Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Last Challenge 11

2015-03-05 11:21:39 | Asian Football Life

Hi, guys.

It was close call that I was swamped in gambling madness in Macau. But I somehow controlled myself to get away from it every single day as I already knew I'd screw my life up in the end. 

Luckily, I encountered some boys who play soccer and futsal in a open ground lying just underneath the Macau tower. They always get together after work and play there, so I go there and join them to play together for my fitness and have fun!! 

On the way to finding a team there, I went back to Japan once for a week to sort things up, and came back again and keep knocking the doors of the teams in Macau. Then I was introduced a team by my friend there, and could finalize a half season contract, which means I have a reason to go back to Japan in April.

The first division in Macau is not fully a pro. It's kind of semi-professional. Most of the players have another job to live off. As for myself, I get paid for every game I get involved in.  

Anyway, it's a very short contract, but I will leave a big impact on my team.










Last Challenge 10

2015-02-23 10:13:38 | Asian Football Life

Hi, guys.

The series have been coming to 10, but it seems like will still continue a bit more. 

Once I got back to Bangkok again, I booked a flight to Macau where is my next destination. I will give you a quick note about the country right here. The location is right next to Hong kong across the ocean, which is about 64 kilometers to the east. Macau is also a special region of China that means it still is a part of China, technically, but it maintains its own separate currency, customs territory, immigration and border controls and police force. And it is also the most densely populated region in the world. Wherever you go around lunch time, you will see how dense it is. And once you are stuck in it, you will never get out and can hardly move to walk forward.. I hate it.

And as you already know,  Macau is really known for gambling that could ruin your entire life just in one day unless you can control your emotions at a point. Sooooo scary, eh? 

In addition, it became the world's largest gambling centre over Las Vegas in 2006. wow!





However, it was actually a great timing to visit there for me as the domestic football league in Macau starts in February. But to be honest, I was totally overwhelmed by those kind of crazy-shiny hotel complex that is available 24 hours a day. Plus, the hotel I was living was right behind the hotels. These gorgeous neons of buildings kept enticing me into it. I was actually desperate not to go insane cuz I knew I'd screw my life up if I went through it.. 



Last Challenge 9

2015-02-17 08:26:44 | Asian Football Life

Hi guys,

I guess I was in Cambodia for about 5 days. Visiting the world heritage was the only one thing and the biggest one that I wanted to do in the country, so I left shortly after the day I observed it well. 

I still remember that was the same day as I went to see Angkor Watt. I encountered two courageous young Japanese girls at the guest house where I was staying. The both was around 20 years old, and one has already been living there over a year and the other was for a bit less period. I was totally inspired by their fortitude and energetic power from them. They belong to Japanese NGO(non-governmental organization) in Siem reap. 

Actually, it's guite easy to imagine that they had gone through a tough life there in the beginning until they got used to it as it's like a opposite world to the life they had been in Japan. But when I first met them, they obviously seemed happy and were enjoying the new environment. Such dependable girls!!

I heard that they are working on some projects at the moment to make the country more prosperous such as building a school from scratch on their own to give an opportunity to as many children as possible.

And I also reassured that there were tons of (non)commecial organizations in the world, and many young Japanese are committed to them. That was a pleasure to know, as a matter of course!! 







Last Challenge 8

2015-02-13 03:55:49 | Asian Football Life

This is the most massive and brilliant temple complex in the world in Siem reap.





I got totally overwhelmed at first sight. You know the saying "A picture is worth a thousand words". Admission fee for 20US is required to visit there, but it was surely worth it. 






Last Challenge 7

2015-02-06 01:08:40 | Asian Football Life


I went back to Bangkok by land from Laos. What I know about Thailand is only about Bangkok, but everything is so reasonble and very convenient to ensure access to everywhere in Asia. 

At that time, I got a trial invitation from a southern club in Thailand where is the most dangerous area in the country as incessant conflicts between the southern area in Thailand and Northern area in Malaysia have developed. 

