
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

882.The 6th Sense!

2010-02-12 12:46:05 | Tennis
エナンさんとカルロスコーチのテニス学校「6TH SENSE TENNIS ACADEMY」は、フロリダにあります。普通の選手とコーチの関係と言うのは、私はよくわかりませんが、このお二人さんに関しては厚いものを感じます。もちろん、エナンのセカンドキャリアもカルロスコーチと一緒です♪。AOの時、以下のようなインタビューがありました。

The tennis academy "6TH SENSE TENNIS ACADEMY" was established by Henin & her coach Carlos, it's in Florida. I don't know the detail about the general relationship between player and coach, but I feel a very good relationship from them. And yes, of course, Henin is building her second career too with Carlos♪. Well, the following Henin's interview was at AO.

* Justine Henin to officially open Sixth Sense Tennis Academy in Florida
【Q】And some of the girls from your academy are here.

We have a good player. Maryna is playing today second round. She's a very good player. There were a few of them. They came to watch me also the other night against Dementieva, and also other few matches. It's a great project to follow young players. Carlos is really involved in the academy. We glad they can live this experience here. I just try to help them a little bit, you know, talking to them a lot about this life on the tour, how difficult it is. Especially after what happened for me in the last two years when I retired and discovered a lot of things, I just tried to help them to realize that tennis is important, it's not everything, but it's good to have them here.(J.H.)


They are kid players who received Henin's spirit☆. Wow, this photo, Cool☆

* Justine Henin 26-01-10(Australian Open interview)

Looking back, the last training day of her previous career, I didn't feel the end of her career at all... They were discussed each other, and practiced tennis. I didn't expect at all that she would have retired one week later... But yes, you know, they were always together☆

This is The February issue of TENNIS MAGAZINE. According to the magazine, her coach Carlos imagined that "Henin would be able to play tennis like Men's tennis?", and tried to improve Henin's forehand. But at first, Henin told him from herself "I want to improve it", so she quickly got the skill "Body-rotation" to hit the ball. This photo is the serve. According to the magazine, her serve form is like Sampras. Henin's tennis is often said "Like Men's tennis", it might be right.

* Pete Sampras(Wikipedia)
* Andre Agassi(Wikipedia)
エナンの意識と才能を、最大限に引き出しているコーチも素晴らしいですね。なるほど、第6感のアカデミー、6TH SENSE??☆。第6感で感じるモノ、そんな中でのお二人の信頼関係が生んだキャリアでしょうか。…って、ただの私の妄想です☆

Her coach Carlos brings out Henin's talent and consciousness about tennis to her best level, he is great coach, I think. Hmm, 6TH SENSE academy??☆. The feeling by the 6th sense, Henin's career is built by such a good relationship of the 6th sense between player and coach, huh?. ...I just keep having my crazy delusions☆


881.Who is she?

2010-02-11 09:25:34 | Tennis

Who is she? She's Kuzzie. I was surprised at this photo, so I uploaded it at the top(laugh). Last night, I watched Kuzzie's official site for the fist time. I don't know Russian language at all, but I can find her photos. Hmm., she's a tennis player, but she's also "entertainers" on the media. Nice, Sveta☆

* Kuzzie's Official site

Today, in my priority, Kuzzie is higher than Henin(laugh). But this was also really shocking photo for me, Henin-san☆(laugh). Generally, speaking of "Henin", you might hear that she has the "strong spirit". But actually, she broke once.., and she has very girl's curiosity~☆. Very nice, Justine☆

But, all of men in the world are interested in her(laugh)... Hmm.., OK... Maybe, you would follow your instincts(laugh). I don't know at all about what good points she has.., it would depend on the different view points between men and women. Of course, I also think she is "beautiful". I admire and envy her about it. Hmm., If I accept it., I'm sad about myself.., Ahaha(laugh)...

But I prefer Kuzzie like this photo, absolutely. This Fed Cup, she came out there without other good players, and won. Now, she keeps going to Dubai in such a busy schedule. Good, Kuzzie.

Henin-san who goes to her way a little(laugh). I don't know how she communicates with other players in the "woman's world" of WTA. She might be a lone wolf a little?(laugh, my delusion). But I think, she would have many woman fans, yes, me too. I'm interested in her straight and strong spirit, her attitude and beautiful tennis☆. Ahaha, it's just fan's talk(laugh). Sorry about that.



2010-02-10 12:45:36 | Tennis

At Fed Cup, Russia won against Serbia. Kuzzie was coming there. She was one of my favorite players from two years ago, but at that time, I was watching her as the "opponent of Henin". But during Henin's absent, I was supporting Kuzzie mainly, so now, I feel warmly and friendly to her(laugh).., so on watching her, I bring back my memories about my feeling during Henin's absent. Hmm., All Serbian players are lack energy...?

