オサンポ take a walk - スキマ草 Sukima-soh : 双葉 cotyledon

2015年07月21日 | 日記

The summer has come
It's our first steps
We, cotyledon

「ワタシタチ、種が発芽すると最初に双葉が出るンです」 でもその双葉、色々な形と大きさがあるんですね。とても小さいのを見つけると、こんなに小さくても"双葉"なのねん? と感心感心。まずはどんなんでも、"出る"。それが大事な時もあるかも知れない…。
When we sprout, cotyledon comes out first. Cotyledon has various shape and size. When I find a very very tiny one, I'm impressed that even though they are very vey tiny, they are still cotyledon itself. Well, we can say something by that. It would be important that we come out first, then... We will do.
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断捨離 Danshari=getting rid of the clutter in my life - 消しゴム rubbers

2015年07月20日 | 日記

I will through away
Those rubbers
In this hot summer

I said "Good-bye" to those rubbers which had been in the drawer such a long time in this extreme hot summer. In the middle, there is a brown rubber which has a curry fragrance but it has already faded out. At the right hand side, there is a dark gray ink eraser which is covered by a handwriting wrapping paper. Who drew the illustration? But it is torn now. At the left hand side, there is a rubber with brush which belongs to a set of Sakura Coupy-Pencil 12 colours. That brush, I don't think it was useful... Their modern sets also have rubbers but they don't have any brushes. Well, I'd like to say, "Thank you for being with me, sorry I didn't use you." to every rubber. I thought that someday, I will probably use it, but never. Now I let go. I believe that some of them may return to me.
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オサンポ take a walk - スキマ草 Sukima-soh : ホース hose pipe

2015年07月19日 | 日記

This hose provides us(Sukima-soh)
Water drops
It's so nice!

この鉢植えのアイビー(?)を撮ったワケでなく、この石のワンちゃん…片足をカケラの上にのせてバランス取ってる風が面白いですが…を撮ったワケでなく、ホースの水が滴る下にいるカタバミ(クローバー?) を撮ったワケです。ココなら水不足の夏になっても大丈夫! クーラーの排水があるし、アイビーの鉢から余った水が流れてくる可能性高いし。こんなに小さい草花でもしたたかに生きてますねぇ。したたかにしたたかに。見習わねバ。
I wasn't going to take a photo of the pod of ivy, nor the dog made of stone, it seemed to keep a balance with a piece of a flower pot, I took a photo of a small bunch of an oxalis ( clover? ) under the hose pipe which was providing water drops. I imagined that the oxalis thought "We should be OK! if water isn't enough in this summer, because of the hose pipe drops and the other some water might come through to us from the ivy pot". I'm impressed that the small plants are like a wily old fox... They have high skill of searching places abilities. I should learn something from them!
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オサンポ take a walk - 灯りのカーテン curtains of light

2015年07月18日 | 日記

An evening calm
The curtain of light
It is there

It was in the evening calm, the sun was gone to under the horizon, it was getting cooler than the daytime, I met the curtain light. I saw the similar one near here. I also thought the same things at that time, it is just, the building is ordinary, designed nothing special. But when I saw the building in the evening, the curtains were closed then lit, the appearance of the building had been changed to be a special scenery, I thought. I think that no one planned like that( I believe ), it's just happened by mixing with time, conditions and so on. Oh. How wonderful "happening" is !!
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オサンポ take a walk - スキマ草 Sukima-soh : 側溝周辺 around the side ditches

2015年07月17日 | 日記

Those Sukima-soh
Have been at around the side ditches
Welcoming to summer

それぞれがそれぞれに、色々なスキマで生きる。側溝と道路のハザマや側溝のそれ自体。ある時は単独で、ある時は他の仲間タチと等間隔に並んで。側溝の内側だって水がいつも流れているとは限らない。その時その時の一番を見つけ、そこでベストを尽くす。しかしこー見てくると、スキマ草自身がその場所を選んだのだ、と言う、"自分の意思"もあるよーに思えてくる。ただ風に翻弄されてたまたま落ちたところで、「ここか~?」と思いながら、「生きている」のではなく、「ここで。」と決めて「生きている」よーな。テ、哲学過ぎ? ますか..…?
Every Sukima-soh has every place where they live. Between a ditch and a road, in a ditch. Some Sukima-soh are in a line beside a ditch. Not always waters flow in a ditch. Every time it finds the best, it will do itself. Well, as I thought like that, I've got some ideas, Sukima-soh, it seems to have its will. They just blow then fall at a place, "So, I have to live here?" , not like this, "OK, I will live here". Is it too philosophy?
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断捨離 Danshari=getting rid of the clutter in my life - お父さん学習帳 a special notebook

