
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2008-11-30 07:45:00 | Topics

I went to English school once a week. Every time, I have a different teacher check my blog. I still remember about what one teacher taught me. He said German and Japanese are similar in the character. Heh.., I have heard about that., but I didn't expect non-Japanese thought so too. Oh, this photo is October festival in Germany(Munich). It's held from mid-September to early October(Wikipedia).

* Oktoberfest(Wikipedia)

Ahaha., so, what we have done on history is similar?(laugh). Well, I have heard German is very reasonable language. Oh, really? I don't know German at all., but I have heard they can speak it by reasonable dropped sentence. Humm., I like to hear the pronunciation in French♪. ....Hello, me?, it's because Henin speaks in French, huh? Sorry(laugh).

Yes, you know, Steffi Graf is German. Hi, Graf-san, What do you think about it? We're similar? The word which express the character is "Reserved". It means constraint, humble and calm.. In other words, "not reveal oneself easily in public". Ah, Good smile, everyone-! This photo was the event Date-san thought she tried to come back.

* Steffi Graf(Wikipedia)

Yes., We have the imagination German is "earnest and square", huh? Only me(laugh)? And they seem to be clever. Almost people speak English to us. Danke schön(Thank you very much). Yes., I have a favorable image. Oh, And I like Belgian too♪

Hi., you two., Would you like Japan, together?(laugh). Ahaha, OK, let me start my delusion! Graf-san would say, "Hi, Justine, Japan is., not bad. How about it?" and Henin-san would say, "Oh., I'm sorry, I have never been there to play tennis-". Humm.., Come on, Henin!(laugh)


2008-11-29 08:39:03 | Topics

Berlin trip. I went there to watch Henin, and actually, I wanted to go to Potsdam.. Yes.., the place where Potsdam Conference was held.. Maybe, Japanese might have looked at this building in history textbook, have you..? Wow.., it's the real one...

* Potsdam(Wikipedia)
* Potsdam Conference(Wikipedia)

Potsdam Conference. "Big three", the leaders in USA, England and Soviet talked about healing the wounds of war in Germany and ending of war for Japan. And Potsdam Declaration. It was announced the end of World War II for Empire of Japan under Potsdam Agreementin 1945(Wikipedia). Accepting the Potsdam Declaration means Japan's defeat in WWII.. The unconditional surrender.., it means complete defeat. Germany and Japan.., have changed from here...

* The Potsdam Declaration(Wikipedia)

Japan accepted the Potsdam Declaration after this tragedy(atomic bombing).. What a terrible end of war... I don't want to say a bad thing about my country.., but I think.., we might have been able to avert this tragedy... Defeated country, Japan... But now, we came back here.. we have to thank forerunners about only it. I don't know a lot about history., so let me end this topic around here.
When you change yourself., it's shocking and hard... The courage you accept defeat., you need it.

I want to change myself, but I can't do it easily.. If I can have the courage I accept something.., I can change my something..? I keep thinking about it and me together.., because I have a weak mental condition now(laugh).. She accepted everything., so she could restart at RG., maybe. Humm..., Changing is hard, huh?

453.Out of choices..

2008-11-28 12:51:09 | Editor's note

It's about time I have to write about Editor's note of my YouTube.., before I'll set some clips to "private" again... This editor's note is my "record", so it's the self-satisfaction in my universe(laugh)☆. Sorry about that(laugh).
2007 US Open。もう1年以上前になります。。ブログには、動画に使わなかった写真達や動画を記録しておきましょう。この写真は、US Openの会場の外です。この動画は、2007年10月25日~2008年1月6日まで公開、2008年5月14日(引退時)に再公開しました。

2007 US Open. It has passed more than one year since that.. In this blog, I'll take the photos and movies which I didn't take in my clip. This photo was outside of US Open. This clip was published from October 25th, 2007 to January 6th, 2008. And it was published again on May 14th, 2008. it was.., Henin's retirement day..
On August 29th, 2007. Luckily, I could watch her training before match. I like the miss shot photo☆

Expressing something is difficult., right? I sometimes think "I'll take the photo like this for my clip, if it's right now". Yes., if you get a new artifice or you have a change of mind, maybe., you'll take the different source. And your work will be change, right? I think, sports is "expression of mind". We often heard any players say "the player with the stronger mind for victory will win" in an interview.

