
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2010-05-15 08:45:20 | Topics

He is Herman Van Rompuy who is the former Belgian premier and became first president of EU last year(2009). He published the book of his hobby "Haiku". Oh, I feel close to him☆. Anyway, "Haiku" would be depthful poems to express something. Hmm., at first, I'm surprised that he knew about "Haiku".

* Former Belgian premier writes Haiku!
* Herman Van Rompuy(Wikipedia)

According to the topic, he is posting "Haiku" in Dutch on his blog, and he likes "Matsuo Basho". Heh., OK. Speaking of Basho, "Matsushima" is very important for his famous Haiku. It's one of "three most scenic spots in Japan".

* Blog about Haiku?!

This is the very famous Haiku by Basho, but the truth whether he really wrote it is not clear(Wikipedia). But I learned it's Basho's Haiku in my childhood. Matsushima is very wonderful place, so he couldn't express it by words and wrote it simply like this, I remember so. That's a ultimate Haiku?☆

"Matsushima-ya, Ah Matsushima-ya, Matsushima-ya"

* Matsuo Basho(Wikipedia)

Well, so much for preliminaries(laugh). In my case, I write Haiku about Henin☆. Hmm., She is too great player, so I can't express her by words anymore like Matsushima. And maybe, this Haiku would become history(laugh). Crazy...

"Henin-sama, Ah Henin-sama, Henin-sama"(laugh)

Hm., Sorry about that... Today, I'm too crazy... I felt close to Belgium, so I wrote it... But, that's just "cross-cultural". Well., Henin would know Haiku..? Anyway, she caught our heart by tennis. I like Belgium and Henin☆
