that I must've made an appointment before I applied for it, and asked them to put my name on the waiting list and was told that the earliest date would be 21st of Feb, what a fuck!? How long do you guys keep me wait for just opening a bank account? Can't believe it..

A hassle pops up one after another...Sick of it!! 







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The second week in Ireland.

2017-02-04 20:14:29 | Ireland

Hi, guys.

It's been two weeks since I landed here.

Things are still in progress, but surely advancing little by little. I'm still struggling to get used to the Irish accent, though...

This week, I went to acquire a PPS(Personal public service) number at the city office with some troublesome documents required to bring in for the application of it. I got this kind of number in Canada to start working, but its process was way easier than here in Ireland. I heard that the system to get a PPS has just changed to a way that takes more time for us. 

All you need to do for it first is to find a job and ask them for an official letter to prove that you have been hired by them. After that, you'll get ready to go to the office. However, it will take 5 working days to be delivered to your post and in the meantime, you wouldn't be allowed to get paid as you don't have the number yet.

It's very frustrating, but only time can fit it, so just wait till it is delivered!!

And today, I got to visit the Japanese school of Ireland in Dublin where Japanese kids have raised in the country learn Japanese. And we got to discuss the possibility to introduce a soccer session into the curriculum from the new term that is starting in April. 

It still remains undefined and there's a pile of hurdles to pass to get it off the ground. But We have got lots of positives out of the meeting. 

Step by step, little by little. Don't let it stagnate, let it advance!!







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