
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

1808.Petrova won.

2012-09-30 19:15:00 | Topics

Petrova got the title at TORAY. Congratulations☆. Oh, almost top players lost in this tournament, but she seemed to keep playing very well. Radwanska couldn't get the second consecutive title at TORAY.

Speaking of Petrova, when Henin came back, Petrova played with Henin in the exhibition match, I remember so. I was very happy to see Henin played tennis again at that time...



2012-09-29 12:15:00 | Topics

This is the court No.1 at TORAY. The spectator stand is less than center court, but we can see the players closely. When I saw Na-san(Topic No.1804), it was here. Other top players also played here. Here is very good court to see a tennis match.

This is the court No.1 at Berlin, I remember so. I have never been to other tournaments except Berlin. But I guess the court No.1 would be almost like that.
Henin, of course, looks best in the center court☆



2012-09-28 12:15:00 | Topics

When I went to TORAY this time, there was the event of making sushi. It was opened to the public since last year. It was interesting to see player's character in making sushi and getting a lesson of sushi. In my opinion, about Kirilenko, I thought she seemed to be a player who goes one's own way(^^;)... And fans ate the sushi which players made. A good event☆

I just wanted Henin to make sushi here in Japan(tears)... And I just wanted to eat the sushi Henin made(crazy fan)... My hope is just a delusion now...



2012-09-27 12:15:00 | Topics

This is the photo I took the closest at TORAY this year. Oh, what a beautiful smile. I checked her at TORAY since she played with Ai Sugiyama in the doubles match. She seems to be friendly, so, I like her☆

Looking back, when I saw Henin, I couldn't see her smile at all. And there was not so many viewers in her practice, but I couldn't go close to her anymore... I didn't know whether it would have been because she was concentrating a lot or she had a conflict about her (first) retirement... Anyway, she had an aura of solitary star. I liked such an atmosphere of her☆(crazy fan)



2012-09-26 12:15:00 | Topics

Na-san plays at TORAY. Wow, it was my first time to see Na. She won in this match. And almost gallery was supporting Na☆. And speaking of Na, that's Carlos coach. Yes, I just checked about that☆

As a fan of Henin.., I felt jealous of Na... Maybe, someone who feel jealousy to this photo would be me or visitors to this blog...

At that time, I thought the player and coach would keep forever. But Henin will become a mom, Carlos lives in Beijing, and seeing Na with Carlos at TORAY.., I thought the relationship was over already, very very very sad... Anyway, I keep the beautiful good memories about them in my heart, and celebrate their new beginnings☆


1803.Date-san lost...

2012-09-25 12:15:00 | Topics

Date-san lost to Bartoli with 1-6, 4-6 in the first round at TORAY. Very sad... But I thought her tennis was not so bad. She lead in 40-30 and gave point to Deuce then lost the game, such a case was a lot. Maybe, a little bit more to win. According to her blog, you know she is struggling now. I hope she will play better. We support her.

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~


1802.Monday PM9.

2012-09-24 12:15:00 | Topics

Monday. Let me write before fever goes down(^^;). Rich man Poor woman, Monday PM9 drama, I had an enthralling drama after a long interval. The viewer rate was not so good.., and it was a very unrealistic story, I knew that. But, for me, younger's growth through a job with love was very good as love story. This is an original work written by female screenwriter. Oh, I see.

Rich man Poor woman(Wikipedia)

The heroine was not a poor woman in the end. She got a job and lover. Maybe, it would be a modern women's view that she got not only a lover but also a job. At the last scene, I feel female screenwriter's thought that, what woman wants man to be and what woman wants to be.

A long time ago, this drama was aired. In 2003, about ten years ago... In this drama too, the heroine was graduate of the University of Tokyo, it's about job and love, and the last scene was at airport(^^;)... Looking back, around this drama, a woman in one's own right became often main character in some dramas.

Beauty Or the Beast(Wikipedia)

Anyway, this is the first of the love story... I don't remember about that, but it was just only love story, a very complicated love story... But in current drama, it's very simple love story, and it's described their mental growth too, I think. Hmm., drama is changing. But I like this trandy drama too(^^;)

Tokyo Love Story(Wikipedia)
Trendy Drama(Wikipedia)
And I keep watching the drama of Henin now♥. Of course.



2012-09-23 12:15:00 | Topics

TORAY starts today. Unfortunately, today is rain... According to Date-san's blog, she will play in the first round on Monday. And I found the news about her interview. Yes, she still has challenge spirit. We'll support her.

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~
Date-san's interview

Oh, Maria, she is popular in Japan too. When Henin played in WTA, I was not interested in her at all, but recently, I check about her a little. She attends an event every year.
Anyway, I wait for Henin☆. Someday, I hope we'll see her again-☆


1800.The opponent.

2012-09-22 12:15:00 | Topics

At TORAY, Date-san will play against Bartoli. Hmm., the opponent is a good player... She always doesn't have a luck of draw(^^;)... This is the photo of last TORAY. Bartorl came to autograph session for her fans.

Date-san seems to be not in good condition now, but she would show us her spirit in the match. I want to see her at TORAY.



2012-09-21 12:15:00 | Topics

I'm feeling down a little... Even if you do the best, sometimes you couldn't get a good result. I know that, but if I do the best, I want even a small good thing.. Hmm.., anyway, I just have to do it now... Oh, the cocktails look delicious. When you feel down, you would have better drink to forget bad things(^^;)...
