
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

779.Orange, But Pink!

2009-10-31 08:16:16 | Tennis

Today is Halloween. So., I'll write about "the color of wear" again, this time, I searched Henin's orange wear☆. This is in the interview at 2007 RG. Well, I have read that in a magazine before, Henin-san was "the player who had a good attitude to answer for the questions in the interview", I remembered so. Oh, also today's topic is about very Henin.., sorry about that, almost daily(laugh)...

I didn't write about that yet, you can visit Roland Garros in the off-season, and you can look at inside of the center court at RG. It's 10€. It's cheap for a crazy tennis fan, I think(laugh). You can get into the press room too. Oh, maybe, Henin talked here-. Let me write about that as an another topic. I want to record it on my blog someday.

About a pink of Henin-san(laugh). I remembered a little about it, so I found the following evidence about that☆. Her title at 2007 RG, it really made me move a lot. Her victory to dedicate to her family.., I cried about Henin-san's human drama from the bottom of my heart(crazy fan). I like her attitude at this time, so I thought I wanted to make my first clip about her. And I learned the word "dedicate" thanks to Henin.

【Q. The pink shirt, pink life, La vie en rose?(=Life in rose?)】
J.H.:It just happened at the right moment. I like pink in my life, even besides tennis, outside of tennis. Modestly I can say this color suits me. I like that color. Everything that happens in my life is wonderful right now. And if I can be rewarded on the court, then it's a great moment for my career and for my life.


She said it clearly, right? Wear it more, Pink-Henin☆

* Justine Henin interview on June 10, 2007
Ju:"Oh, sorry, Ana. My wear is more pink than yours☆"(fevered imagination)


778.For comeback?

2009-10-30 12:43:22 | Tennis

Safin will retire at the end of 2009... I empathize with veteran player's retirement, and feel very sad to hear the announcement. Among such topics, Henin's comeback was good news for me. In Henin's case, her fans felt sad for 15 months, but her absence might have made her have more "play time for tennis" than the case of no-retirement at that time?, I sometimes think retirement was good and positive for her. Ahaha, now, she announced comeback, so I can say anything about that(laugh).

Safin's little sister, Safina. In Doha, she withdrew from the championships because of her injury, so the No.1 for the year will be Serena. Hmm., it might have been a adequate result, but I'm sorry a little for the Safina's finish in 2009...

15 month ago, Safina beat the No.1 player Henin who suffered torment to tennis and oneself. And Safina made Henin say retirement, and she grew up more since then. But now, she seems to be in suffering... In sports, finally their opponent might be "oneself"... Hmm., it's not for tennis, we can say it for everything.

When Henin retired, she wouldn't have thought of comeback., but now, as a result, she came back with "spirit of challenge". Maybe, her mental had recovered the most☆. It might have been "charging energy and rest", by doing "retire & comeback", huh?. Good☆. It's probably, other players wouldn't do it, only Henin can do it(laugh). In the next year(2010), the former Queen would go for a revenge, baring her fangs of tennis(laugh). Just Go Go Go~☆


777.Black & Pink

2009-10-29 12:35:05 | Tennis

No.777 topic☆. 738th day was since I started to write this blog. Two years has passed. At the beginning, the objective was "study English", so I didn't write a lot about Henin like now(laugh). Now, today is memorial No.777. So I'll write about Henin!(laugh). Oh, this is the scene I took for my clips.

Personally speaking, I like this wear with black and light blue, Cool☆. Ahaha., this is not about tennis talk., just my fan's talk(laugh). At that time of this photo, I didn't know so much about her... Even though actually I'm a poor fan, I write a lot about her, I'm sorry for my topic to her true fans(laugh)... She got the second title at 2005 RG for the first time in two years.

According to this topic I got from my visitor, Oh, she'll have a event or something at her academy. She'll spend a good time with her fans, and practice with Carlos, right? Good☆. Yes.., we were waiting for her like that for 15 months...

* Henin Celebrates Comeback

Well, Henin-san likes pink color? While back, on kid's day, she wore the adidas wear with pick lines on black, and the lead for Deuce was also pink♪. Oh, she loves Deuce so much, like Mutsugoro-san(laugh)...

