
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

■Run again! -Smile-■

2010-08-26 09:50:01 | Editor's note

My late summer holidays came. Henin's comeback from her injury will be the next year, so, I made my partially-made clip finish up. Ahaha, I was thinking I would never make it.., but I made it as my "memory". This clip has her main matches, includes losing match(^^;). But I made the video with her "smile" of her second career, so, it's brilliant, I think☆(crazy). Ahaha, it's my self-contented clip☆

Thank you for the information in making this clip, Greeny-san☆. And I got it from others too. Sorry & Thank you about that. Of course, I relinquish my clip's copyright and this clip has no tag to search, but the each content, music, photos and videos has the copyright. When you watch my clip, be careful and enjoy it covertly☆. Oh-oh, at first I did the worst, sorry(^^;). Anyway, Henin, Thank you for your comeback. And always sorry about my clip☆

Hmm., the most interesting is that Japanese fan made the clip for Belgian tennis player(^^;). It means, I can't make the clip for Date-san. Because I'm a Japanese person same as Date-san, and Japanese media pays a lot of attentions to her, everyone knows enough about her. So, if I make the clip for Date-san, it would be not interesting... I don't know a lot about Henin, so, I can make it fearlessly, I think. And my clip would be made from the "view point of Japanese fan"(laugh). It's just a inexpert, so, just interesting☆. Now, Let's support Henin together☆



Thank you for your watching☆. Did it have your impressive scenes about Henin?(^^)//. Henin, Believe yourself and Go forward☆. Yes, I hope she will do that, so, I chose this song☆



Cause I realized
I just cried for all these time

So Just leave me alone
I don't care about it


So now Just leave me alone
I don't care about it


Just leave me alone
Get out from my way

Just Go for your dream☆

976.Semifinals at AO...?

2010-05-19 12:41:10 | Editor's note

Now is before RG, but AO(laugh). This video, I didn't have the motivation to make it at all. But I watched AO Semifinals again, to check the previous topic "No.975". And I had some scenes I used before to make my previous video, so made the highlight by them. So, let me upload it on this blog, please. That music is just for a rhythm, no message. And this video is just only Henin☆(crazy). Besides, it's illegal video., so if you are interested in it, Enjoy it covertly.


Hmm.., I'm just surprised at my "very crazy" about her tennis. I made many videos already, and I'm still going at it... Ahaha, It's too much time for an escape from reality. Sorry about that, I was out of line, a little☆

This video has the same scene as my previous video, but it has a different impression. Maybe, in my layman's level, the video depends on the music... Hmm., it's just my "self-satisfaction" as my hobby☆. Sorry☆. And Henin, always sorry about that. Now, Go for RG!, we'll support you.


■2008.5.8 training■

2010-05-08 07:14:07 | Editor's note

Henin in Stuttgart was very strong☆. Hmm? This photo is a little different... This is just two years ago. Yes, on today from two years ago, it was just Henin's last match in her first career. In Berlin.., you konw.

Hmm., I was trying to write about my trip to Berlin., but two years has passed... What do I write about Henin everyday?(laugh). Hey me., Henin already came back, and becomes brilliant again☆(very happy). Anyway, 2010 & 2008, they are light & dark of Germany for her.

I., I really went to Berlin...? I always write a lot about my delusion of Henin on this blog, I get to think that my trip was delusion?(laugh). OK, I upload the following clip which the crazy fan took in Berlin. On this clip, I said "Cool", to watch her training., sorry...

Very Cool☆

In this two years, Henin took enough rest for her mind, and made her rich spirit more than in the past. Grownup-Henin☆. I don't know the detail about tennis(^^;), but when I watch Henin's tennis, I love it more and more☆(crazy fan). Now, Let's go for Madrid!


■Shining heart■

2010-04-28 21:38:20 | Editor's note

For three or four days, I can't write my blog, sorry. Oh., it's just during Henin's tennis., I'm out of luck... But it's just Golden Week in Japan☆. I have a trip to meet my grandmother to Hokkaido, so it's not for stuttgart(laugh)... By the way, 51sep made a clip, I heard so(laugh), so let me upload it. It's made from the informations by Greeny-san. Always thank you, Greeny. But you know, it's just a illegal clip. So if you watch it, enjoy covertly☆. And it doesn't have "tag" about Justine Henin, so maybe, it would be never watched a lot...

