
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

1020.Quick tempo!

2010-06-30 12:30:31 | Topics

Now, 2010 Wimbledon was finished already(laugh), so, let's look back 2010 WB quickly. Please read today's topic in quick tempo☆. Yes, like Henin in this photo, Just go forward☆. Ahaha, the following photos are almost my jokes, sorry about that(^^;).
The score board in No.12 court is downsized
Her new physiotherapist is bigger
She looks stronger on V-necked wear☆
She gives her autograph, even in a piece of paper☆
Their photos are too much make-up
Actually, Carlos was very near Henin☆
At heart, she's meticulous?

That's all. Today's topic is many photos but no thought. Thank you for your attention. By the way, Henin already came back to Belgium..? I worry about her injury elbow... And I want to look at some photos of Justine and Deuce(^^)


1019.Henin lost...

2010-06-29 12:10:24 | Topics
エナン、WBの4回戦、クライシュテルスに6-2、2-6、3-6で負けました。残念過ぎです。。。キムさんに、3連敗となりました。。正直、今回は、勝利の女神が、エナンにほほ笑むかと思ったのですが、、残念です。。それどころか、エナン、転んでしまって(>_<)。。1st set、エナンの出来が良かっただけに、逆転負けを見るのは、ツラかったです。。久しぶりに、昨夜は、悔しくて寝れませんでした。。懐かしいこの思ひ。。

Henin lost to Clijsters at 6-2, 2-6, 3-6 in the 4th round at Wimbledon. I'm sooooo sad..... Henin had three loses in a row... Actually, I was thinking, the God would smile to Henin, but never.., I'm so sad... on the contrary, Henin slipped(>_<)... In 1st set, Henin played well, so it was hard to watch that, Henin got down gradually and finally lost... I couldn't sleep enough because of this defeat last night...

This time, I hoped strongly that Henin can play in the best condition, so I'm shocked a lot(crazy fan)... Anyway, I hope her injury won't be serious. In her interview, she said "I'll have to wait probably a day or two before checking what's happening there. I hope nothing serious. But it's quite painful now.". I worry about that(;_;)... I just hope she will play without injury. That's most important...

* J Henin - 28 June 2010 4R lost
Very frustrating., but let me post the stats. Very Very sad...

"The wall of Kim" is thicker..? I don't want to count this match to compare with Kim because of Henin's injury(crazy fan).., but it's often said, "Luck is a part of sports".., Hmm., I have to accept it... It's hard to say that.., Henin doesn't have the ability to win against Kim yet.., everyone might think so about this result... Because, in fact, Henin met to Kim three times already after her comeback... I feel frustrated a lot(>_<)., but I believe Henin.
とにかく、エナン、エキサイティングな6月を、どうもありがとう☆。UNICEF Openから始まって、WBを楽しめました☆。今回、負けたのは残念だったけど、エナンがまたチャレンジする姿を楽しみにしています。来年、元気でWBに戻って来てね☆。これからも、応援しています☆。さぁ、しばし休んで、次へGoだっ!

Anyway, Henin, Thank you very much for your exciting tennis in June☆. I enjoyed your tennis from UNICEF Open to Wimbledon☆. Of course, I'm sorry about this defeat, but I'm looking forward to watching your challenge again. Come back to Wimbledon for the next year☆. I'll support you☆. Now, take a rest for a while, and, Just go forward!


1018.All-Belgian match!

2010-06-28 12:30:47 | Topics

Now, in the 4th round at Wimbledon, Henin v.s. Clijsters, it's all-Belgian match. In Henin's second career 2010, it's the third match. So far, Kim-san had twice wins this year. I just get nervous about it. Henin, Go for it!

The first match since Henin's comeback was the final at Brisbane. It was Henin's first tournament since she came back. So, I didn't expect the dream all-Belgian final. In the end, Henin lost the match, I felt frustrated about it(^^;).., but, thinking about the defeat now, it was Henin's dramatic comeback.

The second match was the semifinals at Miami. It was very similar match to Brisbane, in the end, Henin lost the match. I felt frustrated about the defeat more than other defeats(^^;). Ahaha.., maybe, because they are rivals in Belgium.
そうそう、あともう一試合、セレナ対シャラポワがあります。2004 WBの決勝、シャラポワは、セレナに勝って優勝しています。とりあえず、因縁の対決のようですね。どちらにとっても、この4回戦はポイントでしょう。

And today, one more big match, Serena v.s. Sharapova. In the final at 2004 WB, Sharapova beat Serena, and got the title. So this 4th round would be a important match for both players.

