
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2008-08-31 08:28:34 | Tennis

Last year, in 4th R at US Opaen, Henin beat Safina. At that time, her dash was so aggressive♪ This mind for one point is so great☆ Fleet-footed!
【After match】
In the first three matches I was playing well but I didn't know really where I was and how my level was, and today against a better player I knew that I had to be very, very aggressive on every point. So I was feeling good.


* US Open September 2, 2007 Justine Henin Interview
Humm... I have mixed feelings..., but Go for it!

Mauresmo won against Coin who beat Ivanovic in 2R. Hum, This might be normally going.. Hey, Mauresmo-nesan, you can't lose to younger player in France, right?(laugh)
They grew up in the same region in France and honed their skills in the same club but Amelie Mauresmo had never seen Julie Coin play until two days ago.


* Open-Mauresmo tosses Coin out in third round
Henin, Go to your second career!

362.Come to eat sushi...?

2008-08-30 20:51:38 | Tennis

Ahhhhh--? Upset--?? Kuz-chan? Oh well.., Recently she is not in good condition.. Despite it's just now to do her best.. OK, Come to Japan(Toray) early to eat sushi...? Welcome to Japan♪

* 2004 champion Kuznetsova upset in Open’s 3rd round
* Toray PPO Tennis 2008

That is to say..?? Come on, Dementieva! Just now, go for it! But I.., didn't check top-half(laugh).. Over there, Williams sisters or Safina?? Humm..., Come on, Dementieva!
I was supporting Jie-san a little bit. It was good fight against Janko-san(5-7,5-7). Thank you and take a rest!
Oh, Safin has lost.. Hum? The good looking guy is butch haircut?

* ちょっとケインだからー…【YouTube】

361.Can you go...?

2008-08-30 07:55:37 | Tennis
Oh-oh..,Ana-san, What happened?? Not good condition a little bit.. OK?

* Top-seeded Ivanovic loses in huge upset at US Open

Actually, I watched Ana-san in Berlin in this May. If you are a good guesser, you might know what kind of person she is, without watching her. As a Henin's fan.., I can't support her(laugh). Of course yes, she is so beautiful. And I was a foreigner in Berlin, but It seemed she received a good surrounding from her trainers, and she enjoyed training. The idol at training too?(laugh). And many gallery was coming.

Henin is on the half court. Of course, gallery were there(laugh). She focused on her training same as I watched her in USA. "exciting scream" and "enjoyable scream" like Ana-san were not there. There's just no way(laugh). Hey guys, why can't you find worth watching Henin's training? I wondered why they don't.(fan's talk)

That means Henin is the big enough person to be the Queen. Maybe, Being the Queen needs strong mental ability, strong mind and seriousness. She never changed even in any situation. She changes by the situation like that?? No, there's just no way to her. Ana-san has won at this RG. If she is in good condition and she has motivation, she'll come. But maybe, she has to go by herself, and she can go. Humm.. I also want the unswerving mind like Henin...


2008-08-29 12:56:24 | Editor's note

2007.8.29. I watched Henin for the first time. At that time, in USA, I never thought it would end up like today.., it means that Henin would retire after one year.. Maybe, Henin too..?

Anyway, Her hair was impressive to me(laugh), so I often wrote about it on my blog. It was more shining hair in summer sunshine. At the practice court, when I watched her one-handed backhand for the first time, I felt it's faster swing than I expected. After training, I watched Henin and her coach Carlos shook each other's hands, I thought "They really always do it", and I was impressed with their coach-athlete relationship.

It's Henin's words(this photo) I want to leave behind on my clip. But it didn't fit the image of my clip, so I abandoned it. It was her interview on 2007.8.29. When I went back to Japan, I read it and felt something. After her retirement, I selfishly had a delusion about her(laugh), I have forgotten what Henin has said. Of course, you'll change your mind and thought case by case everyday.., but Henin have said the following words one year ago, absolutely...

* Trip_US open, NY city, Niagara Falls 【My YouTube】
【Q. Is the tennis court your sanctuary?】
It's the place where I feel great. I was probably born to do that. Tennis, I've learned a lot of things with my career about me, what I want, the person I want to become. It really helped me to grow up very quickly, too, because I gave 200% all the time for that. It's 20 years I played tennis. A lot of sacrifices. But the best thing is just the emotions that it gave me and the emotions I could give to people I love and to my fans. Very, very emotional, yeah. Very lucky to do that.