This might be made from my Japanese feeling(laugh). This song is used in TV program. Maybe, Japanese people might like such a "strong spirit"(laugh). Yes, you know, I "feeling down凹 Japanese" made it for "Shining Belgian"(laugh). And I'm a crazy fan of Henin, so it's made from only Henin. So if you're not a fan of Henin, don't click it, please(laugh). And about Japanese player Date-san, I want professional editor to make it☆

Henin, I always make a clip about you for my self-satisfaction, I'm so sorry about that. And Thank you very much for coming back to tennis. I always hope your success and support you☆

アンジェラ・アキ ~輝く人~


透き通る瞳を逸らさないで 逸らさないで



Angela Aki ~the person who can be shine~

I'd like to be shine,
so, closing eyes, I try to imagine

the person who can be shine
has to find it in one's mind,
so, never take one's eyes away from it, never..

the person who can be shine
believe it in one's mind,
and laugh a lot, have a dream, so maybe, would become happy

And someday, me too


■Back to 1990!■

2009-08-23 22:50:22 | Editor's note

Monica Seles played the exhibition at Rogers Cup. This year, she got International Tennis Hall of Fame. Surprisingly, she had the official announcement of retirement last year(2008). She got 9 GS titles(Wikipedia).

* Fan favourite Seles to be inducted into Rogers Cup Hall of Fame
* International Tennis Hall of Fame(Wikipedia)
Ahaha.., but I don't know so much about her... Because I'm a poor tennis fan...
エナンの動画(Happy Birthday Queen)を作るにあたり、「1990年RG」の映像を使いました。エナンの動画では、1992年として用いていますが。。いつか、思い出として編集するつもりだったので、、昨日、チャチャッとまとめてみました。往年のテニスファンの方、どうぞご覧下さい☆。あ、この写真は、屋根付きウィンブルドンのエキシビションでのアガシ-グラフ夫妻です。

I used my movie "1990 RG" to make my clip "Happy Birthday Queen" about Henin. But it was used as 1992 RG... I was thinking I wanted to edit it, so I did it without much effort last night. Now, true tennis fans, enjoy it☆. Oh, this photo is Agassi & Graf in the exhibition at Wimbledon for the new roof.

* Monica Seles(Wikipedia)
* Steffi Graf(Wikipedia)

歌は「Beyond the century」です。ぴったりでしょ~☆(すいません、自己満足です)

It's illegal, so I don't know how long I would make it be public... And grainy clip. Sorry about that.
The song is "Beyond the century". It just fits, right~☆(Sorry, just my self-satisfaction)

682.What's YouTube?

2009-07-25 07:35:54 | Editor's note
YouTubeって何でしょう。。いつも思います。例えば、以下の私の動画「Late 2007」、これは、一度、著作権侵害で削除された動画です。ですが、今は、削除されていません。なぜなら、「タグ」をつけていないからです。見つからなければ、削除されないってことです(ブログで言うな)。あぁ、悪いな、悪いなー。

What's YouTube? I'm always thinking of it. For example, the following my YouTube clip "late 2007", once, this was deleted by someone because of copyright. But now, you can watch it. Because this clip is tagless. I prove that., if this clip was not found by someone who had original copyright, it could be in YouTube(I shouldn't say it on the blog). Oh, I'm a bad person.

* My YouTube【51sepf】

Yesterday, on NHK, the TV program "The more power of user-posted video" was broadcasted. Hmm., It means YouTube. The site has good side and bad side... And it has the problem of copyright.., but now and future, it would be useful more and more., the TV program said so. Yes., it has problem of a law(copyright)., but in the other side, it's recognized the value of YouTube.

Hmm., it's a difficult problem... If you are the person who has post into YouTube, you could understand that psychology of "the side of post(me)". It's so interesting. If you post something into YouTube, you would think "I want someone to watch it, or to enjoy it, and it's just self-assertiveness", even though it's illegality... Yes, I know that, because I experienced that feeling, it was just like a magic..

