
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

389.In the plane

2008-09-30 12:54:29 | Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam Trip

I'll write about my this trip on the blog. I went to Paris via London. We only sleep and eat airplane meal in plane.., we have to keep repeating it for 11 hours.. But we can watch movies and videos. So, I watched "2008 RG". Oh, Henin... Humm... Her expression in the interview was so refreshed.., but my mind was still complicated...

Of course.., there was the scene like this. I accepted her retirement.., but I watched it while talking to the video "Show us Henin more!"
Yes.., this scene(tears)...
空港から市内へは電車で行きました。これ、シャルルドゴール空港駅です。読めますか?。チャルレス デ ガウレ?(笑)。下の広告の映画を機内で見れました。英語でしたけど、、ジェット・リーとジャッキー・チェンのアクションで充分楽しめましたよ。あはは。私はリー様ファンなので♪。それにしても、日本のタイトルは英題と全然違いますね。。ドラゴンって?(笑)。フレンチは英題と同じようです。

I went to Paris city from airport by train. This is Charles de Gaulle Airport station. Can you read French? ..I read it by my imagination(laugh). I watched that movie(this photo) in plane. It was English(No Japanese).., but I enjoyed the action of JET LI and JACKIE CHAN. Ahaha, yes, I'm a fan of JET LI♪ Well.., Japanese title of this movie is different from English title.. Why does it become "The Dragon kingdom" in Japanese? Dragon?(laugh) French title seems to be same as English.

* The Forbidden Kingdom(English)
* Le Royaume interdit(French)
* ドラゴン・キングダム(Japanese)

388.Hello, reality...

2008-09-29 19:49:15 | Diary

Hello, reality... My late summer vacation was finished. And I experienced the unbelievable end of my trip. It means I couldn't come back to Japan as scheduled.. In the end, I came back here about one-and-a-half-day later.. I'll write about it with my complaining(laugh)...

Paris, London, Brussels and Amsterdam. Every countries were great! But If you ask me what is the best my memory, it's the nonsense question. It's Brussels! because I'm a fan of Henin♪ Oh my God-, What's the truck?(angry) I took the photo with the same angle!(2008.9.23)
Thinking of tennis.., Kuznetsova lost at TORAY. Come on.., Kuznetsova
Hey! It's about time to win!

387.I'll be back!

2008-09-18 00:20:58 | Diary

My late summer vacation is coming. I decided that next trip would be Belgium after the Spain trip last year.. Ehh--? Henin has retired??(tears) I can buy the tennis magazine with Henin's topic in Belgium??? We'll go to Paris at first, and then Brussels and Amsterdam. It's personal travel by the train. Next week, we'll go to Brussels♪

Kuznetsova, I'm sorry I'll leave Japan during your stay. I wanted to support you at ARIAKE... Go for the champion in Tokyo!
I'll be back here again! Go for continuance! improve English! and Supporting Henin!☆


2008-09-17 12:45:58 | Tennis
Oh, No... Hantuchova-san lost(1-6,5-7)... Japanese guys will be sad...(laugh)
Mauresmo-san? Why did you lost, even though you got the bagel? Anyway.., Eat sushi, please...
Ayumi-chan, Welldone! I'm so glad to hear your win!

Deme-san, you went to TORAYA? Do you like Japanese sweets? Safina-san, Good photo with granny's bike(laugh) Oh-oh.., You two went up in the rankings than Kuznetsova. Come on, Kuznetsova


2008-09-17 12:31:46 | Tennis

September 24th in 1996. Kimiko Date 25-year-old, retired as a professional tennis player with rank No.8 in the world. 12 years later, April 6th in 2008. Kimiko Date 37-year-old, She came back there. Now, rank 262th in the world.

* Kimiko Date Krumm(Wikipedia)

How does she face to tennis now? For young players? For tennis? For.. herself? Hum? I have seen the little finger somewhere♪

May 14th in 2008. Justine Henin 25-year-old, retired as a professional tennis player with rank No.1 in the world. Do you have... the opportunity to come back? Oh, it's there, the little finger♪
It depends on how to face..? I don't know...
I just wanted to do it(laugh). So crazy... Oh-, I'm so sorry about that...

384.Fairy of Serbia.

2008-09-16 12:59:25 | Tennis
I write about TORAY a little bit more. Hum... I'm a crazy fan of tennis, huh?(laugh)

Humm-, Ana-san is so popular in Japan. In her interview on TV, she said her favorite Japanese food was "Sushi" and "Edamame". Heh.., "Edamame"? Is it popular in Europe? Do they think "How to eat Edamame" is funny(laugh)? When you eat it, you push "Edamame" with the fingers, so beans jump out from the pod. The taste is.., so simple salt, right??