I wanted to go, actually, but I couldn't..  so I had to change my plan dramatically at this stage, and I decided to head off to Cambodia by land from Bangkok by the national railway connects to Cambodia from Bangkok. It took ages to get to the gateway of Cambodia. I cant remember how long it took.. but it was ridiculously long!!

Anyway I got to the border between Thai and Cambodia somehow, and applied for an entry visa at the border that took so long too!! It was too much of a bother and an annoying procedure.



Anyway, I had only one purpose to do in this country. It's not football. What I wanted to do here was to visit Angkor wat. That's all. I've met many travelers through my entire life, and most of them told me that Angkor wat was amazing and definitely worth a watch at least once in lifetime. So I got to Siem reap where is the gateway to the world heritage.

It was the most tremendous and unreal monument I have ever seen. I will put some photoes of it in the next entry.  





Last Challenge 6

2015-01-25 13:56:49 | Asian Football Life

Hi, guys. 

Somehow I found a reasonable hotel in Vientiane, and as soon as check-in was done, I went straight to bed till the next morning. I was totally knackered...

Day 2 in Laos, I was went out in the morning and start walking around the town to look for something could become a cue where I might be able to find a team from. I had no idea about football in Laos till this point. And I happened to see an Adidas store in town, of course went in to ask advices. It ended up drawing good fortune. One of the staffs knew a manager of the richest club in Laos, and he is kind enough to give me the manager's number. As a matter of course, I called him immediately and promised that we'd meet up at a desinated cafe by him. He naturally came late at the cafe and I begged a permission for trials. He rang a coach, and my wish was easily accepted.

Then the first training was set in 2 hours after we left the cafe.

I really reassured that nothing is impossible, and everything can happen in only a day!! Do or nothing.

In the end, I couldn't make it go further unfortunately. I joined 3 training sessions over three days and I was told that they had already had 5 foreiners including three japanese players before I came, and the owner told he had no intention of signing more new players at this stage. 

That might've been just his favourite stockline to decline, but in fact, they already got 3 Japanese signed. Maybe I should've been there a bit earlier to get another story, it's over.

Anyway, Laos was definitely one of my favourite places where I will want to visit again, and surely I will. The team I joined was also very well-organized with a solid professional base supported by Toyota in Laos.  

All the best wishes for the season and AFC cup, Lao Toyota!! 





 そして練習のスタジアムに行ってみると、日本人がなんとすでに3人も契約していた。彼らも先日に書いたタイのエージェント会社を通じてここにやってきて契約したとのこと。自力で、しかも勝手に日本人がやってきたので、みな驚いていた。笑 高い仲介料なんて払わなくてもチャンスは見つかる。後はそれを掴めるかどうか。実力に少しの運。



Good bye with this pic (Mekong river flowing between the two lands, Thailand and Laos.) 



Last Challenge 5

2015-01-20 09:52:25 | Asian Football Life

Hi, guys.

I decided to put things in Thailand on one side and headed off to one of neighboring countries, Laos. 

I'd never crossed a border by land before as it's hard to get a chance to do that once you are born in a country surrounded by water. I felt a bit anxious as the border got closer and closer, but luckily, I met a super-friendly and experienced Aussie guy on the bus to the border, and he helped me a lot. So I never faced any troubles and problems at the immigration to enter all thanks to him.

And this road trip made me realize how lucky I am to be a Japanese. Unknowingly, I've owed a lot to the Japanese governmen that kicking in all sort of supports to South-east Asia. Thanks to that, I've got a visa-free privilege in some countries or being a Japanese makes me much easier to get an entry visa in most of the countries in the world than others.







Last Challenge 4

2015-01-17 03:02:13 | Asian Football Life

Hi, guys.

Back in the days in Thailand..

This time was the second time to visit Thailand. The first time was last year. Back then, I had trials with three professional teams across the country, flying to both the north and south area in Thailand through my agent. 

