Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Shillong market!!!

2012-05-10 18:48:54 | Diary

 Hi, guys.


 I still have been on a long long vacation given the whole team. So I just hang around somewhere interesting places where I've never been. Of course I"ve done training by myself or with U19 boys of my team everyday. 

 By the way, I'm totally nuts about taking photoes at where I hang out and posted on my blog like this.


 I hope you guys have enjoyed with it!!


 This time I will update some photoes about shillong market which is the biggest and most packed place here. And a lot of amazing stuffs came into my sight as soon as I entred. There were totally packed throughout the market everywhere that was very hard to march forward every second.










 First of all, this photo shows the atmosphere of the place, and those two girl in the photo took me this wonderland. Bunch of meats are displayed on the both side as you can see.




  Could you recognize what it is in the pic below. I thought it was genitals of a cow, but it was a wrong guess actually. The right answer is a tougue of it!! Massive!! a hundred times bigger than mine...



 You could answer easily this time, These are a cow's legs sold on the road. Can you see some blood on its cut?? It shows us vividly...


 続きまして、ちょっとぶれてるけどこれは牛の足。これも地べたに雑に置かれてたけど売り物です。笑 最初みたときびっくりして冷や汗かいたわ・・・。普通に切り口に生生しい血ついてるし・・・。



Last one is the whole face of a pig!! Of course it's a meat we can buy and eat. It obvously looks like he's crying, eh?? It could curse you and come out in your dream tonight!!




 That's all today. How were those pics?? Anyway, I was actually only one person who was being excited about those stuffs for sure, so I was fully out of place in the market...