Looking back, last year(2009), I saw her at TORAY. Oh, she looked straight at my camera?, Thank you, Kuzzie. OK now, Let's read Kuzzie's tweets. She is just a natural person, Good☆

Got home yesterday and today did unpackin and packing for dubai,as i have a flight to take all ready tomorroy! oh its crazy! Moscow is nice as always, snow in beautiful!!! Viva La Rus! (2010/2/9)


Every tennis players write in English. Kuzzie, I hope to see you again at TORAY☆. Henin too?
This photo is at Dubai in 2008?. Sorry if I'm wrong. Henin with Kuzzie and Serbians☆

That year(2008), After Henin lost at AO, she won at Antwerp, but at that time(around February), she already seemed to start losing her spirit to tennis... She started losing a close match gradually. Maybe, she might have confused oneself by the burnout syndrome and played tennis... In the later her interview, she said she needed different thing from tennis. It's important to play tennis with good mental health, you know.
Dark mood... OK, finally, I finish this topic by her victory photo☆. Henin, Go for IW!


* Indian Wells, USA March 8-12, 2010


2010-02-08 12:43:21 | Tennis

I have been to Brussels. It was after Henin has retired. At that time, I bought the book about Henin in Brussels, so I was very exciting(laugh), I remember so. I don't write about that on this blog yet.., but Henin already came back(laugh). I'm a Japanese, so I don't know how big star player she is in Belgium. So, all of my blog is my delusion and imagination about her(laugh)... Ahaha...

* Justine Henin(Wikipedia)

Hmm., it's difficult to compare her presence, but it might be like Date-san gets the GS title, I guess... Oh, if it's so, it's a big news for Japan. Maybe, Krin-free(alcohol-free beer) would be sold a lot(laugh). This is the one photo of her album I bought in Brussels. This is the photo when Henin got the title at 2003 RG, she was the first Belgian who got the GS title, it was a great accomplishment for her country. You can look at lots of Belgian in Grand-Place on this photo. She was only 21 years old, and already a big star player.


In the final at 2003 RG, it was All-Belgian match with Kim who is one year younger than Henin. I'm a poor tennis fan, so I don't know the detail about them in 2003., but in the next two GS finals, they were All-Belgian match. Wow, Belgian chocolate became more famous by their tennis?(laugh)

It was the first GS title for Henin who was called the "Queen of clay" later. She said that, she had a good old memory with her mother at RG in her childhood, and she had a dramatic story at RG. But surprisingly?, her first final match at GS was Wimbledon in 2001. It's still a phantom WB title for her.., but in her future, we might see a dramatic story there too☆(fan's talk)

After her retirement & comeback, Henin grew up a lot. The second place after her comeback might have a different meaning from her previous career. She experienced many things, she might think again about "What is tennis for you?"(just my delusion☆). Ahaha, I don't know that, Just only she knows that. Hmm., Life is deep, but my life is thin(laugh)...

870.Serena won.

2010-01-31 08:43:00 | Tennis

At 2010 AO, Serena got the second consecutive title. congratulations☆. Serena v.s. Henin was at 6-4, 3-6, 6-2. As a fan of Henin, I felt very frustrated by this defeat.., but I thought Serena was strong. I want to admire the great match by both players. And Henin, Thank you for your comeback, it was very exciting Australian season as your fan☆. I was very touched by the expressions of both players(tears). They have good expression!  

Yes, Henin, you should be proud of this result. It was her second tournament since her comeback. Even if it was so for her, I had a strong desire to watch her win, sorry... But she learned many thing to win by this AO season, I think. Well., Serena got the second consecutive title in singles and doubles. Too great... And she got the point, when she should have gotten, she was just a true champion.
It's been a very emotional two weeks for me. I thought it would never happen to me again. I'd like to congratulate Serena. She's a real champion. It's just more than what I could expect, I just have to remember that. Even if it's quite soon after the match now, I'm sure there will be a lot of positive things I can think about in a few days. It's been almost perfect. Just the last step, I couldn’t make it.


Wow, Henin's surgical scars of right knee is bigger than I thought. The honor, for an athlete☆

* Serena stops Henin in Australian Open final
I was curious about what my level would be and how I was going to deal with just the atmosphere on and off the court, how it would feel. I felt I took the right decision, so it's good enough for me already. I got the results also in the last four weeks—two finals. So I can be really happy about that.



Hey, Henin, you just show your frustration of this defeat more(laugh). OK, maybe, she only wouldn't say it on the court. I think I want to support her more this time☆. Anyway, I was very happy to watch cheerful-Henin and her tennis for all two weeks. Oh-oh, my blog was almost about Henin for one month(laugh)... Hmm? Always, huh?... Almost Henin's photo.., I'm crazy☆. Always sorry about my crazy fan's talk. Please come to read it here, everyone, I'm waiting for you☆. And Go for it, Henin☆. I'll always support you.