But I made up my mind to look for a team by myself this time. The biggest reason was the contract details they always present that every player is obligated to pay in advance, which is a lot of money. Last time I made a contract with an agent from the company, I was compelled to pay first, which was about 600 US dollars. It covered me for a month, that means once you seal a contract with the agent company, you'd be referred some clubs by them. Beyond that point, it all depends on you. You have to play well and show what you are to get a REAL contract with a pro-team in Thailand.

However, I couldn't agree with it this time. I though it wasn't a reasonable fee for me.

But, in fact, there are still so many Japanese players want to come and play professionally outside Japan. There are no exceptions. I actually encountered two Japanese players who had already contracted with a team in Thai division 2. They said they already paid about 3 thousands dollars for a month contract with the agent company, plus it didn't include their flights.. What a fraud!!

For me, I've got one offer from a team in Thai, but the problem is that the location (where the club is) is in a dangerous province for terrorism.

Do you think should I still go?  








Last Challenge 3

2015-01-13 23:52:29 | Asian Football Life

Hi, guys.

I personally go to a gym in Bangkok before the team session starts. I use it for free, but actually it's not for free. Lol

The photo above, he is a former bodybuilder in Thailand. He doen't look like it at all now, but I've seen some remnants of it such as some trophys and certificates throughout the walls in the gym.

But I've also never seen him standing up as he alway lie down on the bed, never get up off the bed.. Very doubful.. 

  バンコクで個人的にジムに行ってたんですが、そこがまた素晴らしくハングリー精神を高めてくれます。上は、ジムの管理人さん。ジムの真ん中にベットがあり、そこで寝たきりの状態で管理してます。管理できてないか・・。笑 めっちゃ良いおじいちゃんですけどね。元ボディビルダーみたい。ほんとかな・・?

This shows inside the gym. Honestly, so hot inside with excessively high humidity, dirty and most of the machines are filled with a stinky-sweaty smell.

I can't stand them, so everytime I leave there within an hour. Just for a quick session, though. Obviously, these circumstances around me in Bangkok are making me hungrier for sure.


Last Challenge 2

2015-01-11 23:19:43 | Asian Football Life

 How nice of you guys!! I really enjoyed the welcoming dinner for me with those who I met just few days ago at a park in Bangkok. I realized that Just kicking the ball connects me to anybody in the world, if you like football. Language barrier is a huge thing for anyone, but football could get distorted it. I mean, Just kicking the ball with someone you don't know teaches you that it doesn't really matter to communicate each other. Languages come next.



It was really wonderful to meet them and play with them. The time I spent with them is my treasure. We will definitely catch up at some stage again.


Last Challenge 1

2015-01-06 23:18:04 | Asian Football Life


I've backed to Thailand. I never thought I'd be back last time I left here, but... tomorrow never knows!!

These two photoes above exactly reflect where Thailand is as the level of country in the world. You can see this kind of massive congestion everywhere in Bangkok with people digging their way through it. I can't help but compare to India, but obviously here in Thailand is much easier to live. The reason is simple. You can just find some safe food that doesn't cause you food-poisoning at a worldwide convenience store, which is Seven Eleven. Lol

Anyway, So many tasks to clear still lie ahead. Get a grip!!



Negara Brunei Darussalam 2

2014-10-13 01:34:17 | Asian Football Life

 Hi, guys.

 Let me start where I left off about the story 1 of Brunei. 

 Well, I knew that a Japanese player had been playing in Brunei before I came, so I headed off to the club where he had played for a couple of seasons and wanting to ask whether I could play there.

 The club was one of the richest clubs in the country sponsored by the head quater of VW in Brunei. If you sigh on with them, I heard that you'd be able to pick any car you want and drive away during the period of your contract. I was daydreaming about it... I could somehow get to the company where the boss was. I revealed him why I came down there, but he frowned for a moment, and said ''the league has still collasped since last year, which means that we are in process of rebuilding the league at the moment.. Sorry.. we can't let you play unless the league comes back."  

 They also told me that they are still discussing about the new league's format of whether to accept some visa players into the league. It seemed hard to make an answer at that time. So I asked him to get me his name card to keep in touch so that I could play there oneday.

