
-The Road to improve English-
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1314.Royal day!

2011-04-30 09:33:28 | Topics

Britain's Prince William got married with Kate on April 29. Congratulations☆. In Japan too, it was aired on live. Royal Kiss got a great cheer from nation. Haha, the kid covered one's ears(^^;)

Royal wedding was a very good news for all over the world. Kate-san became Princess Catherine. Kate is abbreviated form of Catherine, I didn't know that(^^;). Anyway, Princess Catherine is really beautiful☆

Yes, this is the blog that a crazy fan of Henin writes, so, the photo of Henin is uploaeded☆. Haha, it means "Congratulations☆ to them" from Henin in Belga Picture. That's just a finish of this topic by my blog☆



2011-04-29 08:40:21 | Topics

This is Sunday drama "JIN". I knew this drama was interesting, but I have not watched it. Last night before sleeping, I watched it on free movie site. Oh, very interesting drama!, I didn't stop watching☆. This drama is a story of time slip, but it's also about medical. Takao Osawa, Nice looking guy☆

JIN -仁-(season 1)
JIN -仁-(season 2)
Free movie site

This drama was made from comic. Emotions and thoughts as a doctor made us moved. It airs after NHK taiga-drama "GOU"(^^;)... I would watch period dramas in my weekend☆

JIN -仁-(Wikipedia)

The first season of this drama aired October, 2009. I didn't watch dramas a lot in a few years, but I was checking my interesting drama. Why didn't I know this drama at that time?... Oh, it was around Henin's comeback announcement. Henin's drama is my most favorite human drama☆. I couldn't watch other dramas(crazy fan)



2011-04-28 12:15:31 | Topics

iPad2 is released in Japan today 4/28. Because of the earthquake disaster, the release was late. I'm not an apple fan(^^;), so, It's not something special I want. But they are always innovative products, great one, I think.

iPad2 is released!

I don't have iPad, but have smart phone. I don't know the detail about those, but they have almost same functions except their size, I think(^^;). My smart phone with wallpaper of Henin was updated recently, so, I can watch live stream on it☆

And., in my dream, I want "Henin-application software" that we can watch Henin's all matches of her career in 3D(my delusion)... In this digital age, such a dreamy application software might come true. Our memories, Forever☆



2011-04-27 12:15:25 | Topics

Barcelona in Spain. Date-san lost in the first round, I'm sad to hear that... Well, I had my trip to Spain four years ago, 2007. Speaking of Barcelona, that's Sagrada Família, right?. It's the work of Antoni Gaudí, and it was expected to take about 300 years to complete. But now, it's said it would complete in 2026 by economic growth(Wikipedia). Oh, earlier than anticipated☆

Sagrada Família(Wikipedia)

This is the photo I took from the side. Haha, it's not normal angle, huh?. Sagrada Família is in Basvelona city like this. Spanish people live with it everyday☆

Henin's road trip to Spain... Last year, she went to Madrid, I remember so. Oh, it was after she got her first title at Stuttgart, yes, she looked tired in Spain(^^;)...



2011-04-26 12:15:52 | Topics

Bartoli-san, Bartoli-san.., My memory about her is just one... It was the Semifinals at Wimbledon, 2007. Henin should have won this match, but she was upset by Bartoli. Hmm., Wimbledon would interact badly to her?(^^;)... By the way, the topic "Bartoli has an IQ of 175" was very hot a few weeks ago.

French tennis star Marion Bartoli says she has an IQ of 175

At Eastbourne before Wimbledon, Henin won against her... The average of IQ is 100. The ordinary people have an IQ between 70 and 130. Bartoli-san.., How high IQ she has!(^^;)...

I did a test when I was younger, but I'm not really someone that is really telling everyone, 'Oh, I'm so smart.' I'm kind of hiding it. But that's how I am, you know. It just comes naturally. That's how I was born with.


Intelligence Quotient(Wikipedia)

When I saw her at TORAY a few years ago, she was quiet without thinking., so, I didn't think she had an IQ of 175. Sorry about that... Oh, she did a charity for Japan, Thank you very much☆

Henin also seems to have higher IQ, I think(crazy fan). She looks high intelligence age, and she would be smart☆. Because, her new boyfriend is 40 age☆. Oh, is it no relation to IQ?(^^;)...



