Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Training match 1

2011-12-05 23:38:01 | Soccer/football
Hi, there!!
I'm still in NZ now. Actually I've kept in touch with an agent from India, so I could be in India next time I'll make an entry on this blog.
By the way, I played a game in a huge competition here that is called Ethnic Cup which organized as a summer league takes on among all communities exist in Auckland. As a matter of course, I played for the Japanese community this time against Ukraine.

Personally, a 90mins game helps me a lot to keep my condition for a trial in India, so it's really profitable for me.
Unfortunately, the pitch was awful due to a heavy shower. However I found out what to express more myself on the pitch, and also came to grips with some new challenges which have to modify.

All in all, I need to score more goals because I have to contribute a team in India in visible way. That means to let the team win no matter what situation I am in.

I need a better personal result in next match!!!



