Brissy Enterprises Official Blog



2014-03-17 13:37:14 | Soccer/football

Hi, guys. It's been a long time. 

 What I've been thinking recently is that an accumulation of a conversation is the only way to build up an interpersonal communication, in particular, I think you should bear it in mind with full of awareness if you were in a foreigh country. It's because the people you face in a foreigh country are totally different to the people you've grown up with. They have different race, personality, language and way of thinking.  

 In my football team, there are a variety of players in race. As a matter of course, the majority is whites. You can see some blacks and asians in every team's squad, but it's not still a big number. 

 Basically, they usually tend to be in their own group to kick a ball around before every training starts. I mean, they want to be with their friends who have the same race. But what you should do in this kind of situation is to find the courage to get into the group, and trying to shake down. If you can keep doing this both on and off the pitch with decent football skills as a footballer, you will be able to be loved by most of the team-mates so quickly. But it's not that easier than it sounds like.

 A communication with your coach is very important as well. If you have something you want to talk to the coach about a game or something else, I strongly recommend you make a move. The worst thing is that you get misunderstood without saying anything. They are not the people you have known since before. Bear in mind that you could get everything messed up more easily than you think in a foreigh country.








training off the pitch and ice-bath recovery.

2014-02-26 00:26:56 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.

 The game this weekend is a winnable to us. Of course, every game in this league is tough for any team, but it's very important not to drop points that could potentially win.  

 In this league, which is non-professional, all the teams don't have a training session every day. most of teams usually train 2 or 3 times a week, plus a game every weekend. As you can see, almost half of weeks are off days. This is what I vent!! It's because I have't erected my ideal work-out routine on the off-days yet. In particular, the day after game for recovery and the day before game for preparation of the game are a bit thorny to me. The thing is, though, I can't stop pushing myself at every training as I don't just want to compromise what I do every day, but it sometime turned out a bit harmful after all with heavy legs on the game day. But it can't be helped because I didn't really put in the time and effort to practice when I was in high-school and university in Japan. It's for as many as 7 years!! I still regret about those days, and am really desperate to make up for the lost time. It's a huge disadvantage for me to compete with other elite players, but it's also my big motivation to keep training. As a result, it has driven me up.

 When it comes to recovery, Icebath is alway set in the club-house, so after every training session and every home-game, we can make use of it freely.

 Anyway, I try a variety of training and recovery methods aggressively. And I believe it will benefit me someday when I retire and become a coach in the future.









vs Wolves

2014-02-23 01:43:39 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.

 The season in 2014 has just begun!! We had the first game of the season last Saturday against last year's runners-up, Wolves FC. 

 I was in a starting line-up as a right back where I rarely play, but I've decided to play there over this whole season with full of confidence. I ended up being sent a substitute about 60mins that I didn't totally get it.. fuck...

 However, The first 45mins was not in our pace, and had been played dominantly with so many chances to be scored. We had our hands full barely creating one good chance to score in the half. To be honest, I expected we'd be able to play far better than we did in that game, and obviously, each one of us could've done a lot better. 

 Anyway, the season just started, and we still have so many games left. We have to put our best effort in the next game to bounce back and get the first point. In the first 10mins, I have to admit that I felt so much intensity, pressure and tensions in the game that made me more nervous. But I can't put the same excuse any more. All we are looking at the next round is just 3 points!!!!!!!!!










Silver boots tournament

2014-02-09 22:27:11 | Soccer/football

Hi, guys.

There are only two weeks to go into the new season. And the fixture has been launched that we will take on Wolves FC, who was runners-up last season. 

Recently, we've been playing in an annual pre-season tournement hosted by Lions FC, who was the winners of the league last year.

We played the third game last Sunday, and so far, we've claimed a win and two losses from last three matches in the comp. We are still building up the system, and searching on the best formation that we should adopt through the season. We totally have a new squad, for me, a new player as well, so we still need time to understand each other to play much better.

And I'm also challenging with the position where I've never played on before. It's a full-back. Basically, I didn't use to like a defensive role at all, and in fact, I was too shit at it. However, I've tried most of other positions before, but it didn't get me anywhere, honestly. 

This year would be my last opportunity to chase my dream without any prospective results, so I'd like to challenge myself with an unknown zone. There's been heaps of challenges that I have to readjust and clarify them into myself. But they are all positives. 

More haste, less speed.








Logan city Multicultual Cup

2014-01-29 23:54:12 | Soccer/football

Hi, guys. 

