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983.Welcome back!

2010-05-26 12:32:24 | Topics

Henin won in her first match at Roland Garros since 2007, Congratulations!!!. It was at 6-4, 6-3 against Pironkova. I could watch her match from 2set. I was very very nervous. When she won, of course I was very very happy, but it might have been better to say "I was relieved for her first win". Oh, she looks nice in tennis on clay, Pink-Pink Henin☆

* Henin wins 1st match in 3 years at French Open

Henin-san seemed to get nervous a little?. Maybe, it was the first match after 3 years, after catching a cold, and Roland Garros is the special tournament for her. So, getting nervous would have been natural thing, right?. It's a fan's talk?. Anyway, I was very happy to see Henin again at RG(tears of joy). Henin, Congratulations for "Welcome match", and Welcome back☆. We were waiting for you for three years♪
そして、伊達さん。サフィナに、3-6, 6-4, 7-5の大大大逆転。本当におめでとう!。観戦しながら、私は、泣いちまいました。サフィナは、あの伊達さんの勇姿に、さらにプレッシャーを感じたことでしょう。伊達さんは、GS初勝利を、なんとサフィナから!。ナンか持っている、伊達さん。そして、エナンも☆

And Date-san. She won against Safina at 3-6, 6-4, 7-5, it was a big come-from-behind win. Really Congratulations!. I was watching her match with a tearful eye. Maybe, Safina must have felt a big pressure to brave injured Date-san. She got the first GS win since her comeback, from Safina! For her, Tennis was just a mission from God. And for Henin too☆

* At 39, Kimiko Date Krumm upsets Dinara Safina

Now, Henin & Date, Just Go!