
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

1164.On what..?

2010-11-30 12:23:37 | Topics

I felt heavy on Monday, yesterday... And at the end of the month, we had to move many things to a new office, so, we got tired a lot... I worked more than usual for a move, I didn't sweat a lot for my body like this photo of Henin(^^;)...
I envy Deuce. Because she can take a rest on Henin...
Oh, Also mini-Deuce is sleeping on mini-Henin. I want to take a nap too.


1163.Japanese drama...

2010-11-29 12:27:20 | Topics

The NHK period drama "Ryoma-den" was finished. I watched it a little this year. The opening music was something new. It's called as "Neo classical". I didn't know that...

* NHK's period drama
* NHK's period drama(Wikipedia)
* The opening music

Ahaha, it was sold at a store. These days, I used some photos of Non-alcohol drinks... The explanation of 1865 was the following. Ryoma drank a beer two years before assassination...


Ryoma run a start-up business in Nagasaki, began a business relationship with Glover. He got a beer from Glover's friend, and drank it for the first time in 1865.

* Ryoma Sakamoto(Wikipedia)
But I prefer Kansuke Yamamoto in "Furinkazan". He is a very good actor☆

* Masaaki Uchino(Wikipedia)
I watched "Atsuhime" too. She was a brave woman☆. Hmm., I don't remember about last year(^^;)...

Oh, this photo of Henin with Japanese period drama would bring a feeling of strangeness?. Hmm., if Henin were it, she would wear a 12-layered ceremonial kimono and go fighting on horseback☆(delusion). Yes, like Jeanne d'Arc☆


1162.My delusions?

2010-11-28 09:19:29 | Topics

Now, "Women's drinking party" seems to be popular in Japan. I have not gone to such a drinking party yet(^^;)... So, today, I try to write about "Women's drinking party of WTA" with all suhu-san's delusion☆. Read it as humorous without thinking well, please☆

At first, they are fighting about who is the party organizer among the three. Very women's trouble☆. They are Kuzzie, Jankovic and Schiavone. Anybody of three players would be best as a party organizer. Hmm., besides, they are fighting about what food is best at that party., Russian food, Serbian food or Italian food...

Lady Dementieva mediated and gave a good advice to them "We enjoy many foods, very lucky, right?". Oh, it's very lady's comment☆. She is busy now, because she is learning about journalism and spending a good time with her boyfriend. But she would come to the party for her fellow. Oh., her mother would come too...
「コーチも連れてこい」と、さんざん言われているようです。。「女子会だろー?」by ベラ
"Bring your coach", she is said about him a lot... "Just a women's party, right?" by Vera

Madam-Maria who always has a little "different" atmosphere among Russian players☆. Oh, she is busy for a side business, so, she doesn't seem to be interested in it... Hmm, she would never go to such a party, it means she would never go where the media doesn't pay attention?(^^;)...

Wozniacki and Azarenka, they went somewhere to enjoy together in the off-season. All through the ages, young people would have "youthful abandon"☆. It would be too young to go to such a women's party...

Serena said "I won't go there" to her older sister. Venus seems to want to learn more about design.., but she had a opinion "It would be not good we two won't go there..", so, she would go to the party. She's just older sister☆

Sam said "Of course, I'll go", she gave willing consent to it. She seems to have male fans and female fans at equal rate. She would come there, wearing nice clothes and cute accessories, she would be a person who gives a sense of peace to everyone.

In the off-season, they also seems to be busy for a side business. "If my schedule permits, I'll go there". The way to turn down an invitation is kind. And If they really have enough time, they would go there.

The only Japanese tennis player who can play in the top level of the world. Date-san would go there with smile. She is the oldest player, but she would look like a younger player(^^;). And at that party, she would find the partner to practice together. That's her talent as a person. And.., she would eat a lot the most...

Oh, Kim would go there with Jada-chan. Hmm., it's women's party.., so, Jada-chan would be OK☆. Anyway, the main girl of this party would be Jada-chan...

