Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


A not bad news

2009-06-07 22:51:37 | Diary
G'day, mate!!

I have a「not bad news」. Can you guess what it is?

Actually My mom came to see me yesterday!!

Oh god.... I thought why you came all the way through such a long flight the moment I met her at airport.
Cuz she didn't make effective use of a direct flight of Jetstar and bought another one with by way of Taiwan.

so she had to spend lots of time about a half day till arrived. I realized soon she was really exhausted because of long flight and sick and tired of 'a unrelaxed seat'.

Anyway she gonna stay for 12 days in here.

Don't you think too long? I don't know well what on earth she wanna do, what is her plan...

but at least I must be good son for her while she's staying.

I'll try to be as much as I can, I mean 'Oyakoukou'.

I wanna spend my time for her, I'll take her wherever she requests.
This is the only one thing I have to do for my mom to the end of my life(rest of my life).

And the last day she leaves, I want her to come and watch my soccer match.

P.S. I know you guys run through my blog time to time. Thanks.
lately I noticed the number of visitors into my blog is much bigger, still increasing. Please leave your message for me, don't hesitate to do that, feel free, please!! I look forward to seeing your words.














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