As you can see in the title of this entry, I took part in a day-long football tournament as a menber of Ghana team, who a friend of mine is a skipper. There were 16 teams in the competition. And from the first game, it was a knockout stage, so once you lose, you'd be kicked out.

Actually, I didn't think we'd make it through to the finals, but we made it in the end.. wow!! We had 3 consecutive wins to get to it, and two third was on penalties. haha We were so lucky!!

What I was surprised at when I got to the field in the morning was that most of the teams in the comp were African teams which means I had to be concerned about getting injured in every game!!!!! As you know, Africans are so physical and ridiculously vicious on the pitch, especially when they are taken a lead, the situation I'm really concerned about get much worse as they get more excited to bounce back. 

As I had expected, many controvesial judgement occured throughout the tournament. In my opinion, some of them were an fair judgement, but they didn't just agree with the ones referee made. They can't just shut their mouth unless they whinge at referee once.

In the finals, they put too much intensity into the performances with so many collisions and filthy tackles everywhere in the game. We ended up lose the game by 1-0, but the second half was the worst 45 minutes I've ever played in. Every time someone receive a ball, a defender went a nasty challenge on the ball, and the game was stopped by ref..... Fuck.. sick of it.....

I actually a bit felt compassion to the ref as he had to control the crappest game in the world. He should have got paid for his bravery and patience. I totally paid respect to him as soon as he blew the final whistle.  

On plus note, I got given a medal for runners-up. It wasn't just a hectic day but also an exciting day!!!!!!! 









Recovery sessions

2014-01-19 22:34:49 | Soccer/football

Hi, guys.

I might've mentioned before that I'm in trials with few clubs. And there've been many trial games and training sessions as intense as games. 

What I really care about lately is how I prevend from getting injuries such as muscle strain in hamstrings, knee ligaments and tendons in legs. To be honest, I'm not that young as a footballer, so I need to take much more time for recovery than when I was younger after every game and training as it obviously leads to a consistent performance.

 I know some tips for a body recovery. 

According to a specialist, "Refuel within half an hour of the game finishing – that’s the best time for muscles to recoup energy. A milk chocolate drink gives you protein and carbohydrate in one hit.

An ice bath will definitely get rid of aches and pains in the short term. Aim for 10 minutes at 10 degrees.

Eat green veg and foods high in carbohydrates and protein within two hours of the match to replenish your depleted energy stores. Add spices like ginger which will help to boost your recovery.

Make sure you get at least eight hours sleep and avoid alcohol, TV and caffeine an hour before you finally hit the sack.

The day after a game, hit the bike or pool for 30 minutes. Then stretch all the key muscle groups for 30 seconds. Make use of a foamroller [available in gyms and easy to buy online] to massage tight spots."

Let me know something else if you have an inkling of it.  

I'd be more than happy to hear the tips I've never known.











2014-01-07 22:47:23 | Soccer/football

Happy New Year!!

How have you been in 2014 so far? I've been busy playing football as ever.

It's already been more than a month since I came back here from the holidays in Japan. Time flew by so fast!! 

Recently, I've been looking for a team, who can play in 2014 season. I've already been to few teams and joined some training sessions. Luckily, I've been offered by most of the teams I've been to, but in a nut shell, I haven't decided yet. Maybe I'm going to say no to all the teams I've been offered by. Come to think of it, That's a luxurious concern for me compared to last year.

But I like challenging myself. If there are two ways just ahead of me, I of course pick a harder one. What will be, will be, right?

So I'm in trials with one of the best clubs in the state at the moment. This is the state of play. Lately I can't help but think of the meaning of trials for those who have been in. The word can be replaced by more specific words like a Survival Game. There are 20 seats in the squad, and some of them from last year have already secured their spots of 20, and the rest contests for the limited spots which are so competitive to seize.

But this is the way I am. I just believe in what I've done for the opportunity I've nearly got at.

missing it means my career is immediately shut down..

I will just give it everything I've got.

Bring it on!!









African competition

2013-10-19 19:30:08 | Soccer/football

 Hi, everyone.

 Last weekend, I was asked by a former teammate to play for his team named for Ghana. All members of the team has its heritage but myself. The league is so called African nation's cup tournament in which 12 teams(all african teams) in total has been playing for over 3 months every year.

 There were sprinkling of whites playing out there, but I didn't see any asians there at all. I was the only one asian who creeped into the field and play with all africans. haha 

 To tell the truth, I don't like to play with these types of people as they are so rough on the pitch!! I very much feel the disadvantage of physical ability agaist their natural power. They are generally so fast and strong way above the average of asians. 

