Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Holy hailstorm, Brisbane! 大嵐直撃!

2014-11-28 19:35:38 | Australia


Wash-up still continues after storm mayhem...

Yesterday evening, An unbeliavable and apocalyptic storm hit the city in Brisbane with flash flooding, tennis-ball sized hailstones and cyclonic winds. It's been said that was the worst we've ever seen in 30 years...

That blast of bad weather left hundreds of homes damaged and a repair bill of 84 million. The murderous wind recorded a month's worth of rain in just 20mins, and wind gusts of up to 140km/h. A roof was blown more than 100m away, and uncountable trees across Brisbane were still left swept away by the gusty wind.




What a fuck! These are the tennis-ball sized hailstones. My friend's car got unfortunately pummeled by them... 



The massive tree has been pulled out of its root. 

The earth is being furious at us, who never stop destroying a great deal of nature..



G20 madness.

2014-11-16 16:13:54 | Australia

Hi, guys.

Brisbane, Where I am now is the host city for the World summit called G20 this year. And it is supposed to be held over this weekend. At the same time, Some barricades and road closures throughtout the town are expected. While past leader's summits have seen mass arrests, violent demonstrations and vandalism.

There are pros and cons to be the host for the event, but For citizens it's hard to see the pros during the period. The whole town is expected to be a ghost town in a twist of irony...

Me either.. I will be holing myself up in my place as I don't want to get involved in those kind of issues that are expected to happen like protests and vandalism.  

yeah, but I just want to watch some stupids egg some of the motorcades and found themselves behind bar right away. Lol

Last of all, I will give you a trivia of G20. There are only 19 member countries in the G20, not 20. Nigeria was supposed to have been the final addition, but was bumped off at the end. The name stuck...






Team E-FRESH!!

2014-11-13 20:50:51 | Soccer/football

Hi, guys.

Team E-fresh, it's my first indoor soccer team in Brisbane, had a debut match yesterday and claimed the first win. I thought it'd be hard to scrape up members of the team from my friend's list in Brisbane, but I found it so easy in the end, and there were 5 subs on the bench on the game day. Lol

It was obviously a good surprise, but I myself couldn't have enough game time though.. Anyway, we defeated by a large margin, 8-3 that made me relieved.

The members are unique across all age groups like teens to 50's. But no doubt about their abilities cuz they all made through a severe screening set by me to get into the team. haha

yeah, but of course I want to play too, so there still needs to be fine-tuning about the number of the players for the next game. 




 チーム内は日本人2人意外はすべてオーストラリア人。年齢も様々で、53才のおっちゃんも立派にプレーしています。笑 交代は自由なので、うまく使いながら、出場時間を平等にしてみなをハッピーにしないといけない。気を使いすぎず、だけど色々と考えながら。これも勉強。




Don't you have time to do so? Bullshit!! 「時間が無い」なんてウソ。

2014-11-10 01:42:18 | Words 言葉の力

 On a sober note, I sometimes consider of where I live and how rich I am compared to majority of other people in the world. Everything I have at home is so handy to shorten the time to do so such as Kitchen equipments, Vacuum, washing machine and PC so on..

Where do those too advanced technologies take us to? As a result, causes what? 

Probably, You have been widely promoted the efficiency and diversification in your daily life. You might not have realized it yet as it's alway there. The more efficient life you get, I think the more time you have. 

So how do you spend the time you are given in such luxury circumstances?

In Japan, you can see people being addicted to social media and mobile games. Don't you think you are blowing the time? Time is limited and given equally everyday. And of course you know time is a invaluable thing that you can never buy. 

I really feel sorry for them consume away thier time with such fluitless things.








Melbourne Cup

2014-11-06 00:20:26 | Australia

Hi, guys.

This Tuesday was the biggest horse racing day in Australia. Melbourne Cup Day is Australia’s best known horse racing event held on the first Tuesday of November every year. It is an annual public holiday in the state of Victoria. This event is popularly dubbed as “the race that stops the nation”. 

More than 100,000 people usually attend Flemington Racecourse. And the race is televised live to an audience of about 650 million people worldwide. Many people stop what they are doing shortly before 3pm on Melbourne Cup Day to watch or listen to the main race either via television, Internet or the radio.

A Japanese horse has won the race before. This year, One horse from Japan came to take part in the race, and he was the fovourite of the race. Unfortunately, he couldn't live up to the expectation from fans and what is worse, passed away straight after the race...

I used to be a big fan of the horse racing in Japan. Especially the day of Arima-Kinen, which is the biggest race in Japan like Melbourne Cup in AUS makes my day.