 I've been to many countries for soccer. Some may tell it's foolhardy. yea, they could be right, but I've never regretted what I have done. It's all up to myself to remake or waste it. I will definitely cash in on the past experiences that others don't have. 








Negara Brunei Darussalam 1

2014-09-29 23:47:56 | Asian Football Life

 Hi, guys.

 It was a couple years ago, but I've never written about it. I went to Brunei in 2012. I still remember clearly about the days. That was the year I played in India. I went back to Japan once right after the season out there, and I booked a flight to knock about Southeast asia for the first time to find a team I could play for. I visited few countries, then I landed in Brunei. 

 To be honest, I was a bit freaked out when I got to immigration checks as I had no knowledge about the country but the entry visa. But nothing happened, I could just go through uneventfully. I grabbed a taxi just outside of the airport, and asked him to take me to the cheapest inn. Of course, I got ripped off by the taxi driver as always in Southeast asia. Lol You better brace yourself for it when you travel in those countries. 

 Finally, I started looking for teams in Brunei with a glimmer of hope. I found out that the domestic pro-league still exists and has been run every year that starts from December. I was in July, though...

 Anyway, I felt that the country was so safe and rich with full of everlasting resources such as natural gas and oil. The country is a kingdom. So there is a king, who introduce the absolute monarchy to rule it. To be surprised, They had been conquered by Japan right up until we surrendered at Second World War in 1945. Moreover, There are no tax on every single item to be purchased, no charge for education and medical care.

 And the big mosque called new mosque symbolizes it. It was erected by the king in an outrageous cost, which was 5 billion US dollars came out of his pocket. CRAZY!!!









As a visa player

2014-07-19 21:51:20 | Asian Football Life

 Hi, guys.

 This is the very first entry about the life in Thailand. Originally, I wasn't going to fly over to Thailand, but various things around me were timed well at a time then so that I could decide to do so.

 What reminded me of on the journey in Bangkok was that how much expectations and pressure a visa player receive once you make a contract with a team in SouthEast Asia. I thought I still remembered how much they were as I've played in India before, so I thought I knew how I could deal with it. However, those things I got in Bangkok was more than those I got in India.

 They always give me a sharp eye every game and training session. I'm playing as a attacking player overseas, which means that every team I play for expect me a simple inpact - goals and assists, that's all!!

 So If you are thinking now you want to go and play somethere in Asia, you better bear in mind the fact. Even though you are good enough to play there, you won't be able to achieve anything unless you have a certain mental toughness.

 And football in Thailand, has a great potential to be a big-power country in Asia, I think. And to top it all off, they are amazingly skillful!! Once you watch them play in a small sided game, you can see how good at passing aroung they are in the grids. On the countrary, they have a weak part in football which is a very similar problem to the one Japanese national team has - the ability of scoring goals. 

 Anyway, what I can say is that the players and leagues in Thai is higher than the ones in India including its level and what is needed as a visa player here. Moreover, Languages make you more difficult to play out here as they don't speak English... But I'm enjoying a new life and football!!!!!!






Bed bug!!

2014-07-06 18:24:25 | Asian Football Life


 I became food for bug the other week!! I got hundreds of bites throughout my body over few nights on the bed in the hostel where I stayed a couple of nights there. It was a real nightmare!! I felt like receiving a torture... I really thought I'd be a dead body after few nights if I kept putting up at the hostel. Unbearable itch from the bites made me go phycho overnight. So at one time, I tried to count how many I got bit by the small murders, but it was seriously uncountable.. I was actually counting up to 200 bites over my body - legs, arms, neck, back and stomach.. , but I gave up counting to the end cuz it seemed impossible to count up. I think there should be at least more than 400 bites.. Can you believe it? and imagine how itchy they are?

 Moreover, I needed to go for a team training every night, and I fell prey to a number of mosquitoes!! Fuck dead...

 Luckily, I had brought an anti-itchy cream made in Japan, but it was all gone right away.. What I can be only proud of myself is that I let them heal on its own.. just a real stupid? lol 