* SWilliams, Sharapova to meet again at Wimbledon

Henin v.s. Clijsters, the third match is at one of GS, Wimbledon. After Miami, Henin got two titles at Stuttgart and s'Hertogenbosch. So, maybe, Henin would have improved better, would become a different player from a few months ago. Anyway, I hope she'll play in the best condition☆. We just believe Henin and support her☆. Now, Go for it with the spirit of challenge, Henin!. We'll support you☆


1017.For Monday!

2010-06-27 08:53:58 | Topics

Henin's next match will be on Monday. Also her fans can get a rest for a while. I have some time until the next Henin's match. So let me write about the third round a little bit more☆
The stats of the 3rd R. 70% first serve, Great☆. Only one double-fault!. Yes!

1set エナンのラブゲーム(2-0)。打ち負けず、サービスもいい☆。これ、最強☆。イェス!
Love game in the 1st set(2-0). Strong rally and Strong serve☆. Very strong☆. Yes!

We hope Henin to have enough rest for the next match against Kim-san on Saturday and Sunday☆. And we'll see one more big match, Serena v.s. Sharapova. They four players Henin, Kim, Serena, Sharapova are in good condition now. We'll enjoy their match. Anyway, Henin, Keep the good condition☆. We'll support you☆


1016.Center court!

2010-06-26 08:50:00 | Topics

Henin won against Petrova at 6-1, 6-4 in the third round at Wimbledon. Yes☆. Henin played in the center court for the first time in three years, her victory made our memory of three years ago change to better one☆. She played very well, so very cool!. Oh-oh, her lips are herpes? or chapped?(^^;). Take a chapstick☆

Yesterday, she seemed to have more concentration and fighting spirit, so she looked strong☆. She had some Aces and super plays, such a strong player Petrova-san might have felt down(my delusion). Henin just has great tennis and fighting spirit☆

Good interview and the last scene of the match☆. Big smiling Henin-san☆

In the 1st set, Henin won at 6-1 against Petrova. Great☆. Henin had great first serves and great performances. Maybe, it would make other players lose force(fan's talk). In the 2nd set, when Henin was in 1-3 down, she came back strongly, finally, she finished at 6-4. Great☆. She would have enough momentum and mental power☆. I hope she'll keep playing well in the next match against Kim-san☆. Go for it, Henin!. We'll support you☆



2010-06-25 12:34:46 | Topics

Well, I'm following some tennis players on Twitter. Today, I'll write my opinion about that, so, if I give you any offense, sorry about that. Don't mind about my opinion, Just Enjoy☆. Anyway, for me, Henin is the best☆

Kuzzie. Reading her tweets, she must be a good person, I think. She sometimes has tweeted 5 or 6 times at one time☆. And sometimes in Russian language. If you read her tweets, she would be natural person, you would guess(^^;). Oh.., Kuzzie lost yesterday., Come on...

Kim-san. If you are her fan, you would be glad to read her tweets. She tweets about her family, The World Cup and other tennis players. It would be like "girl's talk", good. But sorry, I just prefer Henin☆

Caroline-san. And I'm following younger players, Azarenka-san too. They are still young, but have good attitude for their fans. Azarenka-san is similar character to Kuzzie? Ahaha, I don't know, but they are good friends.

I have read some tweets of Williams sisters. They have many friends and many leeway, I think.

Schiavone-san and Sam-san. I want to read their tweets, if I have an opportunity. They reached the final at RG, but at WB, they lost in the first round... The difference between clay and grass, and pressure from RG... It would be really difficult to keep winning.

Henin-san is the special presence on Twitter without following friends. And she tweets only about tennis(^^;). But I think, that's OK for her. Maybe, that's just the way Henin is. And I like such a player Henin who is earnest, serious and a little too honest. It's just my crazy fan's talk(sorry)... Now, Go for it, Henin!. We'll support you☆. Today, she'll play the opener in the center court☆


1014.To the left?