2015年07月16日 | 日記

It's a special notebook
Dad's study notebook
I use the notebook

某ケイタイ電話会社からオマケで貰った学習帳! ショウワノート製だ! このノートも既に貰ってから三年くらい経っている! ヨシ! 使う! …たかだかノート一冊にこの気合い。いやはやだって、「なかよし」の付録のノートや「マクドナルド」でもらったオマケのノートを二十年(もっとか?!) とか、持ってたりしてましたからね、だいぶ消費が早くなりました。ニンゲンはいくつになっても成長出来る! で、このノートを何に使うのか? それはチョット創作でもしよーかと…。ホホ。
I've got the notebook as a giveaway from a mobile phone company! It's made by Showa-note company! It's been for three years since I got it! I will use it! Why I'm telling you about that, it's just a notebook, right? Well, I was a kind of person who could not use special goods ( giveaways or something like that, goods which I bought ) and have kept them in the box such a long long time... But I've changed myself, I believe that I'm improved than before. So, now I will use it for my creative activity.
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オサンポ take a walk - スキマ草 Sukima-soh : 側溝蓋 a cover of side ditch

2015年07月15日 | 日記

The summer has come
Hello everybody
At the cover of side ditch

ほんの僅かのスキマがあれば生きていける…。昔昭和の時代に、1畳アパートと言うモノがあったと聞いたことがありますが、いくらなんでも狭過ぎませんか? 実物を見たかったです。今はカプセルホテルとかがありますね…それにしてもしかし。ニンゲンは育つ場所に合わせてカラダのサイズを変える、ということは出来ないカモですが、植物タチは変えるというか適応することが出来るよーですよね。そのスキマのサイズに合わせて生きていく。それでいい。それがいい。とも違う、そう生きる、的な。そんな風に達観出来ればこの四畳半も、生きていく、と言う場所になる。ナンテナ…。
We could live even in a narrow space. In Showa period, we had just 1 tatami mat apartment. (A size of Tatami mat is just for person could lie down on the mat) I think that it is too narrow for an apartment. I'd like to see it. We have a capsule room hotel nowadays. We, human beings, are difficult to change our size of bodies to adjust to size of places. But plants can do. They adjust to Sukima ( narrow space ) then live there. It's OK, it should be OK. It is not, we live that way. It would be philosophy. If we understood it, we would live anywhere.
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オサンポ take a walk - 黄色い蝶 : ツマグロヒョウモン Argyreus hyperbius

2015年07月14日 | 日記

In the evening sun
The yellow butterfly

"I'm a yellow butterfly." When I got out of my house to go to the library, walked a little, then I met a butterfly. "Hello." "Would you like to see me?" It was shortly flying around me. "Yes, how did you know..." "Would you like to take a photo of me?" "Yes, can I ?" "Sure" It landed on some Sukima-soh. "Oh, photo, photo" "Sure" "I got it" "it's a hot day, isn't it?" "Yeah..., I don't like this kind of weather..." "I LOVE a fine day!" "I know..." "More photos?" "Can I?" "Sure" "I got it" "Well, see you" "Thank you, take care" " You, too" "Hope see you again" ... I could say, it's not my imagination. We had that conversation, I believe. (You might say, Really?)
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オサンポ take a walk - 虫:バッタ locust

2015年07月13日 | 日記

On the wall at night
There is a locust
In the shade

夜出掛けた先から帰ってくると、壁にバッタを発見。あら。しかし…。なんで同じ昆虫でも平気まあ大丈夫苦手ムリ絶対ムリ、と色々あるんでしょーか? コレが「便所コオロギ」と呼ばれているバッタ(カマドウマ)だったら、写真に撮るのはムリだったかも。彼らジャンプ力もすごいし、脚が異様に長いし、あのボディーの縞模様がチョット…ニガテ。似たような構造なのにディテールが各々違う。そう見ていくと興味深いんですが…。
One night, when I came back to home, I found a kind of locust on the wall. Oh. Well, this locust is OK, but it depends on, if I'm OK with insects. If it has been a cave cricket, I would not have been OK. It has a good-jumping ability, really long legs, the strip pattern of their body... I would not like... Both of them have similar structures, it's interesting, but...
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫: 白黒猫の日 the day for two of black&white cats

2015年07月12日 | 日記

In the same day
I met two black & white cats
At the different places

When I passed by a small park, I met a black&white cat. The cat seemed to be busy to look around the park, didn't have time for me. After 10 minutes later, when I passed by a bigger park than the previous one, I met another black&white cat. I thought that, "is that cat the same cat?" It wasn't. The patterns of body were slightly different. The second cat would have liked to cross the road but couldn't. The road was busy. The cat gave up at the time, waited for a next chance. Be careful !
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