Henin., I'm so sorry I always make some clips without apology.. And my time I gave her became "valuable thing". I don't know how to thank her(tears)... Merci beaucoup☆

* My YouTube Channel

452.Full up...

2008-11-27 12:33:56 | Topics

Humm.., these days, my mental condition seems to be weak because of fill it up with many things.., so I chose this photo(laugh). Mumm., but this.., maybe, he(water buffalo) must relax and get satisfactory.., huh? Oh-oh., I chose a wrong photo..?(laugh)

OK, next one.., these days, I'm always thinking a lot about many things., but I can't do them completely.., so I chose this photo(laugh). Mumm., anyway., How long will this(Sagrada Familia) take to accomplish..? Hey.., me.., Is there the photo which has more feeling of accomplishment?(laugh)

Yes, I got it♪. A sense of accomplishment in this photo☆ Date-san won in singles and doubles match in Aich. O-K-, Go for Australian Open☆

* Date-san won in Aich!①
* Date-san won in Aich!②

Hi., Do you study hard?(laugh) Hum., It's also a good accomplishment to get a good score on an exam., it's different from sports☆ Maybe, she'll experience many things☆. I envy her-. Well.., Where's my accomplishment??(bitter laugh)


2008-11-26 12:56:57 | Topics

Previous topic(No.450), Ashton Kutcher's wife, Demi Moore. I remembered the movie "Ghost". Do you know that-? When I was a student, I watched this movie. And., I dreamed of being this very shortcut hair, so I had cut my hair a lot(laugh). Humm.., but., this hair style suits well for Demi Moore., It means.., I should never have the hair style.... Leave me alone!

* Ghost【Movie】(Wikipedia)

She had gotten married to Bruce Willis at this time., she already had her child, I remember(maybe). This is a smash hit movie for her, right? I was impressed with the scene of "1¢", it's the scene she noticed the presence of his ghost.

* The Righteous Brothers「Unchained Melody」主題歌【NicoNicoDoga】←Maybe, you need to login.
* Demi Moore(Wikipedia)
* Patrick Swayze(Wikipedia)

After a big hit movie, What kind of change was her character of movie..? What do you think of it? When her movie "G.I. Jane" released, I thought "Eh? she switched to that character?".. and I didn't watch it... I like a strong person.., but., How about it... Humm., I'm sorry., I didn't dream of being this very shortcut hair at that time(laugh).. Ahaha...

* G.I. Jane【Movie】(Wikipedia)
「ゴースト」を元に作った日本のドラマが、「君のためにできること」だった気がします。主演は、栄ちゃん♪。キターーー(゜∀゜)。私の青春時代☆。主題歌は、小野正利の「You're the Only…」。ご存じですか??(笑)。確か、このドラマのラスト、、私の記憶では、栄ちゃんが空へ消えていくのですが、、どう見ても吊るされていた気が…(笑)。もう一度、そこ見てみたい(笑)。。あー、懐かすぃ。

Maybe., I remember., The Japanese drama "What I can do for you" was made from "Ghost". The main actor was Ei-chan♪ Yeeee-s(゜∀゜). My younger days☆. The theme song was "You're the Only..." by Masatoshi Ono. Do you know him??(laugh). As far as I remember., in the final scene, Ei-chan vanishes into the sky from her., I thought it looked like he was hooked...(laugh) I want to watch that scene, once again(laugh). Ah, my memories-.

