
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

2643.One more.

2015-02-28 12:15:00 | Topics

Nishikori reached the semifinals at Mexico Open! Oh, great. I have nothing left to say except great(^^;). According to the news, if he gets one more victory, he would overtook Murray and get No.4 ranking. Wow, that ties Date-san's record. Just go, Kei!



2015-02-27 12:15:00 | Topics

I went to a violin school from the end of last year to this February. When I was a kid, I went to a piano school. At that time, I knew I didn't have a talent of music(^^;), but I just wanted to play the violin. Of course, I was a beginner, but I could play easy song on the violin in four times. I want this electric violin to practice at home.



2015-02-26 12:15:00 | Topics

Nishikori won in the first round at Mexico Open! Oh, that's the No.1 seeded player. Good. A few years ago, I didn't expect Japanese player would become the No.1 seeded player. He really grew up as a top player. I pray he will play well in this tournament too! I support him☆



2015-02-25 12:15:00 | Topics

Do you know that? That's a moxibustion. Last weekend, I went to have acupuncture and moxibustion for the first time of my life, to treat stiff shoulders. At that time, I couldn't see treating my body with acupuncture. Because it was scary... Anyway, I feel better now a little. This moxibustion is no smoke and no smell, so, you can use it easily. Now, I try it. Hmm.., I got older??


2639.Academy Award.

2015-02-24 12:15:00 | Topics

Yesterday, Academy Award Winners were Announced. Although I checked every year, I was not interested in them so much. This year, "Kaguyahime" was nominated for Best Animated Feature, so, I took notice of it. Unfortunately, it didn't win the Academy Award, "Big Hero 6" won. But, I like the movie. By the way, I didn't know almost all the other Award movies(^^;)...



2015-02-23 12:15:00 | Topics
先日、51sepのYouTubeを非公開といたしました。エナンが引退して既に4年が経ちますが、その間も再生してくれる方々がいらっしゃいました。エナンのあほファンとして、とても嬉しく思います。ま、非公開と言っても、51sepのフォルダー代わりに作った「51sepf」のYouTubeは、そのままにしてますので、いつでも見れます(^^;)。ただし、このページは「Justine Henin」等のワードで検索できないようになっています。今もなおエナンファンである方々に見て頂ければ、本望です☆

A while ago, I closed 51sep's YouTube. Four years has passed since Henin retired there, someone maybe Henin-fans kept playing those videos. As a crazy Henin-fan, I'm so glad to come to my YouTube even now. Anyway, "51sepf" account is still alive. So, if you are interested in them, you can see anytime(^^;). That page has no keywords like "Justine Henin". I pray the videos keep staying just for Henin-fans☆




2015-02-22 12:15:00 | Topics

Date-san will play tennis in a tournament. At Acapulco in Mexico. According to her blog, she trained there for a few days. I guess she would have gotten tired for the training. Because she updated the same topic twice(^^;). I like such an austere character. I support her☆

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~


2636.The Wind Rises.

2015-02-21 12:15:00 | Topics

Last night, "The Wind Rises" was aired on TV for the first time. The movie was released in July, 2013. Oh, it comes to TV faster than I expected. I saw the movie a year and a half ago. But I didn't get interested in it at that time(^^;). I might enjoy to see it twice.



2015-02-20 12:15:00 | Topics

Yesterday, I went to Tokyo University. This is the Aka-mon. It's not the university I graduated from(^^;) and I rarely have an opportunity to come here. So, I took this photo. I went there to take part in a seminar, but I was dozing about for 30 minutes... Not good...



2015-02-19 12:15:00 | Berlin trip

I'd like to write about Berlin trip until starting the next tournament for Nishikori and Date. This is the photo of internet cafe at Berlin I went. At that time 2008, I didn't have smart phone or tablet. So, I had to go there to use internet. I was a little scary to get in, but it was no problem to use, even in my poor English.