* Mutsugoro(Wikipedia)
* Mutsugoro Animal Kingdom(Wikipedia)

I found a good photo-☆. This is, maybe, in the announcement about her comeback. Yes, it was pink.., right? She would like black?.., because Duece is black... And.., she likes hairy one, huh?(laugh). Oh-oh, today's topic is "OL tennis talk"..? I'm so sorry about that...


776.Very pink..?

2009-10-28 12:39:28 | Tennis

Windows7 was released. I want a new note PC... But maybe, I would not buy it., because my Lavie-chan still works well. So, these days, I save some files into CDR, and organize the folders, to clean up the hard disk. In my folder, these scenes I didn't take in my clips about Henin are there, like this. Let me show it, and Enjoy!

Even if it's a short scene, the file form is not "compressed file"., so it's a big memory. So my Lavie-chan's hard dick is exhausted by them. Sorry, Lavie-chan. Hmm?, today's topic is almost about Henin, and very pink, huh?(laugh)...

Nice☆. She has really dynamic and beautiful tennis(fan's talk). I push "Replay" button of this movie many times.., Oh, only me do it?(laugh)... Her muscle for hitting one-handed backhand, muscles of the back, chest and abdomen.., very trained ones☆. Oh, this photo, Just meet!(Hit it squarely!). Cool☆ *"Just meet" is Japanese-English word.

Henin's technique, really great(fan's talk). And I felt her special presence. Oh, it's because I'm a fan, absolutely huh?(laugh)... Generally speaking, Henin is often introduced as "a player with high spirit" by media. Hmm., but despite so, her mind was broken once 15 months ago(wry laugh)... That's OK. She always plays tennis with patience, she gets a win in the end, she has such a strong spirit. Yes maybe, her special presence I felt might come from her soul, concentration and spiritual strength☆. Go for your second career, Henin!


775.If I can go back...

2009-10-27 12:44:25 | Tennis

In Doha, The WTA championship tournament by the top-8th ranked players will come. This photo is bigger size than usual. Oh, every players are beautiful and taller. On ranking, recently, Safina came back to No.1, but now, it might not be glad for her., And Jankovic reached 8th rank, but it was close to get out from the 8th. Thinking of the ranking, Serena was good constantly, and Kuzzie also was good this year, but she had swing result(laugh). Hmm., I prefer Kuzzie with sports wear., Oh, it's rude words to a woman?, Sorry about that.

* Doha!

Looking back, Henin wore the dress like this photo. Oh, after her comeback announcement, even though it's the photo of her retirement ceremony, I can look it like a bright scene now(laugh). That's how human feeling is., huh? At that time, I was thinking she seemed to lose muscle.., but now, she gets muscle again?(laugh). One year does not pass yet since her retirement ceremony... Hmm., she already thought of her comeback at this ceremony, huh?(laugh). Maybe no way.., Ahaha, Anything OK, that's just Henin(laugh).

I'm so glad to hear Henin's comback☆. Now, by this time next year., she would come to the championship here? Hmm., I want her to get the ranking, and I feel she would be able to get it(fan's talk). Hmm., well, If I can go back to the day on May 14th when Henin retired suddenly, I want to tell me at that time, "Hey me, Don't worry, she'll come back suddenly after a while"(laugh)...
Oh, Schiavone won!(second title of her career). Good smile, so I uploaded it(laugh). Congratulations☆

* Schiavone win Kremlin Cup titles

774.Finding myself..?

2009-10-26 12:41:46 | Topics

In the end of year 2004, I went to study abroad for the first time during working. I stayed for only two weeks in London. It was not for improving my English, it was just for filling my mind I wanted to do something. This movie is the British Museum as I was saying in younger days. It was five years ago, I don't know whether the library is still there now...

Inside was like this photo. Anyway, it was my first trip by oneself, so everything was new for me. Well.., What did I find about myself by this studying abroad, huh? Oh, it's very cool question. Hmm, I couldn't find such a "myself"(laugh). Can you find it?

Here was my host family's house. I experienced many things. For example, when I forgot to have the key to the house, I couldn't get into the house(laugh), and I was told my host to eat only cornflake for breakfast.., "OK., yes, thank you, I always eat simple food...", I thought of it positively(laugh)...

Brixton. It was the nearest station from my homestay, it took ten minutes by bus. After going back to Japan, I heard the security around this area was poor... Eh? I stayed comfortably there... Hmm.., It was because of a cheap course for English school and homestay?. Anyway, I had no accident., I was lucky, huh?. Looking back, my challenged actions here were very dangerous, absolutely...

