

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): 昨日の関連報道

2018-02-12 17:05:03 | 日記
2018年2月12日(Mon.) 降雪の予報が続いてはいるのですが、幸いにもハズレています。 しかし、寒さは続いていて、最高気温で4・5℃です。(愛知県平野部)

さて、当ブログで取り上げた昨日の北アイルランドでの事件、他のニュースサイトからもその後の詳細情報が流されています。 ( ニュースソース: Independent.ie 2月11日発 )

<原文の一部> 大半の和訳を略します。原文を読んでみて下さい。
'He just melted your heart' - Heartbroken parents of Kayden (5) who died after being swept away in fast-flowing river

Kayden Fleck (inset)

The heartbroken parents of a five-year-boy who died after being swept away in a fast-flowing river in Northern Ireland have said their son "just melted your heart".

Darrel and Leanne Fleck said their son Kayden was "happy-go-lucky" and "your average wee boy".

They described Kayden and his twin brother, Jayden, as "the two musketeers".

A statement released by the Police Service of Northern Ireland on behalf of Mr and Mrs Fleck added: "The family want to thank each of the agencies who were involved in the search and rescue operation yesterday, and say they are grateful for the community support they have received since."

(抜粋)両親が言うには、亡くなった男の子は明るくてのんきな子で、普通の子だったそうです。(意訳) そして、実は双子の一人だったのです。

Kayden Fleck (right) with his twin brother Jayden (left) Credit: PSNI/PA Wire (右側が亡くなった Kayden )

Kayden was swept away more than four miles down the Braid River in Ballymena, Co Antrim, on Saturday.

A major search and rescue operation was launched and the boy was recovered from the river and airlifted to the hospital, but he was declared dead shortly afterwards.

The boy's school, Harryville Primary, has asked for everyone to remember Kayden's family in their prayers.

In a statement on Facebook, the school said it was "a very sad time".

(抜粋)少年が通っていた学校は、全ての人に対し、Kayden のファミリーに祈りを奉げるようお願いしています。 ・・・

Kayden Fleck, who died after being swept away in a fast-flowing river in Northern Ireland Credit: PSNI/PA Wire

Kayden fell into the river near Skye Park at around 1pm on Saturday.

He was recovered from the water more than 45 minutes later near Tullaghgarley and immediately airlifted to hospital.

As news of the tragedy unfolded, the boy's school was inundated with messages of condolence for his family.

Posts on the school's Facebook wall read: "You are all in my thoughts and prayers at this time of unimaginable loss."

Another said: "Bless this wee man. You will be deeply missed."

Last night tributes flooded in over social media for the Ballymena boy.


One mum wrote: “Wee angel taken too soon had his whole life ahead of him.” Another said: “Totally heartbreaking, thoughts and prayers with you.”

Leader of the TUV Jim Allister also wrote on Twitter he offered his "heartfelt sympathy".

"Awful loss for local Ballymena family in today's river tragedy. Heartfelt sympathy at this terrible time. To lose a child must be nigh unbearable. The emergency services were marvellous but it was not to be enough. So sad."


他のサイト情報としては、少年が川に落ちた時は家族で散策していた時で、双子は二人とも川に落ちたのです。 一人はすぐに救助されましたが、Kayden の方は急流に流されてしまい、45分後に4マイル先で引き上げられたと言うことでした・・・。


さて、話はガラリと変わりますが、ジョージ・オーウェル( George Orwell )の 「1984」(小説) を読みましたが、かなりショッキングで、且つ、勉強になりました、こんな社会にしてはならないと。 単なる絵空事とは思えないぐらいです。 (当ブログの関連記事はこちら


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