 As anticipated, I got smashed by the defender who faced me in the game. He came from behind and smashed me as soon as I got to the ball in the middle area. We never call it a good challenge. It was just a stupid and dangerous tackle!! And the next moment I realized that my whole body was off the ground, and hit the ground headfirst. I had the biggest concussion I've never had before, and felt that the brain still shook with no sense of balance, and my mouth started being numb.

 But the coach still urged me to go back to the pitch despite I frowed on it!!

 Luckily, I felt the condition had eased up after few minites, and he still looked like he wanted to send me back, so I did and play to the end.

 We couldn't win the game in the end, but I really enjoyed it with full of intensity in the game. I loved it. And I have to be skilled in full of physical contacts and collisions on the pitch through the game like this.







 そこでグラウンドの外に出て、監督が一言、「いけるだろ?」。 「・・・無理っぽい」と答えたのに、1分後にまた来て、「どうだ?いけるだろ?」、「わかった」と結局また2,3分して戻りました。危険ですよねぇ。荒れたピッチで何度も蹴られたし試合後は痛いところだらけ。けど楽しいんだわ。



Police Cup

2013-10-03 01:12:34 | Soccer/football

 Hi, how's goin??

 I took part in a huge competition last Sunday called 'Police Cup' implying a multicutural football competition in Brissy. It's an annual comp, apprently. As you know, Australia has been composed of a number of multicultural communities and refugees. And also some local football clubs here still have the root of  where they are from. It seems like dying away as the time goes on, but it's a very interesting part of Australia comparing to my country cuz we don't have that culture.

 So, this competition was made up of 64 teams having a original root of each team, and played over the last two weekends. It was such a big comp!!

 I myself played for three diffrent teams over the comp. In the first weekend, I joined the team Japan, who was one of the favorites to win the comp as they were runners-up last year. We fought three game on the day in the qualifiers, and smashed all of the matches!! Great start!!

 But, I didn't play for them in the second week, which was the knock-out round to decide the champions as they had already had heaps of players who were keen to play, so I played for Vietnam and Afgans, whom friends of mine had been playing there. I couldn't get the result with Vietnam, but we made it to the final with Afgans after beating three matches in a row, so the game in the final was the forth game for the both teams on the day...

 And... We won it!! Yes!!!

 That was a soooooo long and hectic day with so much fun. We ended up holding up the trophy at the end of the day, so that drove away the fatigue out of my bod.

 However, my hamstrings in both legs are still something funny though... 



 先週の日曜日にあるサッカーの大会に参加してきました。police cupといって、異文化コミュニティ対抗戦って日本語ではなるのかな?Multicutural competitionと英語では表記されてました。要するに、色んな移民達が一緒の街に住んでいるオーストラリア。もちろん、それぞれの国のルーツを持っています。






off season!!

2013-09-04 13:36:41 | Soccer/football

 Hi, mates.

 The footy season has just finished off, and a long long off season has just begun!! I feel like it was so quick for last 7 months. Of course I'm not totally satisfied with the season's result as neither a team nor individual. However, it was a meaningful and rewarding season for me. 

 I've found myself that I'm still improving all aspects of playing, and seeing what I have to do for the following season.

 But I need a short break off the training. Perhaps, I will be keen for a training again after a while. That's the perfect time to prepare for the next season. See you soon!!







Young talent and accumulated fatigue

2013-08-30 15:57:12 | Soccer/football

 Hey, boys. How are you?? 

 Recently, I have been surprised at the youngsters in my team who are improving incredibly fast!! As you know, a mental strength for each player counts so big in football. Of course the higher you play in, the more it counts. And also how do you strength build it up?? The only one way to do that is to get as much experience of playing a official game as you can. 

 It's all depends on the coach who you work with, but the coach in my team likes to give young players a chance to play. Lately, I've seen them play in the same field, and they obviously make some big impacts to us game by game. It's pretty impressive and stimulating to me. 

 Because of their age, they could jump up to the next level much easier than I do as I can see their quick improvements with full of confidence between a game and the next game. That's what they have reminded me of recently.

 On another note, I've been suffering an accumlated fatigue. It doen't really matter to me now cuz the season is nearly over, but I mean my recovery speed from the fatique like a muscle pain on my legs after every game is getting slower and slower as I get older. I know it naturally happens to everyone, but I will have to find a good way for recovery to shorten the time to back up. I do stretching at least twice a day, and go for a job to make my whole body supple. However, it's not enough. I need to take in more technical method based on advices of a physical profession.

 I'm wondering how I address myself to this serions concern. Any advises?? 








vs Peninsula Power

2013-08-25 23:18:51 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.