Besides, Japanese words she knows are "Arigato(Thank you)" and "MoshiMoshi(Hello)". Heh.., "MoshiMoshi"? It's used when we answer the phone. Did she phone anyone in Japan?(laugh). Japanese media called her "Fairy of Serbia". And "Fairy of Russia" is Sharapova, right? OK then.., "Fairy of Belgium" is just-- Henin!(laugh). Humm.., At first, Please come here, Henin!(laugh)

Ivanovic said. I think Serena's a great champion and it will be very tough to return to the top… but it's a great challenge. I can't say we are friends. Girls in general don't become very close on the tour but we motivate each other. If you see the other one winning you want to win too.


* Ivanovic puts grand slam glory above ranking
You're just a athlete, Fairy of Serbia☆(laugh)
ついでに、私が今年5月に行ったGerman Openのパンフレットも載せましょう。
For your information, I post the pamphlet of German Open this May.
Yes, There's Ana-sama. Hum? Someone is there-. H,Henin?

It's overall view. Tut, Henin is not the center(laugh). But it was the unexpected photo a little bit, I think(laugh). Oh, Henin..? like this...

383.Isono family...?

2008-09-15 22:41:26 | Topics
あー…サザエさん。。おとなになってるぅ。。何のCM(笑)? チョコか。。
Ahhh--, Sazae-san... They grew up... What kind of CM is it(laugh)? Oh, Chocolate..

【アーモンド プレミオ/ディアカカオCM「再会篇」30秒】出演:浅野忠信、宮沢りえ、瑛太、小栗旬

382.Thank you, Date-san!

2008-09-15 18:49:10 | Diary

Ahhh---.. Date-san lost.. I'm so sorry... Today, I went to ARIAKE for the first time. It's for free♪. I can joint into "true tennis fan" from today?(laugh)

I just watched your raising ball!(This photo is not it). I don't know so much about tennis, but I can find that shot. Date-san, Great!

It was lots of cheering crowd. I was touched sooooooo much by her tennis! But actually, I watched it only for 20 minutes...

After match, Date-san was responding to requests from fans for one's autograph. I could come across this situation by accident! She was responding them politely for a long time. What a great player!

It's today's my best shot. She seemed to get tired a little bit? But I got the great pleasure and emotion from her! She made me feel cheerful!

Date-san said, "Winning and losing made me grow up more. I could feel current women's tennis in one's bones". Thank you very very much, Date-san. That says it all! Oh. The atmosphere of this tournament is like this photo.

* Date-san lost. Thank you very very much!!

Oh.., Henin... I want you to face to tennis, like Date-san... Humm... It just takes 11 years?? I (and maybe everyone) could touched by her tennis, even though she couldn't win. Probably, she got satisfaction today, I think. You.., can't see different tennis from previous tennis?? It takes more time to see it?? OK, Take more time! We'll wait for you♪

381.How are you...?

2008-09-14 18:35:38 | Tennis
エナンが5/14に引退して、4ヵ月経ちましたか。。その後、RG、WB、Beijing、US Openをエキサイトすることなく他人事のように見てました。大方の予想通り、女王は何度も入れ替わり、そして今…セレナが貫禄の女王ですか。。まぁそれもアリか。。きっと、エナンは戻らない。そう思っているのに?、だからこそ?、余計に気になっちゃいます(笑)。全くぅ~、エナン元気かな~。

It has passed four months since Henin retired on May 14th.. I watched RG, WB, Beijing, US Open without exciting mind.. As widely expected, after her retirement, the queen changed many times so quickly.. And now, Serena is the queen of dignity... Humm.. That's also OK... Maybe, Henin won't come back. Nevertheless I think so..?, That's why..? I might think so much about her current actions(laugh). Hey.., Henin. How are you.. now?
Oh, Kuznetsova. She went to Fed Cup. Eh? After that, she'll come here? It's hard..

* Russia takes 2-0 lead over Spain in Fed Cup Final
Good job for Russia! You are so lighting-up.
Hey guys! Hantuchova will come here♪ Oh, she lost in Bali.. Please come to Japan, earlier.

* Paszek, Schnyder advance to Bali Open final
Date-san won in qualifying 2nd round! Great tennis!

380.Qualifying round

2008-09-13 21:20:40 | Tennis

TORAY is coming! Today, Date-sam won in 1st Qualifying round! I think she is really great. Please come to the "formal match"!

* Date-san won in 1st Qualifying round.

You can see the Qualifying round for free. If I can have enough time, I want to go there on 15th! Come on, Date-san! Go for it!
Hey, guys, Ana-san is coming here! Beautiful girl(laugh). I'm sorry, I'm not a fan of her...
そ。私はエナンファンですから~♪ もっと美しい選手!
Yes. I'm a fan of Henin-♪ More beautiful girl!

Ana-san has lost to Henin at RG 2007, and She got the title at RG 2008 with Henin's retirement... Come on, Ivanovic! Maybe, she'll build the Serbian's time with Jankovic...