
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

425.Too fast...

2008-10-31 11:24:11 | Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam Trip

It has passed one month since my trip in September. Time seems to pass by fast... Yes, one month ago, when I was in plane, I was watching Henin like that... Oh, sorry(laugh). That's Sharapova. Hey, your shoulder is OK? Humm., I want her to be tennis tour as a entertainer(laugh). I just remembered the costume like "white tuxedo" at Wimbledon(laugh). Humm? She has gotten the title at AO..? Oh., No.., I don't want to bring back it(Henin's lost).. Anyway, come back to tour with good physical condition☆.
そ。これ♪(笑) 注:ファッションショーじゃないわよー。テニスです(笑)
Yes. This one♪(laugh) CAUTION: It's not a fashion show. Just tennis(laugh)
やっぱ、エナンでしょう☆。飛行機でエナン見れて、なかなかの旅の出だしでした。うーん。でも、内容がエナン引退後の「2008 Roland Garros」とな(涙)。。んー、しかしまぁ、いい笑顔ですね。。こっちは複雑ですけど。。

Just Henin, she is the best☆. It was good start of my trip to watch Henin on the plane. But., Humm.., it was "2008 Roland Garros" after she retired(tears)... Oh.., she was with good smile.., But we was complicated...

Humm.., I was stopping my travel record about "visiting to RG without players".. It's not good to write without plan... Yes, I got out at this station to go to RG.

Talking about the station, there was the poster like this photo☆ This is Paris Masters, it's held now. There were another posters, they were Nadal-kun and Novak-kun and so on.

* Nadal, Federer reach Paris Masters quarterfinals

I support Nadal-kun. But I did it's because Federer was "the unmoved King", I think. Now, of course, it's good the King is Nadal-kun. But I'm a little sad.. I just want Federer to play tennis well like before☆ Go, Federer!

424.Stand to look...

2008-10-30 12:47:08 | Tennis
あ。サフィン、髪伸びましたね。US Openでいきなり坊主になっててびっくりしましたが。。気になるコメントが出ていましたね(以下)。。カモン、サフィン。。日本女子が悲しむぞ(笑)。でもま、私もよく、自分のことわからなくなります(笑)。。不安で、もがいて、答えが出なくて、辛い。。スポーツとはちと違いますが、気持ちの問題としては同じようなもんです。とりあえず、今までは、突き進んで、ぶち当たって、怪我して気づいてたけど(笑)。最近は、立ち止まるの必要だなぁと思ってみたりー。。待ってますよー、サフィンさん。

Hello, Safin. Your hair's getting longer. I was surprised at his shaven-headed at US Open.. Humm.., I found anxious his comment about tennis(following). Come on.., Safin... Japanese women's your fans will be sad(laugh). Humm.., well., I always can't look at myself(laugh). I had lots of anxiety, struggle against it, and I can't get the answer... It's so hard... I know it's the different thing from sports, but I think it's almost the same thing as mental issues. Anyway, until now, I just go go go forward., hit the wall., get injury.., and I found something(laugh). But recently, standing to look at oneself is also needed, I think... So, we'll wait for you, Safin-san.

If I feel like I want to continue to play, I will. If not, it will be over. For the moment, I just need to rest.


* Beaten Safin thinking over tennis future
Humm.., gloomy... Happier news, please. Oh, Congratulations, Deme-san! Where's Kuz-chan?

* Dementieva takes 3rd title of year in Luxembourg
Ana-san got back☆ We want to watch your all-Serbian match. Oh, lovely kids-.

* Ivanovic beats Zvonareva to win Linz title

Date-san played the best in Taipei☆ Oh, this topic about cancelling the interview at the last minute was.. not bad(laugh). Ahaha. It means she is just a big star. Right? Hey., Japanese.., Don't be angry, Take it easy. Let's support her with your warm mind(laugh). I wish to go to Ariake again to support her in November☆

* Date-san in Taipei
* Date-san will come after a 16 year absence!
* Date-san was cancelled the interview at the last minute..

423.Q-chan retired...

2008-10-29 12:54:52 | Topics

"Q-chan", Naoko Takahashi who is the gold medalist in Sydney as a marathon runner announced her retirement yesterday. Thank you for your fight until now. and.., Take a rest. I just want to give her the words like that. Everyone thinks so, right?


I did my best until my limit, so I have no regret about my life I spent in track and field. I was haveing heartache until I decide retirement, but now, I feel fresh like the typhoon passed away.(interview excerpt)

* Q-chan retired... Take a rest!

