断捨離 Danshari=getting rid of the clutter in my life - 消しゴム rubbers

2015年07月20日 | 日記

I will through away
Those rubbers
In this hot summer

I said "Good-bye" to those rubbers which had been in the drawer such a long time in this extreme hot summer. In the middle, there is a brown rubber which has a curry fragrance but it has already faded out. At the right hand side, there is a dark gray ink eraser which is covered by a handwriting wrapping paper. Who drew the illustration? But it is torn now. At the left hand side, there is a rubber with brush which belongs to a set of Sakura Coupy-Pencil 12 colours. That brush, I don't think it was useful... Their modern sets also have rubbers but they don't have any brushes. Well, I'd like to say, "Thank you for being with me, sorry I didn't use you." to every rubber. I thought that someday, I will probably use it, but never. Now I let go. I believe that some of them may return to me.
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