* 君のためにできること_What I can do for you【Drama】(Wikipedia)


2008-11-25 12:45:38 | Topics

Butterfly Effect:"In chaos, the small variations in initial conditions vary considerably with time, in the end, it makes a big difference(Wikipedia)"... What does it mean?(laugh). The movie, "The Butterfly Effect" in 2005 depicted that, it's Ashton Kutcher who is Demi Moore's husband was main actor. I watched this movie, while I was thinking "What kind of ending is it?" with pounding hearts. Humm., the point of the movie is.., changing the future., it's popular one.. It's a ultimate love story, I think.

* The Butterfly Effect(Wikipedia)
* Ashton Kutcher(Wikipedia)

"If a butterfly flies in Beijing, a storm will come in New York" it's the expression of Butterfly Effect. That means we can't predict the future correctly, as long as even combination of small factors make a big effect for the future(Wikipedia).

* The Butterfly Effect【Movie】(Wikipedia)

Eh? What? So then., "If I play tennis again in Japan, the former queen in Belgium plays tennis again" we can express it like that?(laugh) Ahaha., That's just joke, Sorry... Well., Okay, Conversely speaking, a small thing makes your future change to any future.., right? Yes., after you do a little something, you experienced the result becomes a big difference one.., right? It's the "turning point", isn't it?

Humm, you can't know it at that time. Maybe, you'll think it might have been "it" later. Also this movie, he selected the proper way after experiencing many cases in the future... Oh-oh., spoiler warning?., Sorry.. So, hopefully.., I want to find the "turning point" timely(laugh). Where's the next her turning point-? And where's my turning point..?(bitter laugh)

449.Just looking....

2008-11-24 09:51:50 | Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam Trip

I always write something with wild ass guess on this blog. I reread some my topics of a few days., I seem to have a weak mentality now(laugh)... Humm., The delusions of Henin aside(laugh).. O-K-, I'll write about my trip for a change. This September, I went to Paris and "Roland Garros without players"...

In late September, Autumn has come in Paris. OK, if you'll round the corner, you can go to RG museum. I walked a little more to watch Roland Garros. I worried about if I had a right way for RG... Nobody is there because of off-season(laugh), so I couldn't ask the way for RG. I'm a strange Japanese, huh? I should go to the Louvre Museum as a typical tourist.., because it's just Paris(laugh). No, No, No.., For me, It's Henin rather than Leonardo da Vinci☆

But actually, I couldn't go into RG. I told the gate keeper "Can I see it., OK? Just looking!", but he told me just., "Non"(tears).. And he said something to me in French.. Oh., No.. I can't understand French at all(cry). Hey., I never steal the red clay., so let me just look it, please(laugh) Humm., I was wrong.., because I came there in off-season. OK, I accepted it., I gave up.. I'll write about RG museum later.
Humm.., Maybe(laugh), Red clay like this. Suit well for her, The queen of Clay♪
Change the angle. I think it's more beautiful tennis than others, because I'm a fan(laugh)♪
Once again., we want to watch her smile(tears). She became a historical player☆


2008-11-23 11:14:26 | Topics

This is Macau. It was given back to China from Portugal in 1999. Ruins of St. Paul's Cathedral(this photo) was named to the UNESCO list of world heritage in 2005. It takes one hour by ship from Hong Kong. Humm.., Europe in Asia..? It was a wondering view...

* 澳門_Macau(Wikipedia)

Actually, when you look at it from the side, it's thin!. It's superficial like me(laugh). I used these photos to say that(laugh). Humm.., after graduation, I worked for some years.., but I think it seems kind of shallow, I got sad suddenly...(bitter laugh)

* 聖保祿大教堂_Ruínas de São Paulo(Wikipedia)

When you know the "depth(truth)" of something, do you have., you confuse "I just thought I could find it until now?"..? Humm., It might be the matter whether you have confidence about that, or not.. Yes., I'm in loss of self-confidence., so I might think so(laugh). Oh, tennis is "deep" sports, right?

