
-The Road to improve English-
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976.Semifinals at AO...?

2010-05-19 12:41:10 | Editor's note

Now is before RG, but AO(laugh). This video, I didn't have the motivation to make it at all. But I watched AO Semifinals again, to check the previous topic "No.975". And I had some scenes I used before to make my previous video, so made the highlight by them. So, let me upload it on this blog, please. That music is just for a rhythm, no message. And this video is just only Henin☆(crazy). Besides, it's illegal video., so if you are interested in it, Enjoy it covertly.


Hmm.., I'm just surprised at my "very crazy" about her tennis. I made many videos already, and I'm still going at it... Ahaha, It's too much time for an escape from reality. Sorry about that, I was out of line, a little☆

This video has the same scene as my previous video, but it has a different impression. Maybe, in my layman's level, the video depends on the music... Hmm., it's just my "self-satisfaction" as my hobby☆. Sorry☆. And Henin, always sorry about that. Now, Go for RG!, we'll support you.




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RTL News video (Greeny)
2010-05-19 15:19:45
More from yesterday's Justine press conference (French version)
RTL TV news
Breeze (sly)
2010-05-19 21:46:54
Justine's tennis in that AO Semi is like a breeze that the match finished around 51 minutes.

I love your match highlights 51sepf... great stuff, I enjoyed it and the song suits well for a sunny match... ;)
Nice (ST)
2010-05-19 22:05:23
I love the video you made, and yes Justine was pretty quick to finish off Zheng Jie in the semi-finals, partly because Zheng was too nervous in meeting her favourite Justine and also Justine was too good!

どきどき、はらはら (Aya)
2010-05-20 00:26:30
あら、suhuさんはこの2010 AO semi finalがお気に入りですか。


でもそれはエナンが結果的に勝ったから"Great match!"なんて言えるわけで、ライブを見てる時は心臓ばくばく、のどからから、手に汗かきっぱなし、でめっちゃ緊張するので体に悪いです。

Thank you! (suhu)
2010-05-20 12:59:17
Thank you for your comments, Greeny-san, sly-san, ST-san and Aya-san☆

Always thank you for your information about Henin. I uploaded the photos on this topic, thank you.

sly-san, ST-san and Aya-san,
Thank you for watching my video. I'm really glad to have your comments. When one of my videos was deleted because of copy-rights, I was thinking that everyone would never watch my videos anymore... So, now, I'm so glad to have the friend like you, Thank you.
Yes, Yes, the Semifinals at 2010 AO was very quick match for Henin. So, it's good to check Henin's tennis quickly(laugh). But maybe, as a tennis match, 2nd round against Dementieva was the best☆ Ahaha.




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