
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

2916.For one week.

2016-02-01 12:15:00 | Topics


Oh, Serena lost in the AO final... Hmm., I think that the alternation of generations would come someday. It might come soon. I couldn't write this blog since Nishikori lost to Djokovic... I need a happy news to keep writing this blog. Or, I need some news of Henin☆ By the way, I had some tough days for my mental health during last week. For a few years, I'm in complicated and tough situation(^^;). Even if I'm in there, I have to keep going ahead. I believe that someday I can get through it... "Do my best every day". This is my current aim. Well, according to Date-san's blog, she made a decision to take the operating for her knee. She didn't update her blog for a while. So, I worried about her. Reading her blog, I always think that it's how tough "Doing my best" would be.

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~