Thank you, Justine!


869.Final at AO!

2010-01-30 07:50:12 | Tennis

Now, Saturday night, the final at Australian Open will come. Henin v.s. Serena. I edited these photos of shouting both players for the match-up. Hmm.? Hey me., it's different from match-up to Dementieva... I edited it with my heart as a Henin's fan(laugh). Yes, Have a best match, Please☆
【Q】The last time you played Serena was Miami 2008.

Don't talk to me about that one (smiling)

* Justine Henin 28-01-10


Henin lost to Serena at 6-2, 6-0 in Miami in 2008. And according to Henin's interview at this AO, the defeat was one of the decisions about her retirement... Serena and Henin will be meeting in a Grand Slam final for the first time.

* Murray Joins Serena Williams and Henin in Australian Finals
【Q】You played Serena so many times before. Does it feel any different coming up against her in a Grand Slam final?

Well, of course, it's a special occasion. But I see it as an opportunity to play the No. 1 player in the world in a Grand Slam final. It's more than a dream for me. It's a perfect challenge. And I love this kind of situation. We had great battles in the past. We played our best tennis when we played each other. At the beginning it was quite difficult for me to face Serena. Then slowly but surely I could change it a little more. The last time we played each other wasn't a really good memories in Miami. What I hope is we gonna be in a very good level, both of us, so we can produce a good tennis, and the best will win.(J.H.)


これ、2008年の4月3日(195.Seek something...)に、編集した写真です。おーっと…、私は、エナンの心の中はわかりませんが、、どうやら、彼女のテニスや負け方から、彼女の迷いを感じて、このようなコメントをしていたようです。ファンは怖いですねぇ。。今思えば、、テニスや態度に、メンタル状況が現れていたのかもしれませんね。

This is the photo I edited On April 3rd in 2008(195.Seek something...). Oh-oh.., I couldn't know about her mind.., but I seemed to feel her hesitation from her tennis and defeat, so I edited this and wrote that comment. Also fans felt something as well... Looking back, her mental condition of hesitation and anxiety seemed to come out to her tennis and attitude, I guess.

* Justine Henin 29-01-10

Now is a different moment from before. We can look at many photos of her smiling and shouting more than at that time in 2008. Maybe, she would be in good condition mentally, so I believe she would play the best☆. Serena is a true No.1, you know. But new-Henin would have great match more than before. The result will follow!, Now, Go for it, Henin☆. I'll support you.



2010-01-29 12:39:12 | Tennis

Henin won against Jie at 6-1, 6-0 in the semifinal☆. I don't watch it yet, but it would have been good win, judging from the score!. It's still the second tournament since her comeback, but she reached the final. That's great!, That's fantastic~☆. Oh, looking back, Also in the first tournament since her comeback, she has reached the final. Henin-san, That's too great☆.

Jie-san became the semi-finalist!, I guess she was in good condition too. But Henin was better than her☆(fan's talk). Dementieva, Yanina, Petrova and Jie, the every players who lost to Henin had momentum, but Henin beat all of them. Henin, you should have enough confidence, absolutely!☆

Hey, Henin. Also Japanese media wrote about you "The former Queen Henin, excellent and perfect win". Can you hear us? OK, I record about this on my blog♪. Henin, Come to Japon, S'il vous plaît☆. And, I don't want to look at the word "former" anymore~☆. Now, the opponent Henin will face in the final is Serena!. In Henin's interview, it was about Serena, and Kim who got the title at 2009 USO, but she had many questions about after her retirement. It's, maybe, every time(laugh), Hmm., but many questions about that might be natural...
【Q】While you retired, you said you were looking for answers. What sort of answers were you searching for?

We all have different kind of issues personally. I had to forget a little about tennis and just get some air and breathe differently. Tennis has been my whole life. I think there is something else than that. It's more than answers. It's just time to get open to different kind of things. Like I said, I had different kind of projects, met a lot of people, traveling for UNICEF, of course. I mean, I learned a lot of things in these experiences. Probably the answer I got is that I started to trust myself much more as a person and I realized I could exist without tennis. So that was an important step for me.


Honestly speaking, It's enviable comment for the ordinary person like me(laugh)... I mean and guess, she is the one, she is the special, because she has the big place "tennis" where she should come back. You know, she already proves it by the result she became a finalist. Oh-oh, I write it feelingly(laugh)... Now, The wonder comeback Belgian player, I'll support you with all my heart from the far country Japan☆


867.The pose?!

2010-01-28 12:46:07 | Tennis

Thank you always, for your informations about Henin, Greeny☆. And also today, let me show your info for my topic, please, thank you. I laughed a lot, watching this movie. Hey, Henin.., she has a good atmosphere actually!. Hmm, she must have tried to make the audience laugh, huh?. OK, I guess, she would study such a funny "bit" like this, going through her TV show?!(laugh). She looks like a kid, and she messes with Calros(laugh).

