
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

963.To yourself!

2010-05-05 08:00:41 | Topics

This blog is still in the afterglow of Henin's first title in her second career(crazy fan). It was only 5th tournament for her since her comeback☆. She really didn't play tennis at all for 18 months, huh?(laugh). She seems to get used to a game, and get the strong spirit again.
他の選手から見れば、エナン復活を残念に思うというか、、エナンの才能が憎らしいですね(笑)。エナンの調子が良ければ、この「Queen of clay」には、なかなか勝てないでしょう☆(あほあほファン)

Watching her from other players, they would think "sorry" about Henin's perfect comeback.., or might feel frustrated in Henin's genius. If Henin is in good condition, maybe, other players couldn't win against "Queen of clay" easily☆(big crazy fan)
昨年、怪我に苦しんだ、同じく「King of clay」のナダル君も、今は好調のようです。彼からポイントを取るには、エース級のウィナーを2本ぐらい打たないとならない…と、誰かのコメントを読んだ覚えがあります。それぐらい攻撃的で、ボールを拾ってくるということでしょうか。ところで、そのウエアのパンツ、かわゆす?☆

Nadal who was suffered from injury last yera and is called as "King of clay" has two titles on clay in this season. I have heard someone's comment that, if you want to get the point from Nadal, you have to have a few winners to him... Maybe, he would play aggressively, and catch the ball. By the way, his tennis shorts is., cute?☆

At 2007 RG, Henin had her 4th RG title. After that, Ana-san got it in 2008 and Kuzzie got it in 2009. Now, Henin-san, blow a kiss to yourself of three years after that☆. We'll support you☆
