
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2011-03-31 12:15:59 | Topics

Fukushima nuclear plant number 1-4 would be decommissioned. And the nuclear plant number 3 was pluthermal project. I don't know the detail, so, I checked it. The pluthermal is the way of nuclear fuel recycling, it was national policy for Japan. This is the photo of nuclear plant number 3 for pluthermal happened a big hydrogen explosion.., by Belga picture.

Pluthermal[plutonium thermal](Wikipedia)

It was because Pluthermal was national policy?, they would have hesitated to decommission the nuclear plants, so, final decision was very late.., it's said so. You know, at first, it's natural disaster, but now, it's human disaster... How many years will it take to get clean again?(tears)... Hmm.., I guess Henin's recovery of elbow injury would be earlier than Japan's recovery... I pray Henin's injury will get better soon...



2011-03-30 12:15:00 | Topics

The situation damaged by the big earthquake is very serious even now. Hmm., I wonder if TORAY could hold this year... It will come a half year later.., but if this situation still goes, it might be difficult... This is the photo at Ariake Colosseum. The photos of past champions are displayed.

In 1995, Date-san got the title. At that time, this tournament was not categorized Premier5 yet, but Japanese player's victory was really great thing. Just a great player☆

Toray Pan Pacific Open Tennis Tournament(Wikipedia)

Henin-san turned pro in 1999, Date-san retired in 1996. So, in their first career, they have never faced at the same time in WTA. Oh, this photo is Henin-chan in 1999, she becomes a great player with cap & ponytail a few years later.

Date-san & Henin-san played in WTA for half a year in 2010. I think again about them, they have a different generation... Hmm., anyway, Date-san still has young spirit!, and it's a great challenge, we can't do that(^^;)...



2011-03-29 12:15:31 | Topics

I don't know if Date-san's fans like Henin or Henin's fans like Date-san(^^;). But anyway, many tennis fans seem to like both players, I guess. Oh, it's well-known that Date-san is a fan of Henin. Well, luckily, I have seen their practices before. Looking back, I felt similar atmosphere from them(crazy fan). They focused tennis too much, the atmosphere was "feel fear"(^^;). Date-san is Japanese, so, I could compare her with other Japanese players. Yes, her atmosphere made me feel fear than other players... Haha...

I felt the similar atmosphere from Henin-san. But I have different language and culture from Henin, so, it was not like "feel fear", it might have been like "get outed"(^^;). She was very nervous, and didn't smile at all. And she had "aura" or "big presence", she can change the atmosphere by her dignity. Ahaha, this is just my crazy fan's talk☆



2011-03-28 12:15:50 | Topics

Date-san didn't get over the second round yet now, but she always keeps going. I'm very touched by her attitude. I often have such a bad condition I can't get through(^^;)., but she has strong spirit to go forward even in such a situation. I respect her a lot☆

Hmm.., honestly speaking, I didn't think Henin would retire earlier than Date-san... Date-san has enough ranking to meet Henin, so, "Date v.s. Henin" might have come true. But it's just a dream forever., very sad... Oh, I get sad again even now(tears)...


1280.Red wear!

2011-03-27 09:45:26 | Topics

Tennis players did a charity for Japan in Miami. We are so glad to hear that☆. Japanese player, Date-san, Nishikori-kun and Ayumi-chan. They are reliable. And we are glad to see their tennis on the world stage!

Oh, Kim-san said she won't go to Japan(^^;), but she joined the charity. Anyway, Thank you very much☆. Hmm., if our queen Henin still play tennis.., it's like this photo?. Oh, this is a composite photo, sorry☆. Yes, I'm back to a crazy fan after a long interval!. Haha, Henin looks nice in red wear, I think.


1279.Two weeks...

2011-03-26 09:35:00 | Topics

Two weeks has passed since the big earthquake. Radiation, electricity shortage and water shortage... Our "ordinary life" was changed a lot... About the nuclear accident, the situation gets worse, we have anxiety and complaint. But looking back, it happened by natural disaster we can't avert... I could live thanks to the electricity, but now, I complain to them "Do something for it right now"., I don't like myself who don't have some room in my heart...

My some plans are cancelled and put off. I always think if the earthquake didn't happen... In 2011, Henin retired and the big earthquake., it's hard time... Hmmm.., anyway, I'll do serving electricity and water...



2011-03-25 12:15:21 | Topics

As "Place with a nice view", I always remember this photo. Toledo in Spain. These days, my blog is dark, so, let me escape from this reality(^^;).., Sorry about that... I went to Spain 4 years ago. It was really nice to see the city from outside, so, I remember it very well.

This is the photo in Barcelona, Spain. I did something like a bullfight. Haha, I enjoyed the trip. I remember them feelingly... Since the big earthquake, there are not good news in Japan, and we feel down.., but sometimes, refresh your heart and Let's go forward again!



2011-03-24 12:15:10 | Topics

Finally, water in Tokyo was contaminated by a radioactive material... Yesterday, this report was announced around PM 3:00... So, water was sold out, I couldn't buy it when I went home in evening. After the big earthquake, water was almost sold out already... Hmm., I have only 1 liter water now(tears)... Oh, I want to drink evian like Henin(^^;)...


1276.These days...

2011-03-23 12:15:38 | Topics

When Henin retired in January, I was very sad and felt down凹. Besides, this earthquake was a very big shock more than sadness, and we had to change our thinking for everything. Air conditioner, train and food., the life we could got anything before., now, we can't get it enough... I thank very much for WTA with Henin and comfortable life in the past... These days, my blog is not cheerful, sorry about that...


1275.Strong spirit!

2011-03-22 12:15:04 | Topics

The dire situation because of the big quake, nuclear accident and afterquake etc., Japan crisis doesn't get better now, but we have to just go forward. By the way, The Japanese words "GANBARE" seems to be not good to say for a disaster. Hmm., Japanese language is difficult(^^;)... Anyway, we just do "what we can do now with all our heart", we just go forward with strong spirit like Henin. Yes, I like Henin's "strong spirit" very much. Maybe, Japanese fans would like her point like me, I guess☆(crazy fan)