* US Open August 29, 2007 Justine Henin Interview

At her peak and at her retirement, she said almost the same thing(tears), and maybe she says it now too..? It's great to have coherence. She always gave us what she thought at that time.. Humm.. It was just my special day. Now after one year, I accept her words at that time again. And maybe, every your fans think you were born to play tennis, I think♪
Thank you, Justine☆
Sorry about my fan's talk...

359.Why, same block?

2008-08-28 12:58:13 | Tennis
Kuznetsova, OK, She won! Keep this mind--.

Dementieva won too! Oh-oh.., Why are you the same block as Kuznetsova? I want you to clash with Kuz-chan in the final like in 2004.. This time.., it'll be Quarter. Kuznetsova is the champion in 2004.
Mauresmo, Go for it! Cool, one-handed backhand!
Hello? Janko-san(laugh)? Maybe, she's a good person too, I think.. The queen of performance(laugh)?

For Henin, the performance was "fighting tactics"(laugh)? I felt the "aura of queen" to all her performance-. Yes, Henin is the BEST forever! (Sorry about my fan's talk)

358.Devil become angel.

2008-08-28 12:38:01 | Topics

Thalidomide got approval. I should record it on my blog as a business field.. The devil medicine will become the angel medicine. This one is known as the drug-induced suffering of teratogenic agent. It was made as a sleeping medicine in West Germany. It's said it was made accidentally. Under development as a antiepilepsy drug, this one made all lab rats sleep...


After suspended sales by teratogenesis, this one showed the effect for Hansen's disease, cancer and AIDS. It means this one has a therapeutic role in these intractable disease. But in Japan, if you want it, you have to do "import by an individual" at one's own expense. And this time, we can receive health insurance. .."The sleeping medicine with teratogenesis" will become "The medicine for multiple myeloma".. Actually, The action mechanism of Thalidomide is not made known completely.. It's scary a little bit, but it's OK, if it has effective side. (There's no meaning on this photo, it's just Germany)

The proper usage will be needed to us. Never occur it again..

* Thalidomide is approved the Ministry of Health
* Thalidomide (Wikipedia)

357.For survival...

2008-08-27 12:56:06 | Topics
ちょうど1年前、US Openを見にアメリカへ行きました。初めてのアメリカでした。ニューヨークには、3空港(ケネディー空港、ラガーディア空港、ニューアーク空港)あるのを、飛行機の中で知ったツワモノの私。「ニューアーク」を「ニューヨーク」だと思ってて、よく知られている「ケネディー空港」を日本で調べていました。あほー。疑問に思え!。お空で、そりゃもぅ真っ青でしたよ(笑)

Just one year ago, I went to USA to watch the US Open. It was my first visit. In New York, there are three big airports(JFK, LaGuardia, Newark). But I found that on airplane.. I was thinking "Newark" is "New York". It was my mistake. so I was checking the well-known airport "JFK" in Japan. I'm dumb.. I should get suspicious about it.. I got panicky in the sky(laugh)
私が一人旅する時は、いつも貧乏旅行(笑)。食べ物はスーパーで購入(飲食店入ろうよ…)。水とパン(涙)。人間、2~3日ならこれで生きれますの。サバイバル。。でも、さすがに炎天下のUS Openはキツくて…エナンを見る前に弱ってました。。

Whenever I go abroad alone, I travel penniless(laugh). I always buy some food in a supermarket(Hey, me.., Try a restaurant..). Just some water and bread(tears). A human can survive by it for a few days. That's the survival... But when I was at US Open under the scorching sun, it was too hard, so, I got weak before I watched Henin's match..

And I needed the internet. I went to Apple Corps to use the internet on the sample computers(It's free♪). I went there everyday during my stay. I'm a petty person.. But I needed to confirm US Open tomorrow' schedule on the internet to purchase the "today's ticket".. When you have to deal with it, you can deal with it(laugh). I survived with my limit during my stay. Ahaha, now too♪

Last year, I got weak when I watched Henin's match, because Safin's match was really close. This time.., OK! The good-looking guy got the win in 1R!