Wimbledon is in same direction. It was when I began to know Henin, so I was not a fan like this yet(laugh). But if I have had enough free time, I wanted to watch "Wimbledon without players"(laugh).

But to mention one, what I found at that time was indefinite my mind "I try a little harder". It was just when the phrase "finding your own identity" was said by media and everyone, yes, it was popular phrase. But even if you go abroad, you can't find yourself so easily(laugh). I found only the sense of fulfillment "I could go there" and felt my inability. And I noticed that, other people tried to do the best more than me in their limited circumstances. I couldn't find myself, but the experiences changed my mind a little.
Hey, you.. it was so?(laugh). You have a good place you can go back. I envy you as a person☆

773.What I want to show...

2009-10-25 07:00:02 | Tennis

Personally speaking, I like the previous topic "No.772" so much☆. Actually, I was thinking I wanted to finish the TORAY report, yes, I was going to write about "Sugiyama-san's retirement". But she didn't win against Henin in my mind☆(laugh). Ahaha... I want to write about Sugiyama-san, taking much time., so I can't write it easily... Oh, it's a excuse... Sorry, but it's natural for me, because I'm a crazy fan of Henin(・ε・)//
今回のTORAY、観戦に行きました。特に、杉山さんは、引退のトーナメントでしたので、是非観たかったのです。世界トップレベルのダブルスが観れなくなるのは、とても寂しいですね。。2009 AOでは、ダブルス準優勝と、大健闘でした。因みに、ウィ姉妹が優勝しました。

This time, I went to TORAY. Especially, for Sugiyama-san, it was her last tournament, so I wanted to watch her match. It was very sad, we can't watch her Doubles match anymore at the top level in the world... At 2009 AO, She got the second place, it was great match. The winners were Williams sisters.

Yesterday, I went to English conversation school after 2 months absence, my speaking skill got more poor, so I felt down(laugh). I bought tennis magazine, to recover my mind. There were a few magazines, I chose this magazine, because it had very valuable photo "Sugi-sama vs Henin-sama", but it was small photo. Hey, me., You bought it for Henin, huh?(laugh). Sorry, but It had the topics about "TORAY", "Sugi-sama's retirement", "Date-san's win in Korea" and "Henin's comeback". Yes., it had many topics, so I bought it.

Professional editor's topic is great☆. In my blog, I'm write something about Henin mainly, sorry about that... You can know, this topic about Sugi-sama is changing to about Henin(laugh). Anyway, also this magazine says almost the same thing about WTA in the next year as we feel now. In any case, the "key point" seems that which level Henin would have in her second career. Oh, this is the photo album about Henin. I want to write about it before her comeback...

I had better write about Sugi-sama after reading this magazine(laugh)... Well, in the magazine and photo albmun, the professional edits are great. Especially, the photo albmn. Of course, Henin was described mainly, but her opponents also were described. Yes, good, Henin's beautiful career was not made only by herself. The thanks and solicitude to the fellows should describe. In my blog, it's nothing., I'm ashamed... Just only Henin(laugh). OK, right? because I'm a crazy fan of Henin(laugh)


2009-10-24 07:06:05 | Tennis

Every night, when I go back to home and have free time, I write the draft on my blog. It's my precious time for escapism(laugh)☆. Almost the topics are what I think up at that time. Actually, I want to write about my trip and editor for Henin a lot before Henin's comeback., but I always write about many things without planning, so it doesn't go well... At this rate, I would write it after Henin's comeback too(laugh). Also today, I changed the topic I was trying to write☆

I was organizing folders at haphazard., I clicked this file at haphazard., I saw this scene at haphazard(laugh). I was laughing out loud about it. It's because "I'm a typical Japanese person", ..huh? It means I have the "Japanese-nervous" view point?(laugh). Hey you, Do you think it's a interesting scene?
だいたいねー、アディダスさんのこのウエアが、、エナンにフィットしていないんですよ。。首周りが、カッパカッパです。アンダーシャツだって…、まぁ、見えてもいいものなんでしょうけど。。エナンもたくし上げていますね。2007年US Open、セミファイナル。おぉ、エナンさんは、この表情。気合充分です。カッコいいですね。しびれます☆

