
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

719.Goodbye, Thank you..?

2009-08-31 12:31:00 | Topics
GREEN TOKYO ガンダムプロジェクト、2009年7月11日~8月31日にお台場で開催していました。あ、今日までですね。実物大のガンダム18Mです。これ、首が動いたんです。そして、その時、「GREEN」なメッセージを語っているようです。動画、撮れました!☆。音声は、ファイル変換で、消えてしまいましたが。。さぁ、どうぞ!

GREEN TOKYO Gundam Project, it was held in Odaiba from July 11th to 31th August in 2009. Oh, it'll finish today. These photos are about Gundam, it's real body height, 18 meter. The neck of Gundam can move. And at that time, Gundam tells the message about "GREEN". I got that movie!☆, but the sound was disappeared by the file translation, sorry... Now, Enjoy!

Cool, Long leg, Nice☆. It was not a good weather, so you can see the eyes lighting clearly. Wow, even I was exciting for this Gundam, so the fans of Gundam must have been so happy. Yes, Just big one has a tremendous impact, I think.

* Green TOKYO Gundam
This back, love☆. Gundam rises to one's full height, this pose very good, very cool.

A lot of people were there. Maybe, because it's the last Sunday in summer vacation, besides the project will finish soon. I wanted the limited edition plamodel of Gundam(1500 YEN), but I couldn't buy it, not to have enough time... Hmm., it was very cool, so I got the feeling of creators' creations. Goodbye, Gundam!, and Thank you☆

By the way, Lower House elections, Democratic Party won by a big margin... Oh-oh.? Where is my vote with Liberal Democratic Party?(laugh). I didn't think the "change of government" would really happen... Heh.., LDP was so bad like that?(I didn't know that at all?)... OK, we want Democratic Party to do their great manifest. I wonder that, they really would be able to do the great things like that... At first, Show us clearly, they really cut the waste. And, Goodbye, LDP... and Thank you..??


2009-08-30 07:59:55 | Topics

Michael Jackson was a murder victim... According to the news, the cause of death was "acute chemical addiction by Propofol"... I'm so sorry to hear that... Anyway, May his soul rest in peace... Well., Propofol... My friends from college days must be surprised at that medicine... Our study was about that anesthetic, Propofol. The trade name is Diprivan. Oh, I didn't pronounce it for a long time(laugh).

* Michael Jackson was a murder victim
* Michael Jackson(Wikipedia)

Michael Jackson called Propofol "My milk". Oh., yes certainly, as he said, Propofol is a white liquid medicine. But you can't drink it., you have to take it by injection. Well.., he was taking a anesthetic for sleeping by his doctor.., it was a dangerous taking.., no, is it a permitted way, doctor??

* Propofol(Wikipedia)
Propofol:2,6-diisopropylphenol. Phenol and two-hands(isopropyl). Just a simple anesthetic.


・A general anesthetic(dangerous drug)
・A short-acting anesthetic(sleep quickly, awake quickly)→Why?

I have these photos from college days. A long time ago, we were studying about Propofol with cooperation of rats. Thank you very much for your help the other day, rats. We inserted a cannula into their vein, and administrated Propofol from it. Yes, I was a cannulater suhu-chan.(cannulation;insert a cannula). Now, I don't have the opportunity to take my cannulation technique at all...

And we checked their brain waves. We implanted plug directly into their head. When the anesthetic reaches to their brain, the brain waves would change. But before you say so., my study's result depended on whether my operation was good or bad... The rats was slept by a long-acting anesthetic for one or two hours during the operation.

You can see the pump in the back of this photo, it's used for operation to human. It administers a drug by constant speed. It's like a infusion. We have killed some rats by overdose... I'm so sorry... If the brain is blocked in one shot., it would cause a cessation of heartbeat and breathing... More drug dose makes more effect, never, it's wrong, be careful. The drug dose has one's limits. The drug is the way it is...

717.Like a lottery...