On TV program, Date-san said "You need the power to pull up your luck".. When I heard about it, I thought "It's non-scientific..". But now.., I think it might be right. The luck is needed for everything, not only tennis.. Humm., I don't mean I blame my situation on "luck"(laugh), ...but I can't say it completely, huh?(laugh)
"Luck" or "Ability"., you don't know about that... It's also OK, Henin's Wimbledon...

447.Erin..? Henin..?

2008-11-22 10:39:14 | Topics

My favorite movie, Erin Brockovich. It was employment ice age. I was seeking my job everyday, and I failed them everyday... I always felt their dismissive feeling to me, I was not needed, I was having tears a lot.., everyday. I just had to go forward with loss of self-confidence... This is the movie I watched at the time like that.

* Erin Brockovich_movie(Wikipedia)

Julia Roberts won an Academy Award for Best Actress by this movie. Movie director was Steven Soderbergh. The Academy Award movies might not be accepted a lot by the masses(bitter laugh)., This movie might be like that.. I don't know so much about a movie, so don't mind about my opinion, please. It's just my memorable movie., and I like this edit by Soderbergh, so-so.

* Julia Roberts(Wikipedia)
* Steven Soderbergh(Wikipedia)

I'm a weak person, so I aspire to a strong person. Because I want to be a strong person like that.. And I don't have talent and good brain., I just have to take a big effort... That's why I can find "A strong and nice person".., let me just say it as a ordinary weak person, please(bitter laugh)... Oh, This is Erin.

* Erin Brockovich(Wikipedia)

"Strength" might be acquired after birth. I'd rather work so hard than I have "that dismissive feeling I experienced".. Because the experience was so so so hard for me.. Oh., I got the strength a little bit?(laugh). I might have had a "good tears"(bitter laugh)... Hum..? Hello? change the photo to Henin's-?(laugh). Erin., No., Henin's strength., I feel interested in it☆

Even if it was "tennis"? to express her own mind, it's not everyone can do. 7GS titles.. Personally speaking., I like her title like this photo. After she experienced many things., she got a hat trick at RG. So great☆. And she dedicated it to family. So cool☆. Oh-oh.., I'm so sorry about my fan's talk..


2008-11-21 12:39:51 | Topics

I'll write about gossip. Our prince was getting our princess♪ She is Ai Fukuhara who is table-tennis player. It's a big couple☆. "tennis" and "table-tennis". It has a connections as "tennis"(laugh)♪, right?. They're perfect for each other, we wish their happiness☆

* Big couple!

Our prince is English speaker, our princess is Chinese speaker. Wow, international☆. It seems princess-Ai-chan has so many Chinese fans. We are glad to hear that-. Everyone, Let's wish their happiness together.

* From China!

OK then, Now is as good time as any., I'll write about this photo, it's in the magazine I bought in Belgium on my trip. Wow., She is Nadal-kun's girlfriend? Xisca-san? Here is his home, Majorca? Oh No.., I found this gossip.., but I don't know French at all... Humm., anyway., they are so sexy-(laguh)..

This is the book cover. When I went to Brussels in this September, I bought it. There're the topics of Henin and Clijsters. I'll write about it on this blog later. I stayed there three days and two nights, it was short trip.., but I was spending much time to look for the book about Henin at any book stores(laugh). In the end, I could get it, two books! It was just Belgium. Bu-t, I can't read it at all...
あ、話が変わってしまい、失礼しました(笑)。では、ベルギーネタで〆ます☆。ミニストップのベルギーシリ~ズ(笑)。へぇー、ベルギーのマッシュポテトって有名?なんですか。。I didn't know that...

Oh., I have changed the subject., Sorry(laugh). OK well, I'll end up this topic as a Belgium topic☆ It's the series of Belgium food at Ministop(laugh). Heh., The mashed potatoes of Belgium is famous..?, isn't it? I didn't know that...