
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

259.Upset, Williams sisters...

2008-05-31 18:06:21 | Tennis
Serena Williams crashed out of the French Open on Friday losing a third round tie 6-4, 6-4 to Katarina Srebotnik of Slovenia. One topic said that "A new women’s champion will be crowned at the French Open this year after fifth-seeded Serena Williams lost her match on Friday."
Oh, Serena.. Upsetting result... I'm a Henin's fan. It'll never change! But now, after Henin retired, I can support many players equally(laugh). So, Serena,,, I can support you now. At least more than Sharapova(laugh).. Hum??? What's the lost? Don't let write about "new generation" by writers. It's too early to say it, you think, right? Come on!
★This photo is Roland Garros in 2007. Henin won against Serena in QF. Good! Henin was good!(fan's talk)

Venus Williams lost late Friday at the French Open... What?? Venus lost too??? Humm... What happened? Come on!
★This photo is US open in 2007. Henin won against Venus in SF. Great! Henin was great!(fan's talk)

At this time, Henin was so cool! Oh-oh,,, I come to bring back it again...

Come on, Former No.1, Williams sisters! Show us your brave figure once again!

* Upsetting day for Williams sisters...
* Serena Williams loses at French Open
* Open-Venus eclipsed by jubilant Pennetta

258.The idea is great!

2008-05-30 12:58:00 | Topics
Phew... This morning, I went to my client.. I got tired already today.. I have to do my task for limited time. It's so difficult.. But it's just the business..
Well, Let's change the subject. I found funny CM(Commercial Message). When I get home, I'm always watching TV without a thought. Because my brain is always tired(laugh). I don't have a favorite TV program especially now. But These CM caught my mind! I laughed so much. Please check the following if you want to see.


【AlmonDo woman's final】
*Ueto, If she put just one chocolate in opponent's mouth, she'll get the GOLD!
*Not too sweeeeet.
*Oh, My GOLD! (Oh, My GOD...?)

"Putting the chocolate in opponent's mouth gets the GOLD" is impossible and a novel idea(laugh) The coach advices "mouth, mouth!".... Hey,, What's that advice?(laugh)

* 【CM】Lotte_「アーモン道」篇

【White family「join a tennis club」】
*OK, Let's run! Follow me, Come on!
*Teacher, too fast! Wait, please!

■犬…。先生、そりゃ早いわ…(笑) テニスコーチ素敵♪ 私もテニるぅ♪(動機が不純ですね。。)
Dog... Teacher, it's too fast, absolutely...(laugh) I like this tennis coach♪ I want to play tennis♪ (impure motive...)

* 【CM】SoftBank_白戸家「テニス部入部」篇

What do you think about these CM? I like it. The idea about this situation is great. In ordinary, we can't come up with it, right? I always admire what I can't do.

257.What I should do...

2008-05-29 12:58:32 | Diary
Humm... Yesterday, Many things came to me(laugh). It's some stuff of new project, group seminar and previous project.. I don't know what I should do at first... Everything is not complete now. Humm... I'm frustrating... Hey, me.. You can have time to write this blog, huh? Ahaha.. Let me escape from here at just a moment...

Troubles never come singly...(laugh bitterly)
I escape from reality!
This photo is Dubai in 2004. Oh, Both players were young, Henin and Kuz-chan! Umm,, I know Henin is already the past player. I accepted it, but I can't forget the mind to Henin's tennis so easily. I need more time to get used to watch the tournament without Henin..

And I think I have a task as a Henin's fan. I watched her last match in Berlin. I should record it, maybe. And then, I'll be able to accept her retirement again. It's my important work to me, maybe. It's different from the work to make some money. It's just for something we can't look through the "form". Yes, it's just our hearts as a fan! I can contribute my time to do it. I want to have it in a few weeks. I wish it. Hey, Come on, me! You can do it!(laugh)

256.Go for it!

2008-05-28 12:52:55 | Tennis
Now, I'll write about tennis. Actually, I support Amelie Mauresmo too. Next to Henin, Kuz-chan(laugh). She seems to be not in good condition for a long time... But she continue. Well, Amelie-san entry "TORAY". Wow, Welcome to Japan!
Hey, Henin. please come here, you too!

And Sugiyama-san, Great record! She played streak of 56 consecutive games. She is older than me. When I read this topic, I thought I also have to do my best to my work. Thank you!

OH MY GOD! I have to go to the business from now..

* streak of 56 consecutive games played, Shugiyama-san

255.You got me...

2008-05-28 00:01:17 | Tennis
You got me,,, Henin Actually, I couldn't accept your retirement, somewhere in my mind. but now, I accepted all what happened for 2 weeks(laugh).
Both expressions are good. When I looked at this present Henin's photo, I thought she just selected the best way. As a fan, the mind is complicated(laugh). She'll go to the great new way, I think. What a strong woman, Henin... You're just the person I respect. We'll always support you. Allez!!!
Kuznetsova won against Nakamura-san by 6-2,6-3 in 1st Round at Roland Garros. OK, Good score, Kuz-chan! I'll support you next to Henin. Sorry, Kuz-chan. Henin is the best to me, even if she retired.