2009-08-29 07:22:55 | Topics

Mmm., She seemed to have a cramp during the match again... Honestly, I was thinking she would get the win., so when I checked the result on the internet, I was surprised at her lost... I was sorry to know that., but she moved forward already to know the cause of cramp., great. It's just great to do something when she felt down., just professional☆. Maybe now, as if the lottery doesn't hit for a long time, it would make bigger prize money(laugh). When she would get her first win at WTA, her win would make us happy by her bigger pleasure, I think☆

* Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~
* The Lucky Italian!

Anyway, Take a rest. It's not what everyone can do with a serious mind like this. If you check Date-san's blog, you would think that you want her to win the match. Hmm., someone should make a documentary about "her challenge"... OK, May I make it, huh?(laugh). Sorry, just a joke...
Oh-oh, Is it a fling?(laugh). Henin.., Come out in front of us with racket, please...

You would feel down for the defeat., but maybe, it would depend on your mind. You would awake the one's fighting spirit, and like every players say, you would get the situation "I have nothing to lose". Even if the tunnel for a win are long., it would be not a waste., someday, the chance would come up. I want to believe it for myself(laugh)...

716.The presence

2009-08-28 12:49:05 | Topics
US Openまであと数日です。くずちゃんは、直前のトーナメントで調整中のようでしたが、モレスモ姉さんに負けてしまいました。。ロジャーズカップでも、即効負けちゃってましたね。。あ、ファンサービスです。いい笑顔、いいお姉さんですね~。おぉ、すごいヘッドホン、、音楽好きも伺えますね。

A few days to US Open. Kuznetsova played tennis at the tournament in New Haven for controling her condition, but she lost to Mauresmo... And she lost easily at Rogers Cup too... Oh, it's just fan service, right?. Good smile, and Good teacher, Kuzzie. Wow, big headphones.., you know, she loves music.

* Kuznetsova, Davydenko upset at Pilot Pen

Not only tennis player, sports players are a great presence to give a dream for children. I guess., maybe, Henin-san would teach tennis to children in her academy after her retirement... Or., she still sings a song, huh?(laugh)...

While back, Maria-sama had exchanges with the students who are studying design in London. Yes, you know, Sharapova is a beautiful woman, and we know, she would be popular in this field, not only tennis. I'm not a fan of her at all(laugh), but I think she is "the star" who gives a dream for everyone☆.

Speaking of me, I always yearn for someone., everyday, I feel frustrated to myself(laugh). I don't think I want to be a expert about something, or to be a great person... But I want to be a "restrained" honest person(laugh). It's not so good to do something with too honest or too devious, I think(laugh). Oh, Dementieva would want to get the GS title-. Gor for it!
Oh, Date-san lost to Sema-san. I'm sorry to hear that... OK, the next, in Japan☆. TORAY!

715.After a mistake...

2009-08-27 12:50:00 | Topics
伊達さん、US Openの予選1回戦、勝ちました。逆転勝ちでした。時差のため、日本時間では、深夜2~3時頃だったでしょうか。。私は、ネットでライブスコアをチェックできていませんが、結果をチェックする時は、いつもドキドキします。やっぱり、エナンが現役だった頃を思い出します。。

Date-san got her first win in the qualifying round at US Open. She came from behind and won. It was around AM.2-3 in Japan time because of timelag.., so I couldn't check score board on the internet. When I check her result in the next day, my heart always beat fast. And I bring back the memories that Henin was playing tennis...

Next opponent will be Japanese player... Last year(2008), it will be Sema-san who was the opponent in the final at All Japan tennis. Hmmm., I have mixed feeling about the All-Japanese match... But Date-san, I believe you☆.

Hmm., yesterday, I felt frustrated to myself on my job again... But I can't help my mistakes, because any mistakes will often happen for data management and analysis... By the way, a few days ago, the "earthquake early warning system" was announced as a false report, so the person involved apologized a lot... I thought they didn't need to apologize a lot.., because a big earthquake didn't happen... They would deal with it in the next time., it's just important...

I can't always do anything perfectly... I feel frustrated to my own careless mistakes., and I do difficult mistakes a lot. Why isn't the person who makes a mistake allowed..? You can do anything perfectly, huh..? If you have a mistake, it's important whether you would be able to deal with it after the mistake, I think...