 We took on a very strong and decent side last weekend. As you can predict easily, the result was devastating. We got totally destroyed in every aspect of the game. They just controlled the ball posession and overcome every part of the game such as 1on1 situation, transition for attacking, consistency as a team and fitness level... you name it!! 

 I understand that there is a huge gap between them and us in quality both as a team and individual since some of their squads have a professional career before such as A-league and some European clubs. But what makes me piss off all the time is their attitude at every training session. I don't want to make a sloppy talk here, but let me whine only today. Lol

 Most of my team-mates never play seriously at training. it looks like they just chill out with friends with kicking a ball around. The coach also doesn't care what they do at training!! WTF!!  Just laughing, taking shit and whinging about referee after losing a game without blaming themselves first. They are really good at shifting the blame onto others. This makes nothing better.. 

 I know they have a certain skill, quality and passion for football as they had shown them in the beginning. I think a change of the regulation about relegation/promotion battle deprived of their motivation. As I have told you in earlier blog few times, no team will be relegated to lower division after this season. So basically, if we win or lose a game, it really doesn't matter to us. It's virtually a little short of throwaway match..

 But of course I don't want to waste any game in which I play. So I could've done a lot more for the team by exercising a leadership. To be honest, I've never been entrusted a captain role, but it must have been the time to do. I'm so sorry not to to that now. It's one of my challenge to solve in the next season!!












2013-08-22 01:26:25 | Soccer/football

 George Best. 

 If you are well up in football, maybe you have ever heard his name at least once before.  Me? Of course yes I have. But to be honest, all I had known about him is only his name, have never seen him play like on Youtube, and I had no idea what he was like. Why I started watching his playing video was that one of my workmates who is from North Ireland touted me to watch it once, and he alway told me that George is still my best player ever all time. It's worth watching!! He said to me. 

 Actually it was worth it!! If you want to know more about him, you better go to his wiki for the biography. Briefly speaking, he was born in Belfast, North Ireland. He was prized the Ballon d'Or at the youngest age ever when he was only 22 at Man U. Then he became a alcohol addict, and was tainted by gambling in his late 20's that pushed him into the early retirement. 

 Do you know his famous slogan that his fans made up before he died. It's still written on a wall in his hometown. 

 'Maradona good, Pele better, George BEST'

 I think so too.








 「Maradona good, Pele better, George BEST」




Last two games to go!!

2013-08-18 20:23:11 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.

 I haven't posted on my blog about football recently.. 

 The season has come in the last month to go. And the league called BPL where my team is reorganized before this season started as a new league statewide called NPL has just begun since this year, so some teams in the league I'm playing now who have enough budget to compete with in the new league were relocated to it before this season, and BPL decided to promote some sound teams financially from division one league which is below BPL to make the number of teams up.

 That's why there is no relegation and promotion battle since these decision were suddenly made before the season launched. However, my team has struggled to compete in the league, and always wandering around the bottom of table..Under normal regulation we must've fought in the relegation battle desperately, but...  It's very difficult to keep our motivation up without any goals at the moment.

 But personally, I really enjoyed playing for the team as I'm playing at the position where I really wanted to play, and we've got the results so far ever since the coach used me there.  

 Anyway, I've decided to keep playing seriously till the end of the next season, but I'm still not sure which position I will try my luck with. It might be a defender... haha 












vs Eastern Suburbs

2013-07-21 01:09:05 | Soccer/football

 Hi, boys and girls.

 We took on Eastern Suburbs last weekend who hammered us by 4 goals last time we strived at our home. So we went on with fine-tuning on the formation, and replaced some players from the previous match. That's why I was actually put in the defense line as a right full-back where I had never played since when I was a kid!!

 It didn't really matter to me at the time, I mean, I couldn't afford to think about something else but focusing on the game. As a result, we had a much better result than the last time with a meaningful loss 1-2 in compaison with a hopeless and miserable one 1-5 of the previous result. However, loss is loss, nothing else. Our performance edged up to the better sides, but can't get points from them. 

 On another note, it was a kind of memorable game for me as I could finally stand on the same field with Yoshi-san who is my big brother in Australia. To stretch the point a bit, one of my dreams in my entire life came true on that time. haha  Anyway, he is one of the respectable person from my heart for me. But unfortunately... he got sent off in the early second half with two yellow cards given!! At that moment, I thought we could win this game cuz we were still 1-0 up, but the referee messed up our hope with two silly and inexplicable judgements in the late second half. That was soooo rediculous!! He should be disqualified right now as a ref!!

 Oh.. man.. I can't sleep... 