But now, those clips have "tagless"... To be honest, as a Henin's fan, I have a strong mind, which I want someone to watch my clips... Hmm., but when I made public those clips with the tags, I felt uncomfortable for my illegality clips. But now, I uploaded them with tagless, so it's definitely equally guilty... But it's tagless., so it's low-impact than before., Only I just might think so... Yes, I know that well, it means, it just depends on my mind...


Do you think what YouTube is?. I just think it was made from "human's psychology". Because now, it's the most popular site, right? It's the perfect structure of human's psychology, because it got well-balanced between "watch" and "post". Especially, "post" wouldn't have "special benefit" more than that psychology. Hmm., What's the essence of it?. If these clips are good for Henin, I want everyone in the world to watch them(crazy fan). But I can't judge if it's better for her, or not.., I don't know...

■Amazing points!■

2009-07-12 22:46:24 | Editor's note
あはは。遊びで軽く作っちゃいまいました。WBでウィ姉妹の活躍を見て、ついつい思い出してしまった「2007 US Open セミファイナル」。ウィ姉妹さんは、すごい選手です。でも、彼女達に勝って、優勝したエナンは、もっとすごいです(あほファン)。No.1を証明しました☆。さぁ、キレのあるエナンをご覧下さい。でも、ちと音楽笑っちゃう。。ファンの方、怒らず見て下さい。どうぞ失礼をお許し下さいです。。

Ahaha. I made it lightly. I watched great Williams sisters at this Wimbledon, and I brought back "2007 US Open Semifinal". Yes, They are great players. But Henin who beat them is better and better(crazy fan). She proved No.1☆. Look at great Henin, please. But., sorry about strange music... Henin's fan, don't get angry. Forgive me, please...

Let's comment about it in the next time. Hmm., Oh, No.. I can't comment enough(laugh)

629.Thank you, comments!

2009-06-02 12:28:07 | Editor's note
2009年RG。5月末に、エナンさんがRGへ来ていたようです。RGの道?に「Justine Henin」の名前がついたみたいですね。すごい!、光栄なことですね☆。ファンとしては、嬉しいニュースです。でもー、オフィシャルサイトに、日記ぐらい、つけて欲しかったですね~。んな、面倒なことはしないかな?(笑)。OK。

2009 RG. In late May, Henin came to Roland Garros. According to topics, the street at RG was named after Justine Henin. Great! It's great honor☆. As a fan, it's a big pleasure to hear that. But-., I wanted her to write her diary about this on Official Site. Hmm., she would not do such a small thing?(laugh). OK.

My clip I uploaded last night, it will be closed soon(laugh)... But I'll show you her fan's comments with each clip. Maybe, I would not be able to show all of them during the clip is in public(laugh)... If you have an interest, I'll upload it on my "channel as a folder" after tonight, so please come there.

■2007 Roland Garros■
【gnah1987】justine is the best
【electricguitaristxx】allez juju!! beautiful player, beautiful smile and beautiful person
【refereeingpesty】You are my favorite Tennis player Justine.
【Adi588】I miss you Juju :(

* My YouTube【51sepf】

It was good for her to have warm messages from her fans☆. I was so glad to read them as a her fan. I could reflect everyone's view? I selected them with an open mind, but I just took English comments. Because I don't know French.., but hmm., actually I wanted to take Japanese comments...

■Early 2007■
【channel7carrie】Justine, Please come back!!! Tennis is never the same without you!!!

* My YouTube【51sep】

■Just for one day!■

2009-06-01 21:50:32 | Editor's note
6月1日。エナンさん、お誕生日おめでとうございます☆。そして、私はこの日を最後にYouTubeの「51sep」を閉めることになります。。今回の動画は、タグをつけて1日だけ公開します。そして、同時に新しいチャンネルに、タグなしで全ての動画をUPする予定です。終わりであり、始まりでもある「区切り」の日になることを願います。。なお、新しいチャンネルでも、場合によっては、非公開にする可能性もありますが、そんなに人は来ないだろうから、大丈夫でしょう(笑)。エナンのテニスが永遠になりますように☆ …って、即効削除されたら、笑えますね(笑)。