Of course, the false report was not good for everyone... But it's a very good system., a media broadcasted the comments "we want them to do perfectly" or "we had a trouble because of that" about the system.., I think it should not broadcast them a lot... Even if a false report happened this time, but the system we have is just great., I think so simply... Oh, Kuzzie, she always can't get a win easily against Belgian., huh?(laugh)

* Belgian teen Wickmayer extends Kuznetsova to three sets at New Haven

714.My view of Politics...

2009-08-26 12:36:37 | Topics

Next Sunday 30th, the Lower House election will come. I'm not interested in politics at all.., but now, the election broadcast is playing on NHK everyday, so my brain seems to be washed by it(laugh). Democratic Party seems to be popular now, because of the word "change of government". But I'm a fan of Aso, so I'll vote Liberal Democratic Party☆. I often hear "we'll trim the fat off the spending budget" as the manifest... As the layperson's opinion, I think "Eh? How much waste do they have until now?, it's somewhere we don't know..", it's what I want to know the most(laugh).

Even if we hear their beautiful and wonderful manifest.., in fact, we would be just influenced by them... Before we know that clearly, maybe, a new law will be made and revised. So we had better think about how we can live in controled society by ourselves, rather than we hope any parties for our future... That's why., the undecided voters like me might vote the good-looking guy like him(laugh).Well., How many nice sons does former Prime Minister Koizumi have?(laugh)

Yukari Sato. Actually, before she got into politics as "Koizumi children", she came to our small company for talking. She was economist, and so beautiful☆. So, male worker's eyes were shining for her(laugh). Her attitude and talking were very smart, it was very high level. She had an aura. And besides, she gave us GODIVA for a gift, it was very big box packing, maybe, so expensive. Great. She can handle anything, unassumingly and attentively. Perfect!. And she captured my heart of Henin's fan with Belgian chocolate?☆(crazy fan)

* Yukari Sato(Wikipedia)

Mobile game has that game like this photo(laugh). It's "LDP vs DP". The Lower House election is like a game, huh..? If you play the game, you can read the comment of manifest in the game(laugh). I selected Aso-san in that game, and I played it a few times.., but I(Aso-san) couldn't win easily..(laugh), Oh-oh, that's not something to joke...
あ、伊達さん、US Openの予選1回戦、勝ったようです。やった☆。目指せ、本戦!
Oh, Date-san, she got her first win in the qualifying round. Yes☆. Go for USO!

* Date-san won in the first qualifying round!


2009-08-25 12:36:01 | Topics

In the women's marathon in Berlin, Ozaki-san got the silver medal. Congratulations!. Oh, she bit the silver medal☆. How about that taste?(laugh). It's said the audience rate on TV rose up at that time.

The final at Rogers cup was All-Russian match(Dementieva vs Sharapova), and Dementieva got the title. Congratulations! Oh, she didn't bite the crystal racket?(laugh). It was too big to bite it, huh?. Well, she has long beautiful hair. Maria-san reached the final, so she would get back to her good condition.

Oh-oh, she got weak, huh?(laugh). Come on(laugh). This man is her coach. Thinking of that, From this year(?), the player can get the advice from their coach once a set, except GS tournament(maybe, if it's wrong, sorry about that). Hey., Maria-sam, Did she hear the advice from coach-?(laugh)

A note during the match was OK, right?(laugh). It was the final at 2007 Roland Garros. Oh, Henin, the brown envelope was very simple, so good(laugh)☆. She looked cool and like a fighter while playing tennis, but she was just a girl who picks oneself up by some words.

712.What should I do?

2009-08-24 12:53:51 | Topics

YouTube which was supported Japanese language was from June, 2007. It's only two years yet. The regulation to YouTube is not clearly., Hmm., but if someone remember Henin's tennis by these my clips, I want to make it be public as long as possible.

* YouTube(Wikipedia)
* My YouTube【51sepf】

But they're illegal... I know that, but I do it. I'm so sorry about that... While back, my one clip received the notice of copyright like this photo. Oh., I should not write about it on my blog(wry laugh). But the clip is public still now, it is not deleted by someone yet. Actually, in my old ID, I made the same clip be "nonpublic", but it also received the same notice. Why can they check it, even if it's "nonpublic" clip?. I don't know what kind of system it is...