【Question】What do you think about your time to quit?
Everyone is different, I think. I like marathon so much, and I began to run. So if you satisfy oneself, it's the best as a athlete, I think. It was good for me to do my best until my limit.
I had reached my limits, and I feel strong and relieved that I could take this decision. There are plenty of things that I can do. There are no regrets. I did everything I had to do in tennis. J.H.(interview excerpt)

At the end of the match in Berlin, (retirement) all of a sudden was there as something evident. It's a page that's turning. I don't feel sadness, it's more relie. J.H.(interview excerpt)


* 2008 German Open【My YouTube】
アスリートの皆さん「その時(引退)」の心境は、同じみたいですね。。OK., I see... 引退後、RGに来た時点で、ご本人は「とてもすっきりしていた」と言うわけでー。周りの動揺をよそにねぇ、、そんなもんかな。ま、私の勝手な意見ですが、、特別な場所だったここ(RG)から、また新しいステップを踏み出せて良かったね☆、とも思ってみたり。そんな思いで、この動画のラストを作らせてもらいました(笑)。くぅ~、私にもサインくれー(涙)。

Every athletes seem to have the same state of mind at that time(retirement)... OK., I see... After Henin retired, she came to RG. At that time, she was so so so refreshing, even though everyone around her was disturbed.. Humm.., that's the way it is..? OK. Well, Personally speaking, I thought it was good for her to have a new step at RG where was the special place for her☆ Yes, I made the last of that clip with that mind(laugh). Hey--, Give me your autograph too, please(tears)
Oh-oh.., the topic was changing to about Henin.., Sorry☆. Q-chan, Take a rest!

422.Tokyo Love Sto.....

2008-10-28 12:58:34 | Diary

Humm.., I just wanted to write about it... it's "the trendy drama"! Kanchi♪ Oh-oh.., bushy eyebrows.., and short bangs, it means "on the eyebrows"... No, more properly, it means "over the eyebrows"?(laugh) The band for hair was popular. When I was a child, I had a long hair, so I had three or four band like that(laugh).

* Tokyo Love Story(Wikipedia)

KITA-, Yuji Oda♪. You two, so young! The drama was the best "Love story" among love storys, just "love". Humm.., but now.., if you are called "Kanchi", maybe you feel uncomfortable, huh? No, maybe at that time too, it must have been accepted, because the actress was just Honami Suzuki. She was suited the character of drama so much. Or.., probably.., the "Love story" was like this drama in Tokyo at that time? Because.., the title was "Tokyo Love Story". Anyway, I was in Shizuoka at that time, so I didn't know that♪(laugh)

In the end, she has gotten rejected by Kanchi.. Oh., Her women's suit had shoulder pad☆. What for is it needed?(laugh). And Her bangs was set by "Cape"?(laugh). Her rival lovers was Narumi Arimori. Oh, yes.., How is she now? Yosuke Eguchi had a long, long hair. It was "originality" at that time☆(laugh). Well.., How old is Yuji Oda now..?

* Pad(Wikipedia)
* "Cape" by Kao
* Yuji Oda is 40 years old.(Wikipedia)
もしもし?エビぞりしていますが?(笑)。この主題歌「B面」だったんですよね。あ、B面って、もう言わない?。あと「101回目のプロポーズ」の主題歌もヒットしましたね。「SAY YES」。「余計ぬぁ~、ものなど、ぬぁいよぬぇ~♪」。今でも聴けます。名曲ですね☆

Hello? He is bending backward like a shrimp(laugh). This song(left) of this drama was "B side"(not main). Oh-oh, everyone don't say "B side", now? And This song(right) of "The 101th marriage proposal" became a big hit. It's "SAY YES". I still like it, it's good music☆

* The 101th marriage proposal(Wikipedia)
~鉄也、飛び込む~ …「え?」って感じ?(笑)。。 はい、ミュージックスタート♪~
~SAY YES~♪ -つづく-

-He jumps in front of a truck- Music start♪
 ■I never die.., I never die. Never.., because I love you..
 ■I.., I'll make you happy. tears.
~tears., tears~
 □Could you make me happy.., please.
 ■Y, Yes, of course... Actually, I was so so scared...
~SAY YES~♪ -to be continued-

* I never die_僕は死にません【YouTube】

Good editing. Of course, good acting too☆. These dramas became a big hit at that time. But personally speaking.., I don't know if I can be touched by them now.. Anyway, to me, These dramas are my cherished memory☆


2008-10-27 12:42:10 | Topics

Personally, talking about Belgium, it's "Henin", "Chocolate", "Waffle" and "Diamond"(laugh). Maybe, Japanese might have familiarity with Netherlands, because of history and imperial family(Masako-sama's rest ..etc). What do you think of it? Anyway, I like Belgium(Henin)☆, Now, continuously I'll try to write about Belgium except her?(laugh)

* Kingdom of Belgium_ベルギー王国(Wikipedia)

I have read Belgium is called "the heart of Europe". Yes, the location is good. It's federate nations like America and Germany. And it's placed into two big groups, "Region flamande(Dutch)" and "Region Wallonne(French)". Henin is from Wallonne. Humm.., when I had a trip to Belgium, even though I'm a tourist, I thought the language environment was complicated...