Anyway, at that time, Henin didn't fit this Adidas's wear., I thought so... The wear was with an open neckline. Her undershirt.., maybe it would OK to come out within sight... And she rolled up one's shirt sleeves. This is Semi-final match at 2007 US Open. Oh, you can see Henin's fighting expression. It's enough passion to beat opponent. So cool. The impressive scene☆
Hmm?, What's this?!. Ehh.., Hello?, Henin-san? Tag., come out a lot.., OK?(laugh)

Henin is the person like that, I think... It's OK, no problem, because she focused on tennis(laugh). So she doesn't mind so much about other and small things(laugh). I was thinking of the tag in Berlin too., but the above photo USO was more terrible, huh?(laugh)... Hey., What's this., it's flogging... I enjoyed this scene I met at haphazard. I think that is Henin's charming character, and she is always serious, so I can think it's heartwarming scene. Oh-oh, Sorry about my fan's talk.

Adidas., Make a nice wear for Henin, please. Allez!


2009-10-23 12:33:11 | Topics

One month has passed since Henin announced her comeback. Hmm-?, one month yet??, I felt like a few month passed(laugh). Well., Even though I'm writing my blog every day, she announced "comeback", during I went to a trip(laugh). OK., OK... By the way, the GS I enjoyed the most was Date-san's match at Australian Open. She won three qualifying matches and came out at AO. And, I was impressed at Kuzzie's Roland Garros too. Oh-oh, these are just my fan's talk.., sorry...

I was supporting Date-san from her second career. When she was in her first career, I was a student and went to school(laugh), and I didn't have PC and mobile phone. Now, it's easy to get some informations about tennis. But sometimes, the magazines are good☆. Yes, I got the magazine AERA. I was affected too much by her(laugh)

13 years ago, Date-san was young, and I was young too... But now, I can watch her calmly, I just feel so. And we can read her feeling and thinking in Japanese language, it's just good. If it's other language., we sometimes have to read it with "nuance" and "my imagination"(laugh)...

I wonder that, Belgian people think about what kind of person Henin is. Maybe, she must express her mind a lot about tennis and many things by in French language. My English teacher said, we can't translate Japanese into English perfectly, and any languages can't do so. Hmm., yes, I think so too, because we have different culture and custom... French → English → Japanese... It's too far(laugh)... Merci Beaucoup☆

Well, in May this year(2009), Luckily, I could buy the TV magazine about Henin in Brussels. In the now, Henin announced her comeback, so the material like this magazine during her absence might be valuable, huh?(laugh)
Challenge. The attitude is very nice, right?☆. We have to learn from her...


2009-10-22 12:47:16 | Tennis

On October 18th, in the final match at HP Open in Osaka, Stosur-san got the title. This was new established WTA tournament from this year(2009). And Stosur-san got the first Singles title in her career. She is well-known as good doubles player, you know.

Looking back, I saw both players at this TORYA. They all lost to Sharapova, so I remembered them(laugh). Maria-sama was very tall., so I was overwhelmed with her...

Schiavone-san is 166cm and has one-handed backhand. Hmm., she looks like a Belgian player who will come back next year, huh?(laugh)... This time, I watched one-handed backhand after a long time, it was cool. But she lost to Maria-sama...

In the Doubles final match at TORAY, she was the opponent to Sugiyama-san,and they won in straight and got the title. At that time, I changed my image to her!. Schiavone, good person!. After the won, she had a long grateful hug to the retired player Sugiyama-san, she made an impression on us. And at her interview, she had a good speech with funny gesture, we laughed that. she would be a cheerful performer(laugh).
After the match, she went to have the autograph to Sugiyama-san. Good relationship, Good person☆

Henin wouldn't have such a character "blitheful point from within", I think. Maybe, she would look good in "Fighter"☆. Don't be close(laugh)☆. And If "one-handed backhand" is mentioned, that's just Henin. It's just artistic backhand☆(fan's talk). I can hardly wait for her comeback in Brisbane. Before that, her exhibition will come-☆

After a 15-month absence I am pleased to begin my second tennis career at the Brisbane International. It will be great to get back to playing competitive tennis again and with the strong field, the same court surface and a similar climate to Melbourne, it will be the perfect preparation leading into the Australian Open.


Yes, we believe you. Allez!

* Henin confirms tour return in Brisbane, Australia