* Open-Kuznetsova bludgeons way past Japan’s Nakamura

254.I'm OK??(laugh)

2008-05-27 12:53:45 | Diary
Do you know the news about the suicide of woman announcer, yesterday...? Oh,,, I'm so sorry about it... Umm,,, Recently, we often hear about like that... Maybe, Many people(include me..??) must have much stress and many problems about job or private...

I escape from reality to this blog.. Strange?(laugh). I know it(laugh).

Actually, I have chronic headache from 3 years ago. Last year, I went to clinic to get MRI brain scan. It was clean(phew,, good..) I have watched my brain for the first time(laugh). The diagnosis was "blind headache"(片頭痛). Then the medicine like photo was prescribed to me.

I'm a pharmacist. But now, I belong to statistics analysis division, so I already forgot almost all of what I have learned(laugh). But I knew the medicine... It's a "antidepressant drug"(抗うつ薬).

The antidepressant drug... Actually,,, I was shocked by the fact I have it..

I checked the detail about it on the internet. In according to the information, it's not formally applicable for "blind headache".. It's used by doctor's experience measure.

Eh?? Please approve the property!←for my job?(laugh)

I don't believe the effect of some medicines. Of course, There're many great medicines in them. But basically, if you are healthy, it might be the effect of a placebo... I often watch it on my work(laugh). So, I have never taken this medicine until now. Maybe, in my case, the symptom is depended on myself(laugh). So, I had better not take the medicine. Natural balance of human is the best.
Maybe, My headache is comprised of my stress and my character(laugh). I'm a little difficult person. If you read this blog, you can find me?(laugh) So, the medicine might be correct to me(laugh). I might have a little depression. Ahaha...(no laughing?) I just think so by myself, so it's not serious. Because I can live normally, huh?(laugh) maybe..(laugh)
Well, Any medicines have good and bad effect. If it has a big good effect, likewise, it has a big bad effect in the other side. Be careful!!!!!

Yes, Everything has good and bad side. Life has its ups and downs(laugh)

↓I often use this site on my work.
* Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency
* Tryptanol:Amitriptyline Hydrochloride_info①
* Tryptanol:Amitriptyline Hydrochloride_info②:

253.Hum... OK, I see...

2008-05-26 12:50:56 | Topics
Henin said at Roland Garros on Saturday, the day before the French Open starts.

I don’t think I will ever come back. I think that it’s important just to move on. Now I don’t need the competition to be happy. I don’t need this adrenaline being in front of thousands of people to really be happy. I just need to be myself. I’m a simple person. I can live very easily. If I feel I’m at the end of my way, there is no reason why I should play this tournament. I don’t need this anymore. I know what I did here in the past, and I don’t need to live this again. I’m fine with my career. I’m really happy and proud of what I did, and I don’t need to live these moments anymore.

【If Henin were a Japanese】



Hey,, Henin.. you made a strong statement..
No comeback in her.. I don't expect her comeback, but it's sad to hear about this strong statement.. What's the tennis to her? Her happiness isn't in tennis anymore.. It's too sad for her tennis... I respected Henin but I can't accept it, and I felt disappointed. Because, where's her high spirit? Before RG, WB and Olympic,, She lost it so easily? it's because too high spirit? Humm... It's not professional?? No, It's just professional?? Anyway, We know her retirement is just "Henin". But if she has a healthy body, even if she'll get some losts, we wanted her to show the spirit and to leave there.

What did you look at and What did you find, Henin? I have uncomfortable feeling to your words,, even if you try to consolidate your decision. Your job(Academy etc) is so great. But you can do it, not now, huh? You have a bigger presence more than us... I fashioned oneself after Henin... But I can't see it anymore... Now, I just go too, even if my situation is lack of stability now.. and I often make a decision with hesitation. In the end, I just have to believe my way I select and I just go.

Hum... OK, I see... It's the road you select. I'm sure it's the best for you. Yes, we have many ways and possibilities to show oneself. We just wish your happiness.

* Retired Henin rules out comeback...
* Roland Garros 2008

252.In a pinch...

2008-05-25 14:47:58 | Topics
Oh,, These days, I don't have enough concentration to everything.. (Henin's shock?_laugh) This morning, I went swimming after a long time.. Then,,, it happened(laugh).

落ち着け。何か代わりに拭けるものは…? パパパパンツ?(笑)


【Let's translate it into English】
Phew,,, Long time no swimming... I should train for my weak phisical and mental energy.
Um..? What..? Eh??? I forgot my towel...??
OH, MY GOOOOOOOOOOOD! What should I do? I can't dry oneself off...(upset)
Just chill, me.. Do I have something to dry...? p,p,p,p,pants?(laugh)
No, too small,,, and I can't go back without pants.
I already payed the fee(500yen), I should swim..

Oh! This shirt! it's better than my pants.

