
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2010-05-22 07:10:38 | Topics




2010-05-22 07:08:45 | Topics

Come again, Roland Garros with Henin☆. It's real, not my delusion, right?. I was thinking I can never see it again before... And Date-san will play in RG at the same time. As a fan of Henin & Date.., I didn't expect RG like this year... so I'll support them with all my heart.

Now, Federer-sama did the draws. Yes, it's the revenge draws of Henin☆. And Kuzzie, she said on Twitter "Just did the draw with Roger! was great". Kuzzie is a fan of Roger. It was good for Kuzzie.

* Henin could meet Sharapova in 3rd, Serena in QF

I just hope Henin will play tennis in the best condition. If she could do that, the results will follow, I believe so. Oh, this photo, Maria-sama is cut(sorry!). See it, Henin, you would feel something burn in your heart from 2008 AO??

And Serena-dono. Uhhh.., Anyway, in my fresh memory, I want her to revenge for this defeat, to get my feeling good. Oh, also this photo, Serena is cut(sorry!). Hmm., I'm petty-minded... Now, Henin, it would be good and hard draws for you, Just Alleeeeez!!

It would be difficult for any players to control their condition before GS. Anyway, I just pray Henin will keep playing tennis in the best condition. Grownup-Henin, with elegant & smart tennis, Please attract us by your great tennis. We'll support you☆



2010-05-21 12:48:26 | Topics

Oh, in this time last year, Henin was at RG with champagne, she spent a good time. Well, Henin drinks alcohol?... According yesterday's topic, "regulations for alcohol" was approved at WTO.


It's said that, "all-you-can-drink" at the Japanese-style bar "izakaya" might be restricted... Eh?, I think., the regulation is never needed... "all-you-can-drink" is not only for alcohol... We should control drinking alcohol by oneself. Too much restricted rule would make lot of people feel "depression"(laugh)... Oh, Kirin Free that Date-san promotes is non-alcohol Beer, so it's OK☆
ずっと前のテニ雑誌で、「エナンは、食に対してもストイック(禁欲的)」と言うのを読んだ覚えがあります。うーん、これは、きっと、お酒も、あまり飲まなそうかな?(妄想)。この時も、「Just kidding(冗談だよ)」と言ってるということは、飲んでないんでしょうか。まぁ、遠征中は、飲まないだけかもしれませんが。

A long time ago, a tennis magazine wrote "Henin is stoic for food too", I remember so. Hmmm., maybe, she would not drink alcohol a lot?(my delusion). At that time, she says "Just kidding", it means she didn't drink it? Hmmm., I don't know. It might be, she doesn't drink only during the tour?
Fed Cupの時も、あんまり興味を持ってなさそうでしたね。キムさんは、、飲みそう&強そう(^^;)。。
At Fed Cup, she seemed to be not interested in it. Kim-san.. can drink a lot?(^^;)...
Water would be the best for Henin-san?(laugh)

* Water

We often hear that, Europe is "hard water" and Japan is "soft water". OK, I'll arrange a Japanese song☆. "Hi, Heniiiiin, here's sweet water, Come to Japan♪"


"Soft water" has a sweet finish. The children's song "Come here firefly, here's sweet water" expresses the taste of soft water. On the other hand, "Hard water" has a richly finish. (Reference from net. butI don't know the truth...)

Now, The draw at RG will be announced today.


2010-05-20 12:38:16 | Topics

Hello, Henin☆. Thank you for the informations about her, Greeny-san☆. Henin lost in her first round in Madrid because of a cold, but now she seems to get better. Her little finger still have a cast on~.

Just finished the practice... Better! Energy was pretty back again. So hopefully, it's for good... ;-)


7:09 PM May 18th Facebook

* Twitter_Justine Henin

Oh, unexpectedly?, it was not pink(laugh). It was the wear with a logo in the center. Hmm.., I think, the three lines of her black wear looks like a zipper(^^;). Maybe, real Henin would come out from inside?(laugh)... Ahaha, it's just joke(sorry).

* Rilakkuma(Wikipedia)
* Rilakkuma is a character goods that wears full-body suit with zipper on the back.
Oh, Deuce-san, Good girl. She's looking well☆. She gives us soothing atmosphere
Ohhh, she was in the seat of Calros-coach(^^;)
Everyone loves Deuce a lot~☆

She seemed to take enough rest. I was sad about her defeat at Madrid, but the title at Stuttgart was really good for her, I was so glad about it. Queen's tennis is there☆. Now, Roland Garros will come this weekend. I hope Henin will play the best at RG. Go for it, Henin☆


976.Semifinals at AO...?

2010-05-19 12:41:10 | Editor's note

Now is before RG, but AO(laugh). This video, I didn't have the motivation to make it at all. But I watched AO Semifinals again, to check the previous topic "No.975". And I had some scenes I used before to make my previous video, so made the highlight by them. So, let me upload it on this blog, please. That music is just for a rhythm, no message. And this video is just only Henin☆(crazy). Besides, it's illegal video., so if you are interested in it, Enjoy it covertly.


Hmm.., I'm just surprised at my "very crazy" about her tennis. I made many videos already, and I'm still going at it... Ahaha, It's too much time for an escape from reality. Sorry about that, I was out of line, a little☆

This video has the same scene as my previous video, but it has a different impression. Maybe, in my layman's level, the video depends on the music... Hmm., it's just my "self-satisfaction" as my hobby☆. Sorry☆. And Henin, always sorry about that. Now, Go for RG!, we'll support you.


975.Which face..?

2010-05-18 12:31:35 | Topics

Last night, looking for this scene, so I got tired a lot(crazy)... It was still Monday night(laugh)... Yesterday, when I checked something on the internet, I found a comment "Henin's backhand is like soft-tennis?(hits with the same face of racket as forehand)", so I got to want to check it clearly...

