
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

1749.In London.

2012-07-31 12:15:00 | Topics

I got some information about Ju from ST-san!. Always thank you, ST-san☆. You see, Henin is in London now. I can't understand what she talked in French, but she talked a lot as usual(^^;). What is she talking about-.

@ London for the Olympics Games ;-). Enjoy every moments. Congratulations Charline for the first medal. I hope we'll get some more!


Justine Henin Twitter

Henin is a gold medalist, so, she would do a good job for Olympics. Because, you know, she experienced the special atmosphere once every four years and got the victory☆


1748.Athlete spirit.

2012-07-30 12:15:00 | Topics

In Olympic weight lifting, Miyake got a silver medal. Congratulations☆. Honestly speaking, I don't watch it on TV except Olympics, so, this time too, I checked it only on TV. But I remembered her playing at Beijing Olympics, so, I supported her this time.

She experienced Olympics at Athens, Beijing and London, in the end, got a silver medal. Oh.., she played at Olympics since Athens of this photo... I'm very moved by her athlete spirit☆

And as a tennis fan, I never forget Date-san-. Last night, Date-san's blog was uploaded after a long interval. I just feel her athlete spirit a lot☆


1747.Hot days.

2012-07-29 12:15:00 | Topics

Very hot day... exceeds 30 C makes our condition be worse(^^;)... I get tired easily... At such a time, watch sports and feel better☆

Yesterday early morning in Japan Time, London Olympics began. The hot days would be more hot. In the first day, Japan got some medal. I pray all players will play better☆
Of course, I support Belgium too, and check about Henin☆



2012-07-28 12:15:00 | Topics

2012 London Olympics began at last. It's once every four years to move by player's fight, so, we are exciting. But anyway, I would never change being a crazy fan of Henin(^^;)... Oh, I remember this news paper. You know? it was 8 years ago..., ...No, it's a joke. It's the photo I edited. Haha.. Now, enjoy watching Olympics☆



2012-07-27 12:15:00 | Topics

Wow-, handsome woman Henin☆. Yesterday, ST-san gave us the information about Justine. Always thank you, ST-san☆. Oh, Henin looks nice at boyish style-☆. If you are interested in it, check some comments in previous topic!

I couldn't understand French(^^;).., according to a translating function on the internet, it's a send-off party or something of Judo for Olympics. And she seems to go to London. OK, everyone, search a news about Henin together☆. I'm looking forward to Olympics☆


1744.Belgium too.

2012-07-26 12:15:00 | Topics

It was college entrance exam when I studied English the most. But, English I learned during supporting Henin was more practical than English at entrance exam. Yes, I had a lot of interest in many things related to Henin. So, I thank Henin very much about that☆

And I could have a special impression in Belgium. If I didn't become a fan of Henin, it would have never happened. So, at Olympics this year, I'll support Belgium too-☆. Oh, OK.., Kim too.



2012-07-25 12:15:00 | Topics

The previous Olympics was held in 2008. Speaking of 2008, it's the year Henin retired suddenly, I remember so. At that time, I couldn't accept Henin's quick decision at all... Then, four years has passed already...

And one year and a half has passed since Henin's second retirement. In the end, I accepted her decision because of her injury. But many photos about player Henin are uploaded here, as if time stops. Doing that, I might hope Henin's comeback somewhere deep in my mind?(^^;)..



2012-07-24 12:15:00 | Topics

Well, what do you do to relieve a lot of stress?. I often access this site these days. Haha... This is the site only "sound of rain" is playing(^^;). Very simple site. Anyway, I feel relieving stress to hear the sound of rain...

Rainy Mood
And laughing to watch Rola☆. It's a good way to relieve stress for me.

Finally, that's just delusion about Henin-sama☆(crazy fan). Yes, for a few years, it's the best way to relieve stress for me☆. It doesn't matter whether Henin plays tennis or not now, I would keep doing my delusion about Henin(^^;)...