When we take the photos, we often pose peace sign(only me?). But now, it might not be common now, I don't know... When I talk about the peace sing of some photos, sometimes, our native teachers in English school are interested in this pose(laugh). Ahaha, personally speaking, I guess this is her rare movie☆(crazy fan). So, I make the surprise moment become "forever"(laugh).

* Peace sign(Wikipedia)

Phew., I looked for the photo, but I could find only this photo... It's the peace sign?, or V sign?, I don't know(laugh)... Oh, but this photo is three fingers. It's when she got the second consecutive title at 2006 RG. Her three fingers mean, she'll get the third consecutive title at RG♪, OK?☆. Ahaha, It's my joke, sorry(laugh).

Hmm., Henin looks nice in victory pose☆(laugh). OK, I'm so sorry about my topic, today. Because today is her semi final, it's important day for her. Maybe, it'll start soon. She has made it this far, I just hope her to do the best in the match. Go for it, Henin☆. I'll support you.



2010-01-27 12:39:16 | Tennis

Henin won against Petrova at 7-6(3), 7-5 in the quater final. She reaches the semi final! Wow, fantastic, Henin☆. She had many close matches, but she kept getting the point at the chance, it's because she has just great ability of tennis☆. OK, I sometimes upload the photo without her shout like this(laugh). Oh, she has a brilliant presence now☆. It's just because she keeps winning now?, That's OK, Henin☆(crazy fan)

We can change. Like Date-san, as if also Henin finds the place she fits, she seems to enjoy tennis. If you take a step backward and look at yourself from the different place, you might be able to think of what you didn't find before. Hmm., it might be called "the wisdom of age". Henin, she grew up a lot, maybe☆. Oh, it's a dynamic photo.
Now, she got better than "2008 AO QF" before retirement, Henin☆. Yes, we can change☆

【Q.】You went out of here on a bad beating by Sharapova. Did that make you say, I've had enough?

I think it was already before that. I mean, I lost against Sharapova two years ago, confirmed to myself that I wasn't really into it anymore. When I won against her in Madrid, I felt something at that point. There was my little voice that was saying to me that I should go away because I needed something else at that time, to breathe differently again without tennis, to prove different things to myself. Sharapova here, Williams in Miami, it was difficult losses. But in another way they helped me to understand that I had to go away. But, I mean, started a little bit before, but it helped me in my reflection at that time.(J.H.)


That feeling at that time, she spoke of it clearly after two years... She has to revenge☆

* Justine Henin 26-01-10
【Q】Little voice with you now?

Little voice that is very positive. Thank you (smiling).

This photo would be the answer for her, right?!. Come on, Sharapova & Serena!



2010-01-26 12:46:38 | Tennis

Yes, Henin won! In the quarter final, Henin won against Petrova at 7-6(3)、7-5. Great~☆. Oh, She had the close match again, I was very touched by that close score(happiness). She reached the semi final!. This win was worthful for her☆. Oh, this is the photo of yesterday. Both players were practicing in the same court.(I couldn't update these photos., sorry.)

I uploaded this photo, because Carlos coach had good smile☆. When Henin retired, he cry hard next to her, I remember so. Ahaha, Now, he has such a great smile☆. I also get a happy feeling together(crazy fan). Well, I wonder that which situation she had, when she asked him to become her coach again(my delusion). They have a good relationship for 14 or 15 years.
Let's check Henin's interview of 4th round. Personally speaking, I like this comment☆

【Q】 Have you ever felt as at ease, as relaxed as you seem right now in the quarterfinals of a Grand Slam?

Not in the past. But I've been No.1 for a long time. When you're No.1, you have to deal with the pressure and the situation. It's not the same. I'm not in the same kind of situation, but I hope that one day I'll be in the situation again. It's just that it's still very early for me. You know, it's only my second tournament, so to talk about that...


* Justine Henin 24-01-10
I feel the distance I took in the last two years helps me a lot at the moment. I live the pressure differently, the expectations and everything differently at the moment. So it's really positive. I hope that I can fix it in the future; that it's not something just now, and that it will last for my second career.(J.H.)


Yes, Cool, Henin☆. She just grew up~☆
I don't look too far. I dream of every match that I have to play. I dream that I can win it. I know how I built my career: slowly, took my time a lot, because I thought that long‑term was the best for me. And I think the key for me, I was dreaming, of course, when I was younger, but I took my time a lot. That's what I'm doing at the moment also. Of course, I have dreams. I'll try to go as far as possible. If it's till the end, it would be amazing. But it's still too early to talk about that. Probably the hardest part about that is coming. No, I just live this moment right now and try to enjoy it.(J.H.)


Selfless win. Challenging win. New-Henin's win☆. Go for it, Henin!, I'll support you☆
