Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


First season in India has been done!!

2012-05-24 18:40:47 | Diary



Hi, how are you, guys.


 On last Christmas, it arguably makes people happy. However, I accidentally arrived at India for the first time in my entire life on that day. It has been for 5 months ever since except the 10 days that I had been back to Japan for a visa issue. I have actually been for last 5 months with such incredible experiences which I have never tasted before. Basically, it was overly a tough challenge for me to live with it, but I could say that it was a precious time which is less likely to happen as long as not living in India.

 I maybe believe I wouldn't think positively of all of negative things that happened to me in the past, if I didn't jump out of Japan just 4 years ago. I have learnt and experienced a lot in the oversea life that most of the experiences  weren't optimistic to me. That's how I grew up mentally. This is my only one I could proud of myself to everyone.


 'Only the people who had been in the most problematic time have rights to be the happiest human beings after all'. Thee are one of my favorite words. I hope I wanna turn this words into reality through myself. I always write down on a note when I run into an impressive words somewhere. good words and phrases usually cheer me up and on too facing on a difficulty or hardship.


 I have had both a negative thing and a positive thing in the last 5 months out here so far. The negative thing was that we could't make it through the final phase in the most important tournament through the season. If we had made it, we would have had another 12 intense games that would brush me up much as a player. I myself was just struggling every single day to get on well with my new team because I just popped into the team in the middle of the season straight after 10 days back to Japan. The coach and executive manager were probably expecting me to help the team in the final phase of the tournament. So we were totally messed up!! That big defeat at the early stage was obviously the last thing we had predicted before the tournament.


 On the other hand, I've found out a positive thing as well. After leaving the tournament, I was beginning to get used to the new circumstances here which was perticularly the heat uniqur to India. After all, I'm pretty sure that I had showed the best performance in the team in each game. So I'm so sorry that we couldn't make it through the first round of it.


 I think there are a lot of gaffes abd repentances in everyone's lifetime. However, only a  few people try to get over it. If you don't even try it, what would be left behind you?? maybe nothing there. People who make successful stories perhaps learn something from mistakes that made in the past and make the most of it for the future not to repeat the same mistakes. I strongly believe I can be the one of them for sure. no, I have to be!!
























2 コメント

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Unknown (ラモスヘアー)
2012-05-25 18:22:05
Unknown (bac)
2012-05-26 22:49:55