* Safin and Safina, siblings starring at Open
* Staff~【YouTube】


2008-08-26 21:26:20 | Tennis
Kuznetsova, Go-!
Dementieva, pretty uniform-.
Shout and muscle of the new king♪
The Hope of Japan!

355.Thanks, Beijing.

2008-08-26 13:27:20 | Topics

The Beijing Olympics ended on August 24th. Humm... I heard many comments about Beijing, "overdone opening ceremony" and "business conditions". But personally speaking, I honestly felt that it's "Big scale" and "Great power". Mumm.. yes of course, you know.., everything has "light and shadow".. Anyway, Thank you, Beijing☆ By the way, What's the following topic?? It's well-known?

■Olympic tennis park:Beijing will be the one of four Grand Slam after 2009.
* How to use after Olympics

What does it mean? China Open?
* China Open 2008

Hey, Japan media..., Please broadcast the tennis match more and more! Boo! And the number of medals doesn't matter, right? Everyone, welldone. Thank you! Humm.., but I wanted to watch the marathon runner Noguchi-san who withdrew from Olympics.. Oh, I was touched by the win in softball, so I post this photo.
Beijing 25:Gold 9 、Silver 6、Bronze 10
Athens 37:Gold 16、Silver 9、Bronze 12

* Beijing Olympics ended

Eh? Bite? Humm... it catches on with them? Long time ago, Japanese judo player, Nomura-san has bitten Gold medal.. The first Gold medalist in Belgium in women's track and field, Hellebaut-san. She studies specially chemistry as a student now and she can speak 3 languages. Wow..

* The first Gold medalist in Belgium in women's track and field, Hellebaut-san
* Tia Hellebaut (Wikipedia)

Hellebaut-san and Henin-san. They are a gold medalist. They are just heroine. Oh-oh, This photo,, actually, Henin is shorter than it..(Hellebaut-san 1.82, Henin-san 1.67) If I edit it truly, it'll be the only Henin's cap..(laugh) Hey, Henin, you want height like this?(laugh) I like a little queen like you♪
It's said Henin is shorter as a player, but she is taller than me(1.60).

354.Good friend?

2008-08-25 12:59:45 | Topics
8/24、北京オリンピックが終わりました。もうUS Openが来ていますね。んー。やっぱりまだ複雑?。こら、くーずぅー。頑張っておくれよーそろそろ。前回のNo.350のインタビューで以下ありました。二人共、仲良しさんかな。

The Beijing Olympics ended on August 24th. US Open is coming now. Hum.. I'm still with mixed feelings?. Hey Kuznetsova, Come on, Go for it! The previous topic(No.350), I found the following comments of Henin. They are good friend, right?

【Q. A question about Svetlana】
We have a good relationship, very good relationship. Probably really one of the only players I have good -- I mean, that I have contacts with in the locker room. She's very honest, you know. She remain very simple. She's just herself. Always smiling, always very open. She's nice with everyone. She's so funny. So, no, we having a good time together.
As soon as we are on the court, we have a lot of respect. We want to win, for sure. But Sveta and I, we really have a great relationship and a lot of respect. She's a very good tennis player, for sure, but a great person too, I think.


* January 18, 2008 Justine Henin Interview at AUSTRALIAN OPEN

Henin has called Kuznetsova "Sveta". Yes, I can expect it as the nickname of Svetlana. Humm.., maybe, Henin could read Kuz-chan's mind and tactics(laugh). Kuznetsova couldn't win against Henin so much. Ahaha.. I think Henin is hard-bitten player and so complicated. Maybe, Kuznetsova like straightforward person couldn't read Henin's mind(laugh). I'm older than Henin, but I get nervous because it looks like she can read my mind, I guess. I'll lose before the match(laugh).

Maybe, Kuznetsova is a good person, right? She doesn't think something too much? Probably I think, Henin thinks something too much. Because she always made sooooooo big decisions(laugh). Well, it sounds like Henin prefers Kuznetsova. Because Kuz-chan is opposite in temperament of Henin?(laugh)
Go for it, post-Henin-Sveta!