Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Car break-in

2011-12-11 23:06:57 | Diary
Hi, there!!

I witnessed a horrible situation that happened to a car which had been parking just next to ours. The thing was that the car was broken into for what the person left all something valuables in the car by banging one rear window in pieces. It looked like it had another trouble where is the engine that caused by the same burglars.

At first, the guy who was dumped his car didn't realize what happening behind his back while he was trying to start up its engine, but after few seconds he glanced back at the back seat and he knew it then. Actually his face turned pale in a moment.

It was really likely happening to us because we were parking the next spot where was the far corner where people also rarely walk around.

I knew strongly that This was not in Japan which the safest country in the world. I've got used to this country as I've already been here for a while. It's getting me ignorant of that.

Anyway, We were so lucky(I know I shouldn't say lucky about this but...) that we didn't get stuck in the same trouble..... to be honest...