* Federation_連邦(Wikipedia)

There're European Council and European Commission in Brussels. This photo is European Council. I have read the reasons were because good location and the nation which was fused with "Germanic" and "Latin". Humm.., I think., Belgium accepted "lots of thing" and lived with them, so they came here..

* European Council_欧州理事会(Wikipedia)

Left is European Counci. Right is European Commission. Maybe, news topics says "EU~ in Brussels".

If you turn around here, you can see "Triumphal Arch". It's big. Humm.., But., I went to sightseeing spot everyone don't go a lot.. Ahaha.., I'm not interested in shopping so much.

Speaking of Diamond, it's Antwerp, right?☆ It's well known for the polishing technique of Diamond. Well, Henin's last title was Antwerp. Hum? I came back to Henin's topic?(laugh). The racket she was watching was "Diamond-racket". Good job for Belgium☆ Humm... in the end., I just wanted to write about this?(laugh). Sorry about that.

* Antwerp(Wikipedia)
* 2008 Proximus Diamond Games


2008-10-26 08:25:00 | Diary

Yesterday, I had the study meeting, and I went to Tokyo University for the first time. Wow, Aka-mon(red gate).. I took the photo. Yes, it was red absolutely(laugh). Only when I was in the campus, I felt like I had a good brain(laugh). On the way to the university, I found the "ice cream of Belgian chocolate". If you were a Henin's fan, you might stop there(laugh) ..Only me? "Hello-, Give me Henin, please" Oh No, Mistake(laugh). "Give me the ice cream, please"

OK then, I'll write a little about the chocolate on my trip. This is the GODIVA's store on Grand-Place in Brussels. It's well-known as expensive Belgian chocolate in Japan. I should buy some chocolate here as a typical tourist(laugh)

* La Grand-Place de Bruxelles(Wikipedia)
* GODIVA(Wikipedia)

Hey., Japanese.., Don't take a photo in the store! Ahaha., Sorry. This photo, It didn't mean I wanted to take a photo about "someone's head"(laugh). You can find the City Hall on Grand-Place from the window?? Yes, the location is there like that♪.

3.7€. One month ago, "1€ was 150Yen", so, it was around 550Yen. Wow., just GODIVA.. Look at this photo! it's ".be"♪ Not ".jp"(laugh). And.., I can't eat it yet, because if I open the package, the air in Belgium get out, right?..(funny-strange) Well, Manikin Piss is also famous in Brussels. Of course, it's not sold in GODIVA(laugh)

* http://www.godiva.be【Belgium】
* http://www.godiva.co.jp/welcome.php【Japan】
Talking about chocolate.., is it that-?? ...No way(laugh) Ahaha, Sorry about that


2008-10-25 07:47:30 | Diary

It has passed one year since I began to have my blog. It was almost about Henin from the latter half of my blog because of her retirement(laugh). Oh, Today's photos are all Henin's(laugh). It's not easy to write something on my blog everyday, but I can watch my mind and myself. It's interesting to watch about which topic I select in many ones. And to me, the blog is a switch of mind, and my recorder.

I don't know which person comes here to watch this blog, but I thank you so much, to come here☆. If I have the website audience from my YouTube and Henin's fans, I'm so glad.

I'm a ordinary worker. Even though I did the best to my work, it's evaluated as "very natural".., I'm working with discontented mind to inequality(laugh). In this situation, when I get some warm comments to Henin from all over the world on my YouTube, I'm touched a lot about it... I'm so glad someone feel something to my clips.., and I can feel my "task" is not wrong..

To me, these comments are worth higher than the evaluation of my "task" on my company. This is just "Priceless", it's my treasures I can't buy by money. Thank you, everyone☆. And Henin-san, you have lots of love from your fans, you're so happy☆. All these comments on my YouTube are yours-. Can you hear me-?(laugh)

* YouTube(My channel)


2008-10-24 12:38:06 | Diary

Oh-oh.., My blog will go to the different way from tennis.. OK, it came here, so, I'll write about it. This TV program was presented by Kuniko Yamada who is a comedian. When I was a student, almost my friends watched it, so, I had to watch it to talk about it with them(laugh). Last night, I listened to these musics(following photos). I still like them. I remembered my joyful school days..