2011-04-25 12:15:38 | Topics

Nadal got the title at Barcelona Open too. Congratulations☆. Ehh., he seemed to be not 100% yet(^^;).., How much power would he have?... Oh, this trophy is so big☆

At Stuttgart, German Goerges upsets Wozniacki and got the title. Congratulations☆. And German Petkovic lost to Woz in QF. Hmm.., even though Woz is No.1, the lost in final would happen... It means, Nadal is too special(^^;).

I don't want to overwrite my memory, so, I uploaded this photo for Stuttgart title☆. Oh, Henin-san, she stood cross-legged?, I notice it now. I remember she was always standing bravely(^^;)... Haha, maybe, it was her first title since comeback, she must have been very happy. Very cute☆



2011-04-24 08:49:38 | Topics

Yesterday, I played tennis for the first time in a year. I worried if my body would move, but I could play tennis. Sence and Practice would bring back my tennis more than thinking. In my case, the most difficult thing was to take a sense of distance to the ball... You have to find the point to stand and meet the ball(^^;). Yes, I rediscovered that I love Henin's tennis☆
Today, I have severe generalized muscular pain. Oh, my weak body...


1307.Crazy fan...

2011-04-23 08:54:04 | Topics
エナンの彼氏さんは、Fed Cupでテニスを見るエナンに、何を語りかけていたのでしょう。エナンのハートを再燃させる甘い言葉は、あったのかしらん(^^;)。。はは、すみません、、私の妄想は、止まりませんね(笑)。しかしまぁ、あの大震災で、一時は動揺したものの、、今は状態が悪いなりにも生活し、ブログもエナン化なんて、我ながら怖いわ(笑)。。

What did Henin's boyfriend talk to her at Fed Cup?. Did he say some sweet words to play tennis again for her?(^^;)... Haha., I'm sorry for my delusion, it doesn't stop(laugh). Well., I was upset for the big earthquake one month ago., but now, we are living even in such a scary situation. And I keep writing this blog almost about Henin. Oh, I'm a crazy fan(laugh)...

Anyway, I couldn't find my new favorite player so far, instead of Henin... A long time ago, the moment I watched Henin's tennis for the first time on the internet, I knew I would become a fan. But now, I can't feel it at all to any other players... A crazy fan, so, I felt lots of sadness in her retirement two times. But it was good to become her fan. No doubt about that. Yes, I could have very good memories☆



2011-04-22 12:15:47 | Topics

Who is your ideal Boss?. The new recruits selected Yuki Amami as No.1 this year. She is acting it on the drama "BOSS" now. It's a only drama I watched on commercial television☆. Yes, she looks very nice. Cool☆

Your ideal Boss??
BOSS(Official site)

If Date-san is my boss, I would work with my best. Boss who eats a lot, Boss who is strict with oneself, I respect her. She would make us be cheerful, so, I want to work hard for her☆(crazy fan)

If Henin-sama is my boss.., Hmm.., I'll believe her and go to her own way with her☆(crazy fan). As a Japanese, I'll follow her with patient and something sensible☆. But, if she is my junior fellow.., Hmm., I don't have enough confidence to manage her(^^;)...



2011-04-21 12:12:31 | Topics
エナンさんに恋人報道☆。グリニーさん、情報をありがとうです☆。お相手は、40歳のBenoit Bertuzzoさん(読めない)だそうです。フェドカップ観戦は、おデートだったのね☆。ふふ、幸せいっぱい、エナンさん☆。良かったですね!。で、古い話だけど、、2010AOで、エナンさんは、指輪について語っていました。

Gossip of Henin's lover☆. Thank you for the informations, Greeny-san☆. According to it, her boyfriend is Benoit Bertuzzo, 40 age. She was at Fed Cup for a support with him on their date☆. Yes, happy Henin-san☆. Good news for her!. By the way.., it's a old story.., Henin spoke about her ring on this movie at 2010 AO.
この友達が、Benoit Bertuzzoさんぢゃないよね??
The friend would be Benoit Bertuzzo, not?, huh??

【Q】Is there a story behind the new diamond ring you have on?
J.H:Well, it's not coming from a lover, if that's the question (laughter).

【Q】Is it just something you've treated yourself with?
J.H.:It's a gift from a friend. But nothing else, yeah(smiling). I was surprised the question didn't come earlier actually.

AUSTRALIAN OPEN January 22, 2010 J. HENIN/A. Kleybanova 3-6, 6-4, 6-2
Anyway, her big smile is just only for him now☆. I wish you happiness☆