2010-06-24 12:34:35 | Topics

Henin won against Barrois at 6-3, 7-5 in the second round at Wimbledon. Good☆. By the way, at first, let me write about her ponytail to the left(laugh). Ahaha, maybe, she always would have done that. Just I didn't mind about that until now.
Because her right tennis-arm is longer?(^^). she would do that for right-handed in tennis?☆
Her ponytail to the left☆①
左からポニー☆②。Barroisさんは、UNICEF Open QFでのお相手さんでした。同じアディダスで、昨日、Barroisは、この写真のウエアの白バージョンを着ていました(と思います)。

Her ponytail to the left☆②. Henin won against Barrois in the quarterfinal at UNICEF Open. They two wore adidas. Yesterday, Barrois had the white wear with that design like this photo(maybe).
お天気も良さそうだったし、エナンの出だしは、キレが良く見えました。でも、皆さんが思うとおり、2nd setでの5-2では、ダブり病のため、6-2で〆れず。。5-5まで持っていかれました。エナンさん、ドキドキするよぉ。。結局、7-5で〆ました。

Yesterday, it looked good weather, and Henin seemed to be in good condition. Hmm.., yes, as everyone says, she didn't close the match easily at 6-2.., because she had two double faults at 5-2 in the 2nd set... She gave the score until 5-5. Oh., Henin-san., our heart started beating at that time... Finally, Henin finished the match at 7-5.

The last game was love game☆

Obviously, Henin dominated this match, but Hmm., she had some difficulty with closing the match(^^;). Now, she'll face the stronger player for the next. Go for it, Henin!, We'll support you☆



2010-06-23 12:26:48 | Topics
エナンは、19日の土曜日に、UNICEF Openで優勝した後、日曜日にロンドンに来たようです。そして、月曜日にすぐ試合がありました。初戦は勝利☆。でも、忙しそうですね。。エナン、楽しんでるかな?

After Henin got the title at UNICEF Open last Saturday 19th, she arrived in London on Sunday. And she played the first match on Monday. Henin won in the first round☆. Hmm., she is busy.. Henin, Enjoy Wimbledon?

it was very good feeling, yeah, to be back. I think I see things differently at the moment. I probably enjoy it much more. No, it's been only good things since I'm arrived. I'm happy about today's match. Good to be back on the court also.(J.H.)

ここ(WB)に戻って来れて、とてもいい感じでした。ここでの時間は、また前とは違って見えると思います。私は、きっと、もっと楽しみます。 ここに来てからは、良いことばっかりでしたよ。今日の試合(1回戦)も良かったです。ここのコートにまた立てて、良かったです。(じゅ.え.)

* Justine Henin Monday, 21 June 2010, 1R
So be back on grass is a good feeling also. I mean, it's three years. In Rosmalen, I had a pretty good preparation. And the grass is better here. It's the best. So that helps.(J.H.)

芝に戻るのも、いい感じです。だって、3年ぶりですから。UNICEF Openでは、すんごくいい準備ができました。そして、WBの芝の状態は、いいですね。助かってます。(じゅ.え.)
At UNICEF Open, we enjoyed your tennis and supporting you for one week. Merci☆
And, yeah, I think just to be in white, you know, playing in white is a good feeling, too. I'm very happy. I feel I'm at the right place. So that's a good thing.(J.H.)

Go for it, on a new note☆

When Henin played in the 1st round, I slept, so I didn't watch it. As far as I look at photos about her first match, she seemed to be nervous yet?(^^;). Oh, yes, it was for the first match at WB in three years. She would have some ups and downs, it's natural., she might not achieve a satisfactory level of herself... But it's OK, I think that's the way it goes☆. Now, Enjoy challenging, and Go for it. We'll support you☆. Today, she'll play the first match☆


1012.Welcome back!

2010-06-22 12:29:50 | Topics

Henin won against Sevastova at 6-4, 6-3 in the first round at Wimbledon. Congratulations for the first win☆. Very good for her, it was for the first time in 3 years at Wimbledon, I'm so glad☆. But.., I slept last night(>_<), I couldn't watch her match.., Hmm., my love for Henin is lack..?(laugh) Last night, I just went to bed earlier, but I couldn't get up... When I got up, it was at AM 4:30, her match was finished already... I could know her win to have the comment from Aya-san.

Wow, White Henin-sama on grass, Very nice☆. Oh, there's a pink line a little☆. I want to see one that the center logo changes to "JH"(laugh). And it's not open-necked wear, so maybe, it would be good for her. By the way, How was her first match at Wimbledon?

It was a quick match?. Net plays went well?☆. Hmm? she had no Aces?. At UNICEF, she had many Aces, I remembered so... OK, Just OK, it would not always work, some good, some bad. She has steady state, so would deal with it with some adjustments, that's just Henin☆, I think.
Henin's ponytail is a little to left side, part①
Henin's ponytail is a little to left side, part②. Because right tennis-arm is longer..?
Henin, Welcome back☆. I'm so glad. Just Go☆. I'll support you, even in sleep☆