* Kuni-chan-presents_邦ちゃんのやまだかつてないテレビ(Wikipedia)

What is KAN-san doing now(laugh)... I like the rhythm of this music(right). But I can't understand the message of this music(laugh).. Heh.., Her mother is Russian and she is from Moscow. I didn't know that. I brought back my school days.., My observing point to something was changed, I thought(laugh). I got older...

【愛は勝つ】抜粋                   【パロディ】←私の記憶より

どんなに困難でくじけそうでも           /どんなにコンニャクでくじけソーメン
信じることを決してやめないで           /トン汁ことを決してや明太子 

Carry on, Carry out                  /カーレうどん、カレーライス…


これで、今日のあなたの鼻歌は「愛は勝つ」ですね(笑) ど~んな~に困難で~♪
Maybe, you'll hum this song today(laugh) Hummmm~♪

* KAN(Wikipedia)
* Kaori Kawamura(Wikipedia)
モスクワ出身…そんなのかんけーねー?(笑) ごめんなさい…つなげてみたかっただけ。。
From Moscow.., Uhh, no relation at all?(laugh) Sorry about that.., I just wanted to say..

* Elena Dementieva(Wikipedia)


2008-10-23 14:01:12 | Diary

When I edited some photos of previous topic(No.416), I was thinking I would write about Editor's note, continuously. Bu-t, when I watched Eisaku Yoshida who is acting on NHK drama series every morning, it made my mind change♪ When I was a elementary and junior high school student, he was around twenty. Yes, I was watching him on TV a lot, and.., Taisyu Kase who was recently arrested for cannabis..(laugh) Oh, I bought "Myojo(idol magazine)" very often(laugh).

If you are the same generation as me, you might know the drama"I don't ever love somebody". Tomoko Yamaguchi who is well-known as a good actress was short cut hair. The drama was so fast-paced, it was said "you can't understand the story, if you'll miss the drama for just three minutes". So, it was called "the drama like roller coaster"(Wikipedia)

* I don't ever love somebody..(Wikipedia)

Last midnight, I felt a great deal of concern about it, so, I was looking for the CD of this drama... Yes, I got it(laugh). What? What is the small CD? Oh., yes, I remembered that. Long time ago, the single CD was small like this photo. Heh.., I have bought the CD of English song when I was a child... Maybe I couldn't understand it... Anyway, I was tempted to watch the drama(laugh)

Humm.., I worry my blog might be about "old-fashioned dramas"(laugh). About trendy drama..and so on? It sounds interesting. Oh, sorry, Give me time. Let me write about you, please☆(laugh)

416.A heavy step...

2008-10-22 12:52:18 | Editor's note
気分が乗らない時、何でもいいから一歩踏み出そうとしてみます。例えば、見たくないデータをとにかく開いてみるとか…。。でも、その一歩はいつも重く、、そして、そんな時の行動が、果たして正しかったかどうかもわからない。早く帰った方がよかったかもしれない(笑)。。誰だって「正しかった」と言い切るのは、難しいですよねぇ(笑)。。エナンのように自分の行動を信じてやるしかないのです。。この動画作成「2008 German Open」も…そんな感じかなー。いやちと違う、これには、素敵な小さな動機がありました。それは後で綴るとして。。ま、とにかく…この動画は、もう少し編集後記を書いたら非公開にしよう。。

When I can't have enough power to do something, I try to take a step of whatever. For example, I try to open the data I don't want to see., anyway... Humm.., Always at that time, it was so hard, and I didn't know if what I did was right.. Because I might be better to get back home earlier(laugh). You can say "I was right" easily, huh?..(laugh) You just have to believe your own choice like Henin.., I think. In this case of this clip"2008 German Open", it might be like that mind.. Oh No, a little bit different. I had a nice and small motivation to make this clip. I'll write about it later. Anyway, after I'll write "Editor's note" about this clip a little bit more, I'll set this clip to "private".

* YouTube(My channel)

Well, If I don't have some opportunities to make these clip and blog.., I might have felt "the distance from tennis" earlier, I think... Well, This photo is the sports news in Germany. I could take it so-so, even though I was in a hurry. It was my valuable photo, because the tennis news was so short(laugh)

This is TV program magazine. Actually, I wanted to include "The tennis with daily life in German" like these photos.., but I thought they wouldn't suit this clip...
Hum. This photo? a little bit different.. Anything OK to me♪(laugh)

When I found her on training in Berlin, I looked like "she was standing in the spotlight"(laugh). "Wow, Belgian superstar♪" ..like that☆(fan's talk)
And, when I watched her for the first time, I thought "She's real one?" Yes, she is☆