And, I have the clip which was deleted in my old ID now, it's public in my new ID... I don't know why it is. By the way, changing the subject, I was using the word "Kakushinhan" in the wrong way. The right way is the following(Wikipedia).


【Right】The person who do wrong, believing that own way is right and society is wrong.
【Wrong】The person who do wrong, knowing that own way is wrong.

* 確信犯_Überzeugungsverbrechen(Wikipedia)

Anyway, wrong is me. Even if these clips are deleted., I would not be able to say anything about that. Ahaha, that's right. But I want them to know fan's beautiful heart to Henin, I just want everyone to remember Henin's tennis☆(crazy fan). Oh-oh, today, all photos on this topic are Henin. So crazy... Sorry about that...

■Back to 1990!■

2009-08-23 22:50:22 | Editor's note

Monica Seles played the exhibition at Rogers Cup. This year, she got International Tennis Hall of Fame. Surprisingly, she had the official announcement of retirement last year(2008). She got 9 GS titles(Wikipedia).

* Fan favourite Seles to be inducted into Rogers Cup Hall of Fame
* International Tennis Hall of Fame(Wikipedia)
Ahaha.., but I don't know so much about her... Because I'm a poor tennis fan...
エナンの動画(Happy Birthday Queen)を作るにあたり、「1990年RG」の映像を使いました。エナンの動画では、1992年として用いていますが。。いつか、思い出として編集するつもりだったので、、昨日、チャチャッとまとめてみました。往年のテニスファンの方、どうぞご覧下さい☆。あ、この写真は、屋根付きウィンブルドンのエキシビションでのアガシ-グラフ夫妻です。

I used my movie "1990 RG" to make my clip "Happy Birthday Queen" about Henin. But it was used as 1992 RG... I was thinking I wanted to edit it, so I did it without much effort last night. Now, true tennis fans, enjoy it☆. Oh, this photo is Agassi & Graf in the exhibition at Wimbledon for the new roof.

* Monica Seles(Wikipedia)
* Steffi Graf(Wikipedia)

歌は「Beyond the century」です。ぴったりでしょ~☆(すいません、自己満足です)

It's illegal, so I don't know how long I would make it be public... And grainy clip. Sorry about that.
The song is "Beyond the century". It just fits, right~☆(Sorry, just my self-satisfaction)


2009-08-23 08:48:23 | Topics

Bolt got the three crowns. He got the gold medals in the 100 meter, 200 meter and 400 meter relay. Congratulations!. His well-known pose "the arrowing pose", he said it meaned "shoot to the world", I have read so in some topics. Oh, I didn't know that meaning about his pose.
Yesterday, men's marathon was played. The starting point was at Brandenburg Gate.

Looking back., last year(2008), I went to Berlin. It was early May, and it was good season. Yes, I remember I was walking around there. 20 years ago, it was divide into east and west by Berlin Wall. The marathon course was made to run through east and west.

* Brandenburger Tor(Wikipedia)
The goal was ahead of Brandenburg Gate. 20 years ago, there was Berlin wall, I can't believe.
今は、陸上で熱いベルリンですが、、エナンファンの私にとっては、何とも複雑なベルリンです。この、2008 German Openの会場は、ベルリン郊外にあります。ブランデンブルク門からは、バスか地下鉄で来なければなりません。

Now, Berlin is hot for track and field., but I have the feeling of something sad to Berlin, because I'm a fan of Henin. This photo, 2008 German open was in the suburb. You need to take a bus or subway to go there from Brandenburg Gate.
Whenever I look at these photos.., I wonder still now, why she could quit tennis so quickly.

Henin left tennis at the Steffi Graf Stadium in Berlin, it was her last match as a professional. It was said, Henin was a fan of Graf. I felt something about that.., only me(crazy fan)..? I wanted her to be admired by many supporters and fans and to retire.., but her sudden retirement also might have been OK... Hmm., That's why I have the feeling of something sad to my Berlin trip... Oh, crazy fan's talk again.., sorry about that.