
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

116.The poisoned Gyoza

2008-01-31 13:00:06 | Topics
It was reported that some people who ate the Gyoza made in China had diarrhea and vomiting. It's because the Gyoza is poisoned by agricultural chemical.. What?? It's so scary.. The chemical is the METHAMIDOPHOS which is organic phosphorus compound. It's the similar kind of SARIN. If human would eat it, we would have diarrhea and vomiting in the mild case. In the serious case, it would lead to death. Of course, this was in the mild case.

Actually, my mother often go shopping to the chain-store which sell the Gyoza. She was surprised at the news last night and she sent me e-mail.. Luckily, my family have not eaten the Gyoza. I felt secure..

Recently, it's often said the importance of securing food safety. Because lots of the case like that happened. What can we do to the foods? We have to rely on the food products anyhow.. It's a big problem..



115.The whistle of Middle East

2008-01-30 21:24:41 | Topics
Henin is the No.1!(after Australian Open) No wonder! That's natural! Allez!!! Hey, Kuz.. Come back to the No.2..
That's unusual situation. The Olympics coincide of handball is starting over now because of unfair judgment. The judgments are called "The whistle of Middle East". Because,, it's said that Asian Handball Federation(AHF) is located in Kuwait, the members of royalty is the chairperson, so.. the umpire give hometown decision.. What? I didn't know that. Please fair judgement! Please display sportsmanship!
Well.. About tennis,, Some spectators shout "bad mouth" to player they don't like. I have heard we can't translate the bad words into Japanese.. Eh? What? What do they shout? It's so bad words beyond my imagination?? So, the international referee study "the bad words" in all language and have to know it. And the referee can carry a fine to someone that says the bad words. Really?? Humm.. I'm sorry to know the fact.. I think I don't feel bad to the bad words because I can't understand the words(laugh).. But players have to focus on the match in the situation.. Wow.. it's so great.. Please good manner..
↓The whistle of Middle East..

↓Henin is the No.1!

114.The probability

2008-01-30 13:10:14 | Diary
My division is statistics analysis in the drug development process. I do some tests for certification. We analyze if it has the significant difference between new drug and placebo. If it has the difference, the developement process is going on as planned. But if not, it's stopped.. Yes.. the data is so important for the company. The big money is flowed.

I don't know the detail about a test for certification. Actually, It's not my major field. I'm a pharmacist. But even amateur like me think the data has a big influence.. I'm scared of the results of the test..

A test for certification is "the probability". We don't know the truth of a new drug in the future definitely. Yes, If you don't try it, you don't know the truth. To be sure, we'll be able to increase the probability, if you make ready well enough and you know well enough about the object. But it has limitations. It depends on "the luck"(laugh).

Yes, we can't do something completely. But I think we have to control to decrease some bias through "good preparation" and "knowing it well". Of course, except the luck(laugh). There is nothing we can do to the luck.


113.Do you like Beijing?

2008-01-29 21:10:47 | Tennis
Phew.. I could get home on time. But when once I sit down,, I have a hard time to do something.. Whenever I leave my office, I set my heart on studying English or mathematics tonight! Yes always... But I sit down at the computer now(laugh). And... Internet surfing... Wow... too bad... I have a weak will... One more hour, please.. then, I'll get off the computer.. Maybe.. Maybe.. If I can..(laugh)

Well, I write the achievement of net surfing(laguh). It's the topic of Beijing. In this summer, the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. I have been there in summer three years ago. My impression to Beijing was "huge". It's many people, many cars and bicycles.. Everything is lots.. But I didn't know so much about air pollution at that time.

Speaking of the air pollution,, I always think of Henin's asthma.. Can she come to Beijing?? Humm.. I really want her to get gold medal again for Belgium. But I worry about her condition. Of course, It is the same for every player. This topic said the air pollution is not so bad. Really?? Umm.. It's not easy to clean the air instantly.. We never know what might happen.. We'll see..


112.Not yet..

2008-01-29 13:11:39 | Tennis
I'm bored, because I don't have a check so many about tennis on the internet.. But I don't yet watch the Henin's matches this year.. I don't have enough time to watch the matches.. Anyways,, for now,, I enjoyed modifying the photo at lunch time..

Now... I have to begin to work...

111.What's my lack...?

2008-01-29 13:03:47 | Topics
I always watch short drama series every morning. When it has touching scene, I often cry(laugh). Yes.. at that time, I have to do a makeup again.. This morning, I made up twice because of touching scene(laugh).

When one character lost the one piece of the puzzle. It's the last one. He had so depressed feeling. Then his master told him.
"That's fine. That's OK. Tha lack is better than the complete. Because you can enjoy that you imagine what comes to the piece."
Wow.. Good phrase.. It's enjoyable to seek something. If we satisfied with something from the beginning, it might be less enjoyable. Of course, the lack is not good and let us down.. But if we change one's point of view, we can change our mind.. Well, What's my lacks?? Umm... I don't know,, because I have lots of lack..(laugh)


110.Nice fight!

2008-01-28 12:53:56 | Topics
Kayoko Fukushi who hold the record for half marathon took on full marathon. At first, she run alone in the top. but then she had a fall 4 times because of loss of bodily strength.. In the end, she finished at 19th.. Nice fight! Good spirit! But,, It's said that she seemed to be lack of preparedness. She didn't have a standard training of 40-km sprints.. Umm.. It's important to do enough preparedness and to know opponents.. We can say it to everything not only sports.. Sometimes, we might get something by only mental strength.. But we don't know if we get it again.. I think we need a balance between mental and physical. Especially, athlete need the balance more.. And they know more about oneself than ordinary person like me.. Yes, knowing oneself might be first step for me... What do you think?


109.First victory, Djokovic!

2008-01-27 21:53:07 | Tennis
Today, despite it's on Sunday, I was busy a little bit.. But I'm relaxing now.. and I'm thinking I want one more holiday..
Oh! In men's tennis at AO, Djokovic got the title! Congratulations!

Humm.. This time, I thought the AO was a short but a long time.. Yes to be sure, It might be short.. Because my favorite playre, Henin lost against Sharapova in the QF..
Anyways, I found this photo! I like both players.(Of course, Henin is the best!) It seems to be old a little bit??.. But It's OK! Both players, Cool!

Well, Change the subject,,
I study English now. Yes,, I'm learning it by writing my blog.(Sorry about my poor English, visitors..)
I often write this blog with the dictionary. But I sometimes can't translate the Japanese words into English.. Maybe, it's Japanese English.. Recently, I noticed the word is the verb "feel". Japanese has delicate nuance.. Probably, other language also has delicate nuance.. Yes, that depends on each culture, I think...

When I always write this blog, I have to change my brain to English brain(laugh).. Because every sentence structure are different from Japanese. Recently, expressing my opinion in English is interesting thing, I think. And,, if someone read my blog and they can think of something about me and Japan, It'll be my pleasure! Please share my mind!



108.A little break....

2008-01-27 14:02:02 | Tennis
This morning, I did my some errand already. Phew... But after a while, I have to go out.. Today, I'm busy a little bit..

Well,,, Hey! Japanese media! it reports too much about Sharapova's win??? Okay, that's enough... I admired her AO win already... Please don't bother me about that any longer(laugh)...

To change my mind(laugh), I went to seek some photos on the internet a little while ago. I'm a Henin's fan and I like Nadal too! But he also lost this time..
It's OK, both player! I always enjoy your tennis! Merci!!! and Gracias!!! Yes, You two have many many opportunities from now! Just Go Forward!