Henin would be absent☆. I can't expect that Henin would go to such a women's party(^^;)... Oh., she seems to be integrity person, so, she said the reason of her absence. "This party would never become a experience of life and for my tennis. I need some time to spend with my family and friend in weekend". She seems to be a sober, thoughtful person☆

Everything is my delusion. Sorry about that. Just enjoy!


1161.Continue, OK?

2010-11-27 08:49:35 | Topics

This topic is continued from where I left off yesterday?... Henin reached the final for the first tournament since comeback. The opponent was Kim, it's all-Belgian final. That final match made us think that "WTA would become exciting this year" in early new year☆
エナンは、3-6, 6-4, 6-7(5-7)で負けちまい、、その後、今年は、キムさんに3連敗でした。。来年は、このリベンジも焦点に観戦したいと思います☆。因みに、エナン敗退で、私が悔しくて寝れなかったのは、この一戦でした。復帰後初トーナメントだったからか、、セレナに敗退やWB敗退よりも、久しぶりに悔しかったらしい。。

Henin lost to Kim at 3-6, 6-4, 6-7(5-7)... After that, Henin lost three times to Kim this year... Next year, I want to support Henin for this revenge too☆. This was the only match I couldn't sleep well because of a frustration for Henin's defeat. In my case, I seemed to have a sense of frustration more than lose to Serena or WB, because of her first tournament since comeback after a long absence...

It might be my minor point?.., I was glad to see Henin's win against Ana-san. Ana-san became one of my favorite players from a few years ago, but Henin is the best for me☆. I want to see Henin's win more and more against such a player☆
Oh, It's a impressive photo for me. Henin would usually watch the PC like this-?☆

This is the photo I took, when I was waiting for a tram for sightseeing in Brussels city. You can see the word "TOSHIBA" in the sign. Some personal computers made in Japan would be sold there. And you can see the triumphal arches of Belgium in the back. It's very great and big, there's museum☆. Oh, it would be another topic-☆.


1160.Capricious blog...

2010-11-26 12:22:26 | Topics

Now, WTA is in the off-season, so, very quiet. We have two more weeks until Henin's exhibition. OK, I kept writing this blog with the photo of Henin since Henin had the injury this July, so, two weeks would be short to me(crazy fan). I can't write a lot about tennis(^^;), but I try to write about my memory of Henin since her comeback. Oh., What a capricious blog this is(laugh)...

Looking back, in the early new year, she put a ring on her left fourth finger, so, I was surprised at it for the first time this year(^^;). In the later interview, she said "it's a present from my friend"... Hmm., friend♪~☆, OK, Henin☆. Her first tournament since comeback was at Brisbane. I couldn't give up going to Brisbane until the tournament began(crazy fan)... Oh, Henin-san, she was very popular☆

Her first match was against Petrova. Henin won at 7-5, 7-5. Petrova who played with Henin at the exhibition before Henin's comeback, she had the shocking 1st round against Henin in the new year. Henin played at this tournament with Wild-card, and of course, no-seeded☆. I was sorry for other players(^^;)...
Well, she had a pink wear early this year... After that, she became pink-pink Henin in almost season☆

I bring back my memory about exciting in new year, 2010. The exciting of Henin's tennis since her retirement. Do you remember that?☆. Henin would have never been in perfect condition because of her first tournament since comeback, but she kept winning. Yes, that's just Henin. Lick one's lips☆

The relationship with Carlos coach seemed to be built one they respected each other more than her previous career. Henin grew up as a person. Maybe, Carlos would be pleased at Henin's growth more than anyone, I guess☆. Well., I would keep this topic the next?(laugh)...


1159.What I can't see...

