
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2013-08-31 12:15:00 | Topics

I'm interested in the dramas "Naoki Hanzawa" and "Ama-chan". Ama-chan has a good story, and the heroine is really cheerful. So, I watch it every morning☆. Yes, "Naoki Hanzawa" too has a good story. I like it.


Ahaha, I like this scene. "Act like a baby-deer". You see, the actors are smiling. According to the following official page, they were ad-lib in this scene. Well, next week, the big earthquake would happen in this story at last...

Anyway, I'm interested in "Henin-chan" the most with a tennis ball☆(crazy fan)



2013-08-30 12:15:00 | Topics

Date-san won in the first mixed-doubles at US Open. Congratulations☆. Oh, that's a very good news. I'm happy to see her smile after a while. I couldn't watch the match on live, but I'm looking forward to her next match. We'll support her!



2013-08-29 12:15:00 | Topics

According to the article, Hingis will play in a double match at TORAY. Yes-☆. That's a good news. But TORAY might end this year, the 30th anniversary(tears)...

If TORAY ends this year.., it would never come true... But, I still believe her(^^;)...


2115.Date-san lost...

2013-08-28 12:15:00 | Topics
伊達さん、US Open1回戦、残念ながら負けちまいました。。でも、怪我の悪化はなかったようで安心しました。スコアはそんなに悪くなかったけど、、ブログによると、色々とかみ合わなかったようですね。。この試合から分かることは、伊達さんは、決して諦めていなかったと言うこと。「今すべき事」をこんなに真剣に考えられるなんて、そう簡単にできることぢゃないと思います。この集中力に脱帽ですね。ダブルスの検討を祈ります☆

Unfortunately, Date-san lost in the first round at US Open... But she didn't get her injury worse. And the match was very close... According to her blog, many things didn't mesh with each other... Anyway, I clearly found the fact she never gave up at all from this match. It's difficult to think a lot about "what you should do right now in any situation", I think. Her concentration to tennis is professional. I hope she will play better in a doubles match☆

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~


2114.Time difference.

2013-08-27 12:15:00 | Topics
このブログがUPされる頃には、伊達さんの試合結果がわかっているのでしょうね。私は、いつもブログを前日の夜に書いているので、US Openについては、時差のため書きにくいです(^^;)。。ニューヨークと日本との時差は13時間。だいたい半日違うので、昼間の試合は、日本では真夜中になりますね。。くぅー、、エナンの試合以外、ライブで見る気力がないです。。

When this topic is uploaded at noon, you would know the result of Date-san's match. I always write a topic on this blog the night before, so, it's difficult to write about US Open because of time difference(^^;)... It's a 13-hour time difference between New York and Japan. It's about half a day, so, day session on New York is at midnight in Japan... Hmm.., I'm not interested in the match to see it on live TV at midnight, except something about Henin...



2013-08-26 12:15:00 | Topics
いよいよUS Openが始まりますね。男子テニスは、いつもながら興味深いですけど、、女子テニスは微妙…。。伊達さんが、怪我の悪化なく試合を終えられるかだけが気になるところ。。

US Open will start soon. I'm interested in Men's tennis as usual.., but am not interested in Women's tennis... I just worry if Date-san would play tennis without the injury...

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~
Anyway, it'll start!



2013-08-25 12:15:00 | Topics
エナンが復帰した年の2010年、エナンは右肘の怪我のため、US Openには出場しませんでした。結局、その後、引退してしまったので、最後に出場したのは、2007年となりますね。。

At 2010 US Open when Henin came back, she couldn't play there because of the right elbow injury. And then, she retired for her second time. So, her last US Open was in 2007...
あの熱く応援した夏は、もう6年前ですか。。セレナとビーナスを倒した感動的なUS Open。。
The impressive summer was 6 years ago... She had the perfect US Open, defeating Serena and Venus...



2013-08-24 12:15:00 | Topics

According to Date-san's blog, she struggles against her injury in a few days... I don't know the detail, but, reading her blog, she is analyzing herself very much. I'm impressed with it. Because, if you are in panic, you would never notice such a panic oneself(^^;)... She sees oneself from the third person, so, she would have a best choice for tennis, I believe. We'll support her☆

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~



2013-08-23 12:15:00 | Topics
ありゃりゃ、シュガーポワはUS Open欠場だそうです。そして、シュガーポワの話もなくなりました(^^;)。。何だったんでしょう。。怪我で欠場なら、既に分かっていたことでは??。はは、商売上手いですな。

Oh-oh, according to the article, Sugarpova withdraws from US Open. And the name Sugarpova would never come(^^;)... What were those topics for?. If she had a injury, she already has made a decision to withdraw, I guess. Maybe, those were a promotion for her candy.
We just worry about Date-san's injury... I want her to play better at TORAY...

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~