June 1st. Happy Birthday, Justine☆. And I'll close my YouTube channel "51sep" from tomorrow... I'll make this clip be in public with the tag just for one day. And I'll upload all of them on my new YouTube channel with tagless. Today is the end day and start day of my channel. I hope I have a great day as a Henin's fan. Well, I might set some clips to be private in the future., sorry about that. But it wouldn't happen, because so many people won't come there(laugh)... Yes, Henin's tennis will be forever!☆ But they might delete soon(laugh).
今日UPした動画の後半は、皆さんのコメントを掲載しました。私の皆さんへの感謝の気持ちとして、動画に入れさせて頂きました。コメント、どうもありがとうございました。個人的には「Early 2007」の歌と動画が好きで、特にくずちゃんとの打ち合いで躍動感あるカメラワークが好きでした。くずちゃん、RG頑張ってね☆。あ、ヨーロッパの絵文字は、横にして見て下さいね。写真は「:)笑顔」です。見えますか?

The last half of this clip has her fan's comments. I did it as a token of my thanks to her fans. Thank you for your comment. Well, I like the song and clips of "Early 2007", especially, I like the point between Henin and Kuznetsova, because the camera work was very dynamic. Hey, Kuznetsova, Go for the title at RG☆. Oh, you understand Europe's picture language? You have to watch it with sideways. ":)" is smile. Can you understand it?

Henin was born on 1st Jun 1982, it was the quarter finals at Roland Garros. But this clip was finals. Sorry about that... Martina Navratilova got the title at that time. I did wrong thing to get the film(wry laugh). In that point, the first-one minute of this clip was what I did the best(laugh). And sorry about that... Just one day is long for me?(wry laugh).

I knew that it was 1992 when child-Henin went to watch the finals at RG with her mother. But this clip was 1990. Sorry about that... It was the year when Monica Seles got the title on youngest age(16 years and 6 months). After this, she got a hat trick of titles(1990-92).

* Singles winner at Roland Garros(Wikipedia)

This year(2009), Seles-san got international Tennis Hall of Fame. She had the bad accident during her career, but she got 9 GS titles, it was great career. And Henin-san got a hat trick of title at RG, same as Seles-san.

* Mocica Seles to international Tennis Hall of Fame
* Monica Seles(Wikipedia)

Henin and Henin's fans, Thank you very much. She would have many many great memories. I couldn't express them well, but I want everyone to remember her. Henin., I'm really sorry about my clips...


I'm sorry for Japanese song to Belgian player... For your info, this is the song of movie "the homeless student". The words of song might not suit to my clip a little(wry laugh). Don't mind about it...

* My YouTube【51sepf】

589.What can I see?

2009-04-13 12:26:37 | Editor's note

Around one year ago, I went to Berlin to watch Henin-san. But It was certainly I felt German history more than I expected... My self-satisfied clip "Berlin!" was described about Henin-san as a main., but of course, I felt something historical a little.

I don't know the detail about German history. But speaking of German war, in my image, it's just Nazis and the Holocaust... A long time ago, this country was militarism., hmm., Japan too., they did wrong things. And., they had defeat in war... Germany was separated to East and West by Berlin Wall.., What feeling did they have..? This photo is the monument to the Holocaust.

* Stiftung Denkmal fuer die ermordeten Juden Europas

I have been to the city in the former West Germany. In my opinion, I felt that city was bigger than Berlin as a city. But the capital city in Germany is Berlin. Before defeat in war, it was Berlin, and after German Unification, it was just Berlin. I seemed to feel German mind a little..? In early morning on May 8th, 2008, I went to this monument. There's information center under this monument, but I went to go to watch Henin-san♪

* Berlin(Wikipedia)

If you turn around this monument, you can see some modern buildings like Roppongi-hiruzu. It's only twenty years since the Berlin Wall falls... The road and nature were beautiful. They dealt with the big change., and they made a peace. This country knows the wrong things and lost, Japan too., it might be a valuable presence... Deep history... Strong is not only win.., I think so a little...

* The wall of Berlin(Wikipedeia)

The last photo of my clip is the souvenirs of "The wall of Berlin". The wall-chan had heavy background and became history.., in the end, it became the souvenirs... And the wall-chan was bought by crazy Japanese who came there to watch Belgian... I think "I'm sorry about my attitude" a little.., but I felt German history by my own view. Thank you, Berlin!

* YouTube【My channel】