オサンポ take a walk - スキマ草 Sukima-soh : 双葉 cotyledon

2015年07月21日 | 日記

The summer has come
It's our first steps
We, cotyledon

「ワタシタチ、種が発芽すると最初に双葉が出るンです」 でもその双葉、色々な形と大きさがあるんですね。とても小さいのを見つけると、こんなに小さくても"双葉"なのねん? と感心感心。まずはどんなんでも、"出る"。それが大事な時もあるかも知れない…。
When we sprout, cotyledon comes out first. Cotyledon has various shape and size. When I find a very very tiny one, I'm impressed that even though they are very vey tiny, they are still cotyledon itself. Well, we can say something by that. It would be important that we come out first, then... We will do.
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