I'm a fan of Henin at least for 3~4 years, but I was not sure about it. I'm really a crazy fan?(laugh)... Her backhand is not like rubber-ball tennis(hits with different face of raket as forehand), right?. The above video, she changed the grip, and hit it. Oh, beautiful backhand☆. And my good job, last night☆(laugh)

The above video is in slow motion, so you can see it clearly, but in real, it would be very faster. At the moment the opponent return, she changes the grip, and takes positioning & takeback. Nice☆

I played rubber-ball tennis long time ago. Yes, bring back my memory.., I didn't change the grip for backhande, and hit the same face of racket. Oh.., I was one-handed backhand(laugh)... Well, If this topic is wrong, correct me, thank you☆

974.How much...?

2010-05-17 12:45:00 | Topics

Wow, she was having a meal with her friend♪?. Ahaha, Unfortunately?, it seemed to go on a talk show on TV. They speak French, so I don't know what they are talking about at all... This is the video I found from overseas sites on net-surfing(so sorry!). Hmm., is it Belgian food?

Henin-san can talk a lot on a talk show. Her friend♪ who she would go on a date(my delusion) might be a good listener?(laugh). I don't know French, but, Let me listen to her talk, please☆...(so crazy)
She just looks good in western dishes, That's natural(laugh)

Well, Would you like to have Japanese dishes, some sushi?. No mayonnaise, please(laugh)... Just purely Japanese style dishe☆. Also Osuimono which is Japanese soup is delicious with sushi. I think whether they would get to like this Japanese taste, or not... Like Kuzzie, sushi with coke are., a little stra..nge., O, OK, Just OK, it's the best that they enjoy sushi☆. I ate sushi like this photo during my trip to Hokkaido on my long vacation.

Hmm., Japon is not so good for her?(laugh). I don't know how much she knows about Japon... Well.., she would know about where Japon is, and TORAY..?(laugh)



2010-05-16 08:40:50 | Topics

Sometimes, my blog becomes about Deuce☆. Hmm., When I write something in my blog, I write it too much., I'm sick for them(laugh)... Oh, she has a dignified elegance. Paris is near her house.., she would go to support Henin for RG..?

Video of Duece(laugh). Greeny-san, Always thank you for the info about them☆

I feel at ease with the animals. Ah, these are stuffed toy with music box. I took the photo at music box store on my long holidays. Brown dogs like Deuce were there(laugh)
Is this like Deuce..? Ahaha, it has a short hair. ...I didn't buy anything, only took the photos(^^;)

Ahaha, I'm crazy for Henin & Deuce... I want Deuce to heal Henin's mind for tennis tour☆. I'm waiting for Deuce will come out to the media☆



2010-05-15 08:45:20 | Topics

He is Herman Van Rompuy who is the former Belgian premier and became first president of EU last year(2009). He published the book of his hobby "Haiku". Oh, I feel close to him☆. Anyway, "Haiku" would be depthful poems to express something. Hmm., at first, I'm surprised that he knew about "Haiku".

* Former Belgian premier writes Haiku!
* Herman Van Rompuy(Wikipedia)

According to the topic, he is posting "Haiku" in Dutch on his blog, and he likes "Matsuo Basho". Heh., OK. Speaking of Basho, "Matsushima" is very important for his famous Haiku. It's one of "three most scenic spots in Japan".

* Blog about Haiku?!

This is the very famous Haiku by Basho, but the truth whether he really wrote it is not clear(Wikipedia). But I learned it's Basho's Haiku in my childhood. Matsushima is very wonderful place, so he couldn't express it by words and wrote it simply like this, I remember so. That's a ultimate Haiku?☆

"Matsushima-ya, Ah Matsushima-ya, Matsushima-ya"

* Matsuo Basho(Wikipedia)

Well, so much for preliminaries(laugh). In my case, I write Haiku about Henin☆. Hmm., She is too great player, so I can't express her by words anymore like Matsushima. And maybe, this Haiku would become history(laugh). Crazy...

"Henin-sama, Ah Henin-sama, Henin-sama"(laugh)

Hm., Sorry about that... Today, I'm too crazy... I felt close to Belgium, so I wrote it... But, that's just "cross-cultural". Well., Henin would know Haiku..? Anyway, she caught our heart by tennis. I like Belgium and Henin☆


971.May 14th.

2010-05-14 12:41:00 | Topics

Yes, the shocking May 14th has come(laugh). Two year ago today, Henin retired. It came very very suddenly. At that time, thinking that I can't watch Henin's tennis anymore.., so I couldn't sleep at all. Maybe, every her fans would never have slept because of the shock...

And one year later since her retirement, it's last year today, the TV show of "Henin's challenge of 12 works" went out in Belgium. She often seemed to be whispered about her comeback, but she kept saying "I'll never come back". And also I was thinking Henin would never come back...

This is the Belgian TV magazine at that time. Hmm.., I'm really Japanese?(too crazy)... When I had my trip to Brussels in my holidays in May, I found and bought it.
うーん、「Justine Henin」以外、読めませんですね。。
Hmm.., I can't read it at all, except "Justine Henin"...

And, this is the Henin-sama's "singing scene"(laugh), it would keep be written about her singing on this blog by crazy fan "me" in the future too. Sorry, Henin☆. Oh, you can watch her singing on YouTube, even now☆. Last night, I listened to Henin-sama's singing after a long time☆

* Les 12 travaux de Justine Henin : Justine en duo avec Salvatore Adamo : la nuit

And I hope she'll sing this year too☆. When Henin sang like this photo, she was cute, so I liked it. Maybe, she would like to sing a song. Anyway, I didn't expect I would write like today's topic, two years later from her retirement. Henin, Thank you for your comeback☆