I lost one clothe, but I got out of a pinch
But,,, in ordinary,,, this situation won't happen...
I want the mind to keep one's head in a pinch(laugh). I have to train my mind a little bit(laugh).
そういう問題?(笑) Is that the point?(laugh)

↑Actually, I want to write about this topic.. But I was tired already(laugh).. Sorry.
Great job, Bulgarian!

* 琴欧洲 First victory, Congratulations!

251.Friend-Ship Project

2008-05-24 18:22:55 | Topics
Do you know "Friend-Ship Project"? It's the joint informercial of "TV-Tokyo" and "Dentsu". I found it on TV about 2 months ago. I thought it was great CM which express well about the message to older couple and the advertisement of sponsors.
This YouTube is long version. On TV, the short version was broadcast. I'll show the lines of short version in Japanese and English.
夫 :行ってくるよ。
妻 :行ってらっしゃい。
夫 :そっけないなー。今日で定年だってのに。豆知識、今日から新聞が読みやすくなった。文字が大きくなったんだよ。だから、読んでみて。
妻 :何だったんだろ、私の人生。
夫 :読んだ?新聞。
妻 :あなたにはわからないだろうけど、主婦ってやらくちゃいけないことが色々あるのよ。あなたは定年とか言っていい感じなんだろうけど、私のこと考えたことあるの?
妻 :しげちん…?
妻 :一体どうしたの?
夫 :定年記念、田島夫婦、日本縦断の旅。
夫 :旅割りだから大丈夫。
妻 :えー?
夫 :これつけて
妻 :えー?
夫 :見ていいよ。
夫 :プラチナ。結婚の時は、ちょっと手が届かなかったな。豆知識、みーちゃんのおかげで、みーちゃんに送ることができたんだよな。

【Let's translate it into English】
May, 31th.
husband :I'm going now.
wife    :Be good...
husband :Humm.. dry response.. Today, my last work, you know. Oh,, Hey, it gets to be easy to read newspaper, because it get huge letters from today. So,,, read it please.
wife    :What was my life...?
husband :Can you read it, newspaper?
wife    :Maybe, you can't know about me,, but I have many things I have to do at home. You can have the last work today, so you might be great now.. Have you ever thought of me?
Newspaper :Dear "Mi-chan", I'll wait for you in Haneda at 7:00 tonight. "Shige-chin"
wife    :"Shige-chin"?
wife    :What's gotten into you?
husband :The memorial of retirement. it's the trip throughout Japan for us.
junior staff :How about "Tabi-wari", if you'll have a trip one month ahead.
husband :It's OK, because of "Tabi-wari"!
wife    :Ehhh?
husband :Please put on this.
wife    :Ehhh?
husband :OK, you can see it.
husband :Platinum. I couldn't buy it on our marriage. But now, thanks to you, I can give it for you..

A little ahead of love.
What do you think? Great, right? The message to older couple and the advertisement of Newspaper, Airplane and Jewelry. They are included well in this CM.

* Friend-Ship Project1
* Friend-Ship Project2

出演: 大和田伸也 、黒田福美

250.Just masterpiece!

2008-05-23 12:58:24 | Diary
These days, I'm busy a little bit... I get home at around 22:00. And After some stuff, I take one's mind off, it's already at 23:00... Umm... Luckily? Unluckily? I seem to be busy this year... Maybe, I should think it's good to have many tasks(laugh). Yes,, I should thank it.

I don't have enough time to do something, but last night, I read the comics of "NAUSICAA"(laugh). I brought back it by the previous topic(No.249). I bought them about 14-15 years ago... I was still a student. These comics are original, and the movie was made from them. The original comics are a little bit difficult. The message is so big. I couldn't understand it,, maybe now too(laugh). This photo is the last. Do you know it?

What kind of a person do you think of "NAUSICAA"? I don't know it well yet. But I stayed the words as follows in my head.

→You are the chaos of "destruction" and "clemency".

The "destruction" and "clemency" are conflicting things.. The "clemency" looks like good, but only "clemency" is not good. You need both and well-balanced. Everything in the world is conflicting... Humm... Like one's life has Ups and Downs...(laugh)
My opinion I had after reading this comic was.. "it's so difficult to put aside one's lust". She selected the "destruction" of all. If I were "NAUSICAA", I would not do it(laugh)... I can't put aside one's lust... So, I'm just another person(laugh)

→She put aside one's lust, and she destroyed all wisdom. In the end, the essence is... the "Living", right? Humm... My opinion is correct? it's just difficult. Surely, when you have one's lust, it might be difficult to find the essence(laugh). But I think we can do the best by one's lust.. What do you think?
Hey, Henin... I just wanted you to keep playing tennis. After leaving No.1, Which essence did you find? Oh-oh, this topic again?(laugh)

↑It's Laputa, Castle in the sky. I like the movie the best in "Miyazaki anime". The adventure has a dream. The boy grow up as a man, the girl grow up as a woman. Growing up as a person is beautiful. It makes me cheer up and I think feelingly "I had the time like that..."

* Laputa: Castle in the Sky
* Laputa: Castle in the Sky(English)