2010-11-25 12:16:35 | Topics

How much do I have what I don't know in this world. Some person, places, mind and thought. There would be many kinds from what you can see to what you can't see. One old philosopher said "the recognition of human ignorance". But in my case, I don't need to know other great player in addition to Henin☆(crazy fan)

It means, your interest for a true knowledge comes from the recognition of human ignorance

* Socrates(Wikipedia)

How much foods which I can't eat in my life do I have?... Setting aside the question of the taste, it would be sad not to know some foods... This is the photo of Cambodian food. It was 2.5$ in all. I didn't drink the coconut juice a lot... A little too fresh(^^;)...
The rice cracker with natto and cheese. I didn't know that. It's creamy natto taste...

Well, when you eat something you didn't know, if it's delicious, you get to want it more. Yes, in my case, I got to want to know more about Henin(crazy). Ahaha... Maybe., Henin would know that she would have more possibility she can't see now☆(crazy fan)


1158.The difference...

2010-11-24 12:20:20 | Topics

"The man who knows the difference" by Nescafe gold blend☆. OK then, What's the difference?(^^;)... There are many kind of differences, I think. Oh, Henin seems like "The woman who knows the difference"☆(crazy fan)

* Can you find a difference?

Hmm., today's topic would be about feeling down a little?(^^;). When I know the difference, sometimes I'm "feeling down"., it's uncomfortable. It might be the feeling everyone feels. Or, you don't notice it., or, you try not to notice it... The black toy poodle Deuce has a long hair☆

The other black toy poodle has a short hair☆. They are different☆. Both dogs are very cute. Yes, we might be able to say the difference is "characteristic". If you like a long hair, it's Deuce. If you like a short hair, it's the other. That's all... Ahaha.

Something to drink, with alcohol or non-alcohol. They are different☆. Yes, the difference(characteristic) is "non"-alcohol.., but it means., this is just a juice(^^;)... OK, in this case, you try not to notice that(laugh)

If you know the "difference(characteristic)", it's important how you accept it, how you try not to notice it and how you deal with it, I think. "Knowing the difference" would be difficult to understand. Maybe, Henin would deal with the "difference(characteristic)" between herself and other players, I think☆(crazy fan)



2010-11-23 07:45:35 | Topics

Grand-Place in Belgium☆. Very good. If you can watch Henin's tennis at such a place, you would feel "Very Belgium". Ahaha, in my case as a crazy fan of Henin, it's just OK if I can watch Henin☆

* Grand-Place(Wikipedia)

This is the photo of the alley around Grand-Place. There were some modern buildings in the city, but such a alley was very impressive for me. Maybe, it would be repaired for sightseeing, but it was good☆

Nagoya Castle in Japan☆. Very good. You can never watch Henin's tennis at such a place, but you would feel "Very Japan". Ahaha, it might be better to write about Date-san and Kyoto, huh...? Because she is from Kyoto.

* Nagoya Castle(Wikipedia)
* Kimiko Date Krumm(Wikipedia)

I went there last weekend. This is the photo I took at the top of Nagoya Castle. The tree's leaves in the park changed color, it was very impressive for me. But you can see some modern buildings ahead... I had a uncanny feeling. The warlords really were here a long time ago??
Yes, they are here even now. The warlords who can sing and dance☆
Yes, Belgium also has it. The warlord of tennis player who can sing and dance☆



2010-11-22 21:07:26 | Topics

Date-san got a bronze medal at the Asian Games in Guangzhou. I couldn't support her a lot this time, it was said she played in hard schedule. Thank you for your tennis in such a situation☆. Anyway, she got a medal for the first time in 16 years, Congratulations☆. I'm touched by her force and guts☆

* Bronze medal for Date-san

Speaking of a medal, it's just the World games Olympics. At 2008 Beijing Olympics, Dementieva got the gold medal. Hmm., Deme-san... She announced her retirement at the end of this season... I wanted to watch her GS title, but I think the gold medal was great memory for her!. Well., even Lady-Dementieva bites it(^^;)...

At 2004 Athens Olympics, Henin got the gold medal. Oh, younger player☆. I want Henin to play at 2012 London Olympics. Of course, I want her to get the WB title before Olympics☆. Go for it, Henin!. We'll support you☆
