Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


training off the pitch and ice-bath recovery.

2014-02-26 00:26:56 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.

 The game this weekend is a winnable to us. Of course, every game in this league is tough for any team, but it's very important not to drop points that could potentially win.  

 In this league, which is non-professional, all the teams don't have a training session every day. most of teams usually train 2 or 3 times a week, plus a game every weekend. As you can see, almost half of weeks are off days. This is what I vent!! It's because I have't erected my ideal work-out routine on the off-days yet. In particular, the day after game for recovery and the day before game for preparation of the game are a bit thorny to me. The thing is, though, I can't stop pushing myself at every training as I don't just want to compromise what I do every day, but it sometime turned out a bit harmful after all with heavy legs on the game day. But it can't be helped because I didn't really put in the time and effort to practice when I was in high-school and university in Japan. It's for as many as 7 years!! I still regret about those days, and am really desperate to make up for the lost time. It's a huge disadvantage for me to compete with other elite players, but it's also my big motivation to keep training. As a result, it has driven me up.

 When it comes to recovery, Icebath is alway set in the club-house, so after every training session and every home-game, we can make use of it freely.

 Anyway, I try a variety of training and recovery methods aggressively. And I believe it will benefit me someday when I retire and become a coach in the future.









vs Wolves

2014-02-23 01:43:39 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.

 The season in 2014 has just begun!! We had the first game of the season last Saturday against last year's runners-up, Wolves FC. 

 I was in a starting line-up as a right back where I rarely play, but I've decided to play there over this whole season with full of confidence. I ended up being sent a substitute about 60mins that I didn't totally get it.. fuck...

 However, The first 45mins was not in our pace, and had been played dominantly with so many chances to be scored. We had our hands full barely creating one good chance to score in the half. To be honest, I expected we'd be able to play far better than we did in that game, and obviously, each one of us could've done a lot better. 

 Anyway, the season just started, and we still have so many games left. We have to put our best effort in the next game to bounce back and get the first point. In the first 10mins, I have to admit that I felt so much intensity, pressure and tensions in the game that made me more nervous. But I can't put the same excuse any more. All we are looking at the next round is just 3 points!!!!!!!!!










Bright lights up sky

2014-02-13 22:51:34 | Words 言葉の力

I just found an impressive article of Olmpic coverage about a woman, who has become the first Aussie medalist in this winter Olympic.

It's following here.





 Torah Bright has broken Australia's Winter Olympic medal drought by taking silver in the women's halfpipe today and given the 60-strong Aussie team - the nation's largest ever - a major boost. Ben Bright, her brother and coach, said two words to her before she rode into the pipe, ''I believe'', and she replied, ''I believe too''. The snowboarder, who won gold in the same event at Vancouver in 2010, said she didn't care what colour the medal was. ''Life isn't about winning, it's about putting your best foot forward,'' the 27-year-old said.

 Torah Brightさんが、女子ハーフパイプで今大会オーストラリア人初のメダル(銀)を獲得し、過去最高の60人を送り込んだオーストラリアチームにとって大きな後押しになった。

 彼女の兄でありコーチのBen Brightさんは、競技に入る直前の彼女に二言だけ声をかけた。

 「お前を信じてる」(I believe)





Silver boots tournament

2014-02-09 22:27:11 | Soccer/football

Hi, guys.

There are only two weeks to go into the new season. And the fixture has been launched that we will take on Wolves FC, who was runners-up last season. 

Recently, we've been playing in an annual pre-season tournement hosted by Lions FC, who was the winners of the league last year.

We played the third game last Sunday, and so far, we've claimed a win and two losses from last three matches in the comp. We are still building up the system, and searching on the best formation that we should adopt through the season. We totally have a new squad, for me, a new player as well, so we still need time to understand each other to play much better.

And I'm also challenging with the position where I've never played on before. It's a full-back. Basically, I didn't use to like a defensive role at all, and in fact, I was too shit at it. However, I've tried most of other positions before, but it didn't get me anywhere, honestly. 

This year would be my last opportunity to chase my dream without any prospective results, so I'd like to challenge myself with an unknown zone. There's been heaps of challenges that I have to readjust and clarify them into myself. But they are all positives. 

More haste, less speed.









2014-02-04 22:56:25 | Australia

Hi, guys.

I was a bit gloomy about the proceeding of my visa transaction. I get annoyed before I do this. I really hate it!! But I have to get this done smartly, otherwise I'd be notified of a depotation to Japan... Lol

You might not know how problematic it is.. It's a real pain in the ass during the procedure as the Australian immigration law is really changeable every year. And the cost of each visa is getting expensive year by year which is such a pain for me.

This time I applied for a visa online as usual, but the way of the application has been different from last year, and I needed more documents required for submission which was so time-consuming... However, I don't know I was just lucky... but it ended up fall into place quickly against the odds. I got just relieved anyway...

From now on, I must focus on football for the new season!!






