倉富和子の女のひもとき in USA


東洋最古の医典素門霊枢経とDna Oriental and Dna

2010-04-20 23:45:43 |  縄文心導ヒーリング





The oldest Eastern medicine book about the human nervous system that I have actually coincided with Cyril's DNA. It is now the third year that I have been putting my efforts into the DNA method. The beginning of this started with a single fax I recieved from Mr. Shusaku Arakawa, the person who designed the Mikata Reversible Density lofts I was living in at the time. I moved to live in San Francisco for a year after, and there I received flashes of different ideas for the DNA method, but when I finally moved to Ann Arbor last year in October, again and again amazing events kept happening around me.

I began to think that the DNA method was finally coming to completion here, and then, from my own housemate Cyril, I found an important message that I would have never of thought to receive. Cyril's uncle, Anthony, who lived in Miami, was previously a pack rat, ended up being hospitalized for a broken hip that he got in a car accident, and is now in doing rehabilitation for the injury in a nursing home.

I had previously introduced him in prior blogs. Anthony an inguinal hernia, which means his testicles have receded into his abdomen region and caused swelling, making him unable to walk. From what I heard from Cyril, before his father past away, he has the same type of condition occur. If there is something that I wanted to say from all of this, I feel that eastern medicine might attribute the hernia to bad kidneys, but I couldn't find a certain acupuncture point for that spot.

When I was looking for the final touches for the methods I started to use after Cyril had his ear surgery, I consulted the old Eastern medicine book on nerves I mentioned. In that book, there was a section about the gall bladder points, I found something written about muscle atrophy as well as cases of testicles going up into the abdomen area. I remembered when I was asked earlier by Cyril about the lumps on the side of his abdomen, and I realized that they were in the exact same place as the gall bladder points that were mentioned in the book. I think this meant that the DNA for the possibility of a hernia near the navel was passed down to Cyril.

"The book" has been used since the Genroku period of history where there was no formal science. Now, in front of my own eyes, there is a model of the ideas in "the book". I really find the spiritual power of our ancestors truly marvelous!

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KURATOMIのメソットはとても好きです。 I like Kuratomi method

2010-04-20 00:51:30 |  縄文心導ヒーリング




Cynthia's Story:

I really like the Kuratomi Method. Even if you only practice a fraction of the whole method, you can still see a really noticeable effect on yourself. I find that really impressive.

Since I am now familiar with Jyomon Shindo, I have plans to hold 3 classes for Jyomon Stretches in May. However, I don't feel completely confident with everything I learned through the instructor training courses; I think about one or two years of study is necessary.

I also feel I have a lot more to learn about the DNA method, so I need to continue studying it as well. In 1992 when you came to Ann Arbor and I learned Shindo from you, it was really nice, and again since you have come back to Ann Arbor, in a lot of ways I have enjoyed much more active work in these different methods.

On May 8th there is a health benefit in Ann Arbor, and I was thinking about having the Jyomon Shindo be a part of it as a sort of advertisement activity. There will be over 500 people gathering for the event, with a lot of different events like a group walk, marathon, and lots of